Eduardo MacGregor

Eduardo MacGregor

Nascimento : 1930-03-10, Madrid, España

Morte : 2018-12-16


Eduardo MacGregor


Princess, A True Story
Two old women who live in a mansion, which is locked between two skyscrapers, hate their neighbors because they are rebel medicine students who party all day long. One day, one of the old ladies get sick and is saved by one of the students, arousing a weird friendship and an opportunity to discover new experiences and change behavior patterns.
O Jeremias
Jeremias é um garoto de oito anos que descobre ser um gênio. Ele luta para ter sucesso apesar da ignorância e pobreza de sua família. Agora tem que enfrentar a decisão mais difícil de sua vida: decidir o que quer ser quando crescer.
Francisco Franco
Telefilm on Spain Queen Sofia. It all starts in Corfu (Greece), in the summer of 1961. The Royal Palace of Mon Repos, summer residence of the Greek royal family, he wakes up at work. The service strives to prepare the house for some illustrious guests: the "Barcelona", which are none other than the Spanish royal family in exile. The purpose of the visit is to formalize the relationship between Sofia, the eldest daughter of the kings of Greece Paul and Frederika, with Juan Carlos, the son of Juan de Borbón and Maria de las Mercedes. Both young intimated in London, at the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Kent.
Memorias del ángel caído
A group of parishioners die poisoned upon receiving communion, during the investigation of the event the priests of the parish begin to have visions. Everything rushes when the dead are resurrected in the autopsy room, these strange events seem to be related to an old book enacting a new religion.
Los porretas
Mala yerba
Os Pícaros
The adventures of a couple of scoundrels in the Spain of the 16th century.
A fierce passion grows between a well-known actress and a gypsy, from whom she seeks advice about her role in a new version of Pygmalion.
Caso cerrado
Cesar and Isabel just got married for the Jewish rite, their religion. He is a director of a banking company. She works in a bookstore owned by her mother-in-law. The couple sees their happiness truncated when César discovers financial anomalies in the entity where he works. What were initially charges against some managers, becomes an accusation of embezzlement against César, who is in France to prevent his entry into military service. Go back and appear before the judge to prove his innocence.
El crimen de la calle Fuencarral
July 1, 1888. The body of a woman is discovered during a house fire, but the examination reveals that she died victim of a stabbing, not the flames. Her maid and pet dog are found drugged in another room.
The Most Beautiful Night
Federico, an executive of national television, begins to suspect that his wife Elena, an actress who retired prematurely after marriage, is cheating him with another man. The symptoms are that Elena sighs, looks far into heaven and is aware of the exact time a comet passes. In other words, she expects her most beautiful night.
Fanny Straw-Top
In the slums of Barcelona, Fanny, a woman just released from prison, tries to carry out a revenge that has nourished for years: to kill "El Gallego", the corrupt and brutal policeman who killed her boyfriend
Mallorca, 1865. Mr Bearns' funerals, "better to dye thant to mix blood". Juan Mayol, orphan unknow his past and decides to rebuild his family history
Crónica de un instante
A young Catholic girl takes viewers through a changing Spanish political and social landscape as she develops from her confirmation day to adulthood. Her first experience with the real Spain comes when her Jewish godfathers cannot come to her confirmation. One of the godfathers, using a ring, poses an early challenge to her innocence that puts her in danger. He later returns, indirectly introducing her to a new boyfriend. If he is one of the symbols for Jewish life under Franco, or for a Judeo-Christian interaction, that interaction is complex. The young woman encounters different lovers as she grows into adulthood, but at the same time she is burdened with financially supporting her father and his own rather decadent lifestyle. Again, this difference in generations could be understood as a difference between the "new" and "old" Spain; it is up to the viewers to interpret the story elements as they decide.
Check to the Queen
After Paula's suicide, her best friend, Ana, recalls the circumstances that united both women in the past and how they lived a close relationship that could have become more than just a friendship if social conventions had not prevented it.
The Priest
Obsessed with fantasies of sex, Father Miguel seeks professional help through his church but they are not listening; thus leaving the Father in a dilemma; leaving the church or should he try, on his own, to surrender to these temptations?
In a restaurant they're preparing a grand banquet in honor of a sports association of anglers, but several circumstances seem to have conspired to boycott the event.
Those Years
Comodoro Dunlop
President Juárez fights against the conservatives, who have ordered an emperor to be brought from France to govern Mexico
La madrastra
In Segovia at the beginning of the thirties the hoarder widower and Marcos must be prudent but has relations with the sterile prostitute Mercedes every week.
Novios y amantes
Mi niño Tizoc
Municipal president
Tizoc wishes to eat a chicken by himself and have his own piñata. At Christmas his father Carmelo grants his wish.
Cuna de valientes
No colégio militar, quatro jovens se tornam amigos e juntos compartilham muito, mas apenas dois deles se formam.
Pepito y la lámpara maravillosa
Pepito The child misbehaves because his stepfather is scolding. Buy a sauceboat but when his cat rubs it a genie appears. The child understands that it is the magic lamp and asked all sorts of goodies and the solution of their tasks, but when he needs money stepfather tells of genius. The stepfather asked to topple his partner's plane. Pepito refuses and flees with the lamp and throws it into a river to avoid falling into its power. The stepfather drowns while trying to rescue him.
(segment "Angustia")
Three tales of horror, isolation and insanity set in Mexico.
Doctor Romulo Miranda
The story of Mother and Daughter for a Husband and Stepfather who was killed by shotgun.
O Catedrático
Lucas Campuzano
Sócrates (Cantinflas), um professor dedicado que dedicou a sua vida ao ensino, sacrifica o conforto da grande cidade para marchar em direção à cidade de Romeral, onde seus serviços são necessários. Lá ele deve lutar contra o poderoso cacique local, interessado em incentivar a ignorância dos seus habitantes. Sócrates tem o apoio do padre da vila e de Hortensia, uma jovem que concorda em alugar um quarto em sua casa. Eles e as crianças que rapidamente começam a admirar o seu professor são os que terão que lutar contra as forças do chefe e de seus aliados.
The White Widow
The story of a woman who, when forced to marry a man she does not love, remains a virgin. Her husbands die until she knows the true love of her life.
The World of the Dead
Santo and Blue Demon take on a 300-year-old witch with a nasty attitude. She raises a legion of zombies and sends them to fight Santo in his home and in the rings.
Cristo 70
Comandante policía
Running from the law, young crooks hole up in a small town... and get hooked into performing in the town's Passion Play.
La maestra inolvidable
Idealistic young teacher takes a post in a small, backwoods town and dedicates her life to schooling the village's children.
The Book of Stone
Julia, a governess, comes to work for a bourgeois family that lives in a forested property they have recently bought. Julia is to take care of a little girl named Silvia, whose unusual demeanor may find its roots in the family garden.
Wrestling Women vs. the Killer Robot
A lady wrestler and her boyfriend, a policeman, battle a mad scientist who has developed a murderous killer robot and uses it to kidnap wealthy people.
Blue Demon: Destructor of Spies
Professor Banizetti
Blue Demon returns in one of his best adventures like Agent Zero, who this time is facing a criminal organization that attempts to poison the world with a deadly gas (whose formula is unknown). This time, Zero (Blue Demon) is the only one qualified to investigate and prevent Hans plans, the evil leader of the organization.
The Unknown Cowboy
Pedro's employee
The Sheriff of a small town, in his search of a robber bank, gets to another city, working undercover. There, he tooks the place of man recently killed, and falls in love with his widow.
El asesino se embarca
Esposo falso
Cops vs counterfeiters on a cruise ship.
Your Excellency
Camarada Vasily Vasilov, ministro de relaciones exteriores
Na Pepeslávia, um país poderoso do bloco oriental, a embaixada da pequena República dos Cocos está prestes a atingir uma importância decisiva, já que em uma próxima assembléia que todas as nações realizarão para discutir o futuro do mundo, o voto da pequena republica pode decidir o triunfo de um ou outro bloco. O ministro das Relações Exteriores López (Cantinflas) trabalha na embaixada, que todos conhecem como "Lopitos" e cuja posição é a última das autoridades, até um dia, por uma série de golpes sucessivos em seu país, a presidência chega à Padrinho de "Lopitos", que nomeia imediatamente seu afilhado embaixador na Pepeslávia.
Simão do Deserto
Simon, a deeply religious man living in the 4th century, wants to be nearer to God so he climbs a column. The Devil wants him come down to Earth and is trying to seduce him.