Daisuke Honda
Nascimento : 1978-08-29, Tokyo, Japan
Hayashi Hidesada
Oda Nobunaga (Takuya Kimura) and Nohime (Haruka Ayase) were originally married to mend a hostile relationship between neighbouring regions. Unfortunately, they were like oil and water, making for a somewhat unhappy marriage. When Oda’s enemy, Imagawa Yoshimoto, attacks Owari with his vast army, Oda is devastated by the overwhelming gap in military strength. However, Nohime encourages him not to despair and the pair draw up a tactical plan that will allow them to overcome the odds.
Um jovem boxeador e uma garota de programa são apanhados em um esquema de tráfico de drogas ao longo de uma noite em Tóquio.
An elderly woman sets out to see in person a painting by a famous artist.She believes she was the inspiration for the painting.
A família de mafiosos Sanno se transformou numa enorme organização, expandiu seu poder para a política e legitimou seus negócios. Os escalões superiores da Sanno agora são dominados por jovens executivos, e os membros da velha-guarda estão ressentidos por terem sido empurrados para a margem. Enquanto isso, o detetive Kataoka prepara junto à polícia uma repressão em larga escala. Cheio de truques sujos, ele investiga conflitos entre os Sanno e seus aliados de longa data, Os Hanabishi, na esperança que eles, por fim, destruam uns aos outros. É impossível saber quem vencerá essa luta feroz pelo poder.
Kenshin Himura ficou conhecido como um dos melhores assassinos do país. Porém, cansado de tanta matança, ele abandona sua espada durante uma batalha e jura que não matará mais ninguém. Sua arma é recolhida por um dos derrotados e, passado algum tempo, uma série de assassinatos relacionados ao tráfico de ópio começam a acontecer. Himura passa a ser falsamente acusado de assassinato e sua promessa de nunca mais tirar uma vida é testada.
Fumio Yano
Dr Toma, a skilled surgeon, starts work at a regional hospital in Japan. After performing an operation to remove a patient’s liver cancer, something that normally would not be done at this hospital, he quickly gains a very good reputation amongst the town’s people. Some of his colleagues become so jealous they are resentful and waiting patiently for the perfect opportunity to crucify him. Soon they get their chance as Dr Toma considers performing a controversial operation…
Mitsuaki Kiuchi
In 1907, a group of men climb an unconquered peak in the last unmapped region of Japan.
"Tokyo Rhapsody" consists of 11 short films all centered around the music genre known as "Kayokyoku". Kayokyoku is a catch-all term to describe the music that defined two generations of post-war Japan. Although the term survives, it has a strong connotation with a simpler, pre-"Economic Bubble" era when Japanese people shared a common identity in the reconstruction of their nation.
Sakiko, works independently at a travel agent in Tokyo. She was raised by her mother, Tatsuko, is hospitalized, Sakiko returns to her hometown Tokushima on Shikoku. The town is famous for its annual Awa Dance Festival. She is told by doctor, Terasawa Daisuke, that her mother has terminal cancer.
A young man is falsely accused of molesting a high-school girl on a train. He is arrested and charged, and goes through endless court sessions, all the while insisting that he is innocent.
O governador de Tóquio foi morto durante sua campanha para reeleição. O ex-agente da CIA Travis Hunter trabalha em conjunto com o agente novato no FBI Sean Mack para encontrar os responsáveis pelo crime. Travis foi criado no Japão, é um grande conhecedor do submundo das ruas e domina artes marciais. Durante as investigações, a dupla descobre que uma guerra de poder dentro da Yakuza pode estar relacionada ao assassinato do político.
A young woman named Kazue runs over a naked girl on a mountain road. When she stops to help, the girl runs off into an old abandoned house in the middle of the woods.
8-year old boy, Shimpei, who loves fishing and painting, lives with his beautiful mother, surrounded by nature. His mother, Satsuki, has a weak constitution and lost her husband years ago. She takes care of her son lovingly but sometimes strictly, on her own. Shimpei's childhood sweetheart, Sayuri, is deaf, but somehow they can understand each other and they always spend time together.
Detective Igarashi
No Japão, dois fantasmas vingativos atormentam e matam qualquer um que entre na casa onde eles morreram: Kakayo, uma mulher assassinada pelo marido, e seu filho pequeno, Toshio.
Oshikiri is a loner who has bad memories of his childhood and his grandfather, a brilliant scientist. He returns to his grandfather's mansion to try to remember what really happened to him. He finds a portal to a parallel universe, which his grandfather had originally discovered. From this portal comes his doppelganger dressed in a cloak and gas mask, who kills his fellow students with an ancient axe.
Etsuko - a typical Japanese high school student, who's unlucky in love, an academic failure, and plain bored with life. That's until one day, the view of a boat gliding gracefully in the sea inspires her to take up the oar. Since she's rejected by her school's all-male rowing team, she decides to form her own all-women team. Nothing will ever be the same again.