Echoing the comic tone of the "Police Academy" films, Ninja Academy boasts an ensemble cast of hilarious characters, bonding while training hard, playing hard and ultimately, losing hard-- In the tough, unforgiving world of martial arts.
Semi-Truck Driver
Freddy Krueger está de volta para propagar toda uma nova forma de terror em sua mais diabolicamente perversa festa de horrores! Incapaz de vencer o Mestre do Sonho que o dominou, Freddy assombra os inocentes sonhos de sua futura filha e parte para cima dos amigos dela com o mais absoluto horror. Conseguirá a menina salvar-se de se tornar a mais nova arma de Freddy? Ou o maníaco trará novamente à tona o sue legado do Mal?
Two thieves rob a large fancy house when the owner is away. But when a visitor mistakes them for the owner, and they find out about a casting party mis-scheduled for that day, they decide to stick around for the fun. There's only one small problem, a little glitch in their plan. The real owners owe some bad dudes a lot of money, and they show up to collect.