Viviane de Muynck


Save Sandra
Sandra is a sick kid, her parents are looking for the expensive medicine.
Ein Sommer in Antwerpen
Carolinas, summer in Antwerp will be different from what she thought. She actually wants to found a new fashion label with Johann in Hamburg. But Mathis turns her life upside down.
Não Atire
De uma só vez, david van de steen, de nove anos, perdeu a mãe, o pai e a irmão em um ataque violento em aalst, assassinados enquanto faziam compras, por uma notória gangue de psicopatas. Seu avô, albert, tem a quase impossível tarefa de dar a david uma nova perspectiva de vida, de futuro. Para ajudar a curar não só as feridas físicas quanto as emocionais do garoto, albert e sua esposa, metje, o cercam de carinho e buscam as respostas para diminuir a tristeza do neto.
Vele hemels boven de zevende
Five people fight themselves more than each other, in this existence that's so beautiful and incredibly hard at the same time.
Moeder Josée, heden
Well-known novelist and literary monument, 55-year-old Jan Meerman's successful life is thrown upside down when his 85-year-old mother, Josée Verbeke, unexpectedly has a severe stroke. Jan no longer recognizes his once lively mother as her verbal witticisms have been replaced by pitiful cries and gibberish. In these difficult times Jan faces the upcoming deadline of his new novel. The confrontation he has to engage with the decline of his mother makes him question his priorities.
Lizette Crombez
Pippa and Glenn are done after 5 years of marriage, they both wan't to divorce but can't seem to agree on the devision of everything.
O Falsificador
The Psychiatrist
A história de vida do pintor holandês Han van Meegeren. Ainda como um jovem artista rebelde em Amsterdã nos anos 1920, passou a ser chamado de imitador e chegou a exibir um quadro falso tentando se passar pelo famoso pintor Vermeer. Em vez de revelar a verdade, ele continua a ganhar dinheiro com seus quadros falsos durante ano, se tornando um dos mais engenhosos falsificadores de arte de todos os tempos.
The Ardennes
Em um assalto planejado por dois irmãos, Dave e Kenneth, as coisas não saem como esperadas e um deles fica para trás. Quatro anos depois, Kenneth é solto da prisão e muita coisa mudou. Seu irmão, Dave, tenta fugir do seu passado criminoso ao mesmo tempo em que pretende ajudá-lo. Mas com o tempo, os dois se veem presos em um explosivo triângulo amoroso, onde Kenneth quer ter sua ex-namorada de volta.
A Historia de Kaminski, O Pintor Cego
O jovem jornalista Sebastian Zöllner está escrevendo um artigo sobre o biografia do pintor Manuel Kaminski, um artista esquecido que vive sozinho nos Alpes. Para levantar sua carreira, Zöllner tem o plano de publicar o livro, mas apenas quando Kaminski falecer, a fim de lucrar com as vendas.
O Novíssimo Testamento
La mère de Georges
Deus existe! Ele mora em Bruxelas com a sua filha. Mas a relação entre os dois é tão complicada que a filha decide se vingar do pai, roubando o computador divino e revelando a todos os humanos a data de sua morte. Para conter a crise, Deus volta a viver normalmente entre os homens, descobrindo o verdadeiro caos que é a Terra nos dias de hoje.
Voando Para Casa
Voando para Casa, Colin (Jamie Dornan) é um jovem americano workaholic. Um Sheik árabe (Ali Suliman) pode vir a ser o seu maior e mais lucrativo cliente. O Sheik é um apreciado de pombos e faz um trato com Colin: se o jovem conseguir a ave campeã, que é de Jos Pawels, assinará o contrato. Colin vai até Pawels, um idoso tradicional, que não liga muito para dinheiro. O americano se apaixona pela neta de Jos Pauwels e uma questão vem a tona: o que é realmente importante na vida?
The Verdict
Judge Van Rillaer
When his wife's murderer is released due to a procedural error, Luc will do everything in his power to stop it from happening... He is going to take justice into his own hands and will then compete with the constitutional state which let him down.
Time Of My Life
Based on a true story, 'Tot altijd' introduces us to a band of friends in the eighties, who spend their days enjoying their youth and turbulent (love) life. Years later, Thomas, a recent medicine graduate and Mario's closest friend, gets stuck between a rock and a hard place when he diagnoses Mario with MS (Multiple Sclerosis). Though not a fatal disease, it slowly consumes the patient's bodily functions and - in some cases - their minds. Mario becomes the leading spokesman for the action group "Waardig Sterven" ("Dignified Death") in support of the Belgian legalisation of euthanasia. Thomas does everything in his power to avoid losing his best friend, but also can't stand the sight of his continued degeneration...
Hotel Swooni
Violette, Vicky's mother
In a luxurious hotel, the lives of 6 people cross. A story about love, life and the search for happiness.
Água Negra
Quando Christine recebe de herança a casa da mãe, ela e a família decidem deixar a Holanda e mudar para a Bélgica e viver numa verdadeira mansão. Será aí que sua filha de 9 anos, Lisa, conhece uma estranha e sinistra garota chamada Karen, que vive nos cantos mais escuros e remotos da velha casa. Mas será um fantasma, ou apenas uma amiga imaginária?
Happy Together
Irene Daelemans
Vidange perdue
Mathilde (as Viviane De Muynck)
Lucien is een alerte tachtiger en een koppigaard. Na de dood van zijn vrouw, weigert hij nog langer bij zijn dochter Gerda in te wonen. Hij gaat terug naar zijn eigen huis. Mathilde, de vrouw van zijn beste vriend Felix, steekt hem een handje toe bij het huishouden. Maar het alleen wonen weegt zwaar op Lucien. De enige relatie waar hij zich echt kan aan optrekken is die met zijn kleindochter Julie. Maar dan ontmoet hij zijn nieuwe buurvrouw Sylvia. Dankzij haar slaagt Lucien erin een nieuw leven op te starten. Ze leert hem zelfstandig zijn huishouden doen en geeft hem zelfs zijn eerste computerles. Tot groot wantrouwen van Mathilde en Gerda..
Sweet Jam
Tuur, a shoemaker who fled his wedding anniversary, stays at his sister Josée, a familie outcast, and her friend Odette with whom she runs a cabaret. His wife Emma finds herself forced to look after her sick sister-in-law Gerda while runnig the shop.
When Jesus looks into the eyes of Magdalena, she thinks her fate is to become a nun. Until an angel tells her what God really wants: she must give birth to 13 children each of whom have to be born on the 13th of the month. So Magdalena sets to work.
One Man and His Dog
Kees (Ramsey Nasr) is a gently eccentric loner who takes his imaginary dog for a walk each evening and likes to listen in on his neighbors' conversations. He is lonely. He has no real family, as his father is dead and his mother is institutionalized. However, when the chronically unemployed Kees gets a job at a bank, many of his co-workers don't know what to make of him, and scarcely anyone talks to him -- until the day someone comments on a photo in his wallet. Though he doesn't actually know the woman in the picture, Kees tells them the woman in the photo is his girlfriend and starts spinning tales about their "relationship." Before long, Kees has invented an entire alternate personality and is stealing photos from others to fit the new "friends" and "family" he's created.
Madame Peeters
Frans Laarmans temporarily abandons his job as an office worker to become a salesman for a big cheese company.
Dark Light
A burglar gets caught on a farm by an older woman. The religious woman, who's body is covered with ulceration, believes he is there for a reason.
Suite 16
Woman Scene 1
After an argument and fight with a wealthy one night stand in a posh hotel, young hustler Chris finds himself trapped inside. With nowhere to go and the cops closing in on the hotel fast, he wanders into "Suite 16" in a fit of despair. Inside, a handicapped and wheelchair bound Glover is held captive for the evening once discovered by Chris. However, things change the next day when Glover informs Chris that the woman he slept with is now dead; and that he surely will be sought out for her murder. Lonely and bored, Glover offers to shelter Chris for awhile while the cuts and bruises from the previous nights escapades have time to heal.
Frits Egters can't quite get a hold of himself. An intelligent and sensitive young man, repulsion and desillusion turned him cynical. According to Frits there should be more to life - he just doesn't know where to find it.