Enrique García Álvarez


Even the Wind Is Afraid
Doctor Oliver
A group of college students, led by Claudia, decide to investigate a local tower that has figured prominently in disturbing reoccurring dreams Claudia has been having. They are suspended from school for their antics, but Claudia learns from one of the female staff members that the person in the dream is a student who killed herself years before and that the headmistress has seen her ghost.
Sor Ye-yé
Señor Obispo
Maria is a young orphan who lives with her wealthy aunt. Maria sings in a cocktail bar with his friends, who form a rock band, and enjoy the night with them. One of his friends, Ernesto, is in love with her, though she does not seem to feel the same about him. In fact, multiple existential doubts and feel a strange emptiness in his life suddenly drive to enter a convent as a novice, breaking Ernestos' heart. However, with her cheerlul character, open and rebellious, not appear to conform to life in the cloister, and especially have problems with the novices director , who often punished for trying to take the right path. In the convent, which also functions as children's hospital, she meets a doctor with which it takes quite right for the contrast between his two characters, but his way with love and mutual respect.
Your Excellency
Invitado a recepción (uncredited)
Na Pepeslávia, um país poderoso do bloco oriental, a embaixada da pequena República dos Cocos está prestes a atingir uma importância decisiva, já que em uma próxima assembléia que todas as nações realizarão para discutir o futuro do mundo, o voto da pequena republica pode decidir o triunfo de um ou outro bloco. O ministro das Relações Exteriores López (Cantinflas) trabalha na embaixada, que todos conhecem como "Lopitos" e cuja posição é a última das autoridades, até um dia, por uma série de golpes sucessivos em seu país, a presidência chega à Padrinho de "Lopitos", que nomeia imediatamente seu afilhado embaixador na Pepeslávia.
Los tres mosqueteros de Dios
Three priests resort to desperate long-shots (like quiz-shows) to raise money for their parish.
Lanza tus penas al viento
Four guys share an apartment while attending art-school.
Simão do Deserto
Simon, a deeply religious man living in the 4th century, wants to be nearer to God so he climbs a column. The Devil wants him come down to Earth and is trying to seduce him.
Autumn Days
Luisa is a small-town girl who works in the bakery of the widower Don Albino. Luisa dreams of marrying and loves children. Just as Don Albino shows interest in her, Luisa announces that she will marry soon with Carlos, the driver of a rich house whom she met recently...
The Invasion of the Vampires
Padre Victor
A doctor and his assistant hunt down a vampire named Count Frankenhausen, who is terrorizing the populace.
O Anjo Exterminador
Alberto Roc
Após uma extravagante e farta refeição, os convidados de uma festa de alta classe se sentem estranhamente incapazes de deixar a sala de jantar e, nos dias que se seguem, pouco a pouco, caem as máscaras de civilização e virtude e o grupo passa a viver como animais.
Azahares rojos
Uma família com filhos pequenos retorna ao México depois de muitos anos na Espanha.
O Analfabeto
Sacerdote (uncredited)
Inocêncio Prieto y Calvo recebe uma carta dizendo que ele é o herdeiro da fortuna de seu tio de dois milhões de pesos. Não sendo capaz de ler, ele não faz ideia de quem enviou a carta ou o seu conteúdo. Então ele vai à farmácia porque o farmacêutico pode ler-lhe a carta. Mas enquanto espera para ser ajudado, ele vê que uma menina sabe ler. Ele então acha que precisa descobrir o conteúdo da carta sozinho, então decide guardar a carta e ir à escola para aprender a ler.
Tirando a matar
Inquisidor (uncredited)
O pobre e faminto camponês Macario sente saudades de uma boa refeição. Então, no Dia de Finados, a esposa prepara um peru assado. Na hora do jantar, Macario recebe a vista de três espíritos: o Diabo, Deus e a Morte. Cada um quer dividir o peru com Macario, mas ele só oferece a comida a Morte. Como recompensa, a Morte dá a ele uma garrafa de água capaz de curar qualquer doença. Logo Macario está mais saudável do que qualquer um na cidade. Mas isso desperta a atenção da população e, mais que isso, causa medo a todos, levando Macario a uma verdadeira inquisição.
Lágrimas de amor
The Woman and the Beast
Director de sanatorio
Dedicated, saintly nurse has a twin sister who is a Bad Girl.
Refifí entre las mujeres
Inspector (uncredited)
The Marked Woman
Doctor Luna
Beautiful woman with disfiguring facial scars learns to cope.
Esposa te doy
Sacerdote (uncredited)
Chofi marry Alberto and very much in love, but her mother continues to intervene in the couple's relationship, which will lead to divorce.
Dios no lo quiera
Sr. Vidal
Alma de Acero
Don Eugenio, padre de Rosa
Inspired by Alexander Dumas's novel The Corsican Brothers, Alma de Acero presents a delightful spin on the classic story of twin brothers (both played by Luis Aguilar) and their contrasting lives. As a singer in a nightclub, one brother has chosen a life of peaceful simplicity; the other, however, has chosen a troublesome lifestyle that leads to numerous run-ins with the law, forcing the vocalist to risk his own life to save his sibling.
Tú y las nubes
Tu vida entre mis manos
Doctor Jiménez
Ensaio de um Crime
Chucho (uncredited)
A bizarre black comedy about a man whose overwhelming ambition in life is to be a renowned serial killer of women, and will stop at nothing to achieve it - but not everything goes according to plan...
The Intruder
tio Juan Gómez de Fonseca
Upon her arrival to the village San Ignacio, Gabriela meets Raúl, owner of a residence that her grandfather administrates. He doesn't reveal his real identity and they fall madly in love. Tania, Raúl's sister-in-law, secretly loves him and she decides to separate them by simulating a car accident from which Gabriela temporarily becomes paralized. Aware that they will marry, Tania makes the girl believe that Raúl is marrying her out of compassion, causing Gabriela to disappear from the residence...
Oh Pain, Little Pain, Pain!
Carmela is a Gypsy singer who sells lottery tickets. She meets two penniless Mexican brothers and they buy a ticket between the three: if it is awarded, could share the prize and go to Mexico, they to return to their homeland and her for bullfighter boyfriend whom has no news. The fate accompanies them, but, on reaching Mexico, her boyfriend rejects her. This way, she ends up acting in a cafe where reaps many successes.
Por qué peca la mujer
Don Rafael
Working-class girl-next--door type is seduced into a high-glam lifestyle when an oily promoter helps launch her as a nightclub singer; she throws over her decent-simple-guy boyfriend and loses her moral compass.
The Martyr of Calvary
The Martyr of Calvary (Spanish: El Mártir del Calvario) is a 1952 Mexican drama film directed by Miguel Morayta about the life of Christ. It was entered into the 1954 Cannes Film Festival.
Ella y Yo
Señor cura
Pedro Muñoz is a womanizer that does not escape one until Irene Garza arrives and makes him to see his luck, while the aunt of her tries to separate them.
O Grande Mágico
Señor director (uncredited)
Cantinflas, um "teso" mexicano que ganha a vida como ele pode, aceita um trabalho como um mágico, como um adivinho do passado, o presente e o futuro dos outros... mas é incapaz de adivinhar as dificuldades que o aguardam quando aceita substituir um príncipe oriental, posando como seu duplo. Muitos e poderosos inimigos tentarão matar o suposto príncipe. Dardos envenenados, punhais, pistolas, sequestros, todos os meios são bons para destruir o duplo infeliz do príncipe.
O Supersábio
Señor director (uncredited)
A ambiciosa família Montes tem em sua casa o cientista Archimedes Monteagudo e seu assistente Cantinflas, que cuida do bem-estar de ambos. O professor está prestes a fazer uma grande descoberta: extrair da água do mar os componentes de um combustível que substituiria a gasolina carburex. A Cantinflas, por sua vez, quer descobrir um composto que permita prolongar a longevidade das rosas.
La monja alférez
Don Ignacio de Aguirre
A 17th century woman, imprisoned for fighting in a bar, recounts her past to a priest. She tells of her father teaching her how to fence, of being sent to a convent by her aunt when her father died, of escaping by dressing as a man, and of her life as a man following the escape.
Jesus of Nazareth
San Pedro
The biblical story of The Messiah from his baptism through his crucifixion.
La casa del rencor
Don Eduardo
A 1941 film directed by Gilberto Martínez Solares.
El gendarme desconocido
Señor Bustamante (uncredited)
Cantinflas captura uma gangue que havia assaltado um banco na noite anterior. Considerado um herói, torna-se membro da força de missões especiais por causa de sua capacidade de se disfarçar de muitas formas diferentes.
El hijo de Cruz Diablo
A 1941 film directed by Vicente Oroná.
El rápido de las 9.15
El Marino (Ulíses)
Every passenger boarding The Express has a story.
Los cuatro robinsones
Theatre Play
Four friends pretend a cruise to escape their wives and go clubbing, but they are forced to go through face-saving shipwreck, becoming castaways.
Soul of God
Theatre Play