King Soloman
When Emma, an up-and-coming baker in New York City, is hired to bake for the Marquess of Pembroke’s birthday party, she is convinced a good job will lead to landing a cookbook deal. Until finding out she must share the kitchen with the handsome but unpredictable Marco, a private chef to the stars, who wants her to throw all of her plans and recipes out the window.
Jim é um inspetor de alimentos que esta tentando tirar da cadeia sua filha Veronica, uma professora do ensino médio, depois de ela ser acusada injustamente de assédio sexual. Quando Veronica decide que não quer sair da prisão, a relação entre pai e filha fica ainda mais complicada.
Pentagon General Radford
Desde o início da civilização, ele era adorado como um deus. Apocalipse, o primeiro e mais poderoso mutante do universo X-Men da Marvel, acumulou os poderes de muitos outros mutantes, tornando-se imortal e invencível. Ao acordar depois de milhares de anos, fica desiludido com o mundo em que se encontra e recruta um grupo de mutantes poderosos, incluindo um Magneto desanimado, para purificar a humanidade e criar uma nova ordem mundial, sobre a qual ele reinará. Com o destino da Terra em causa, Raven com a ajuda do Professor X irá liderar uma equipa de jovens X-Men para combater o seu maior inimigo e salvar a humanidade da destruição total.
Gary Walker
Com o seu filho mais novo indo para a faculdade, no outono, Ben e Maura se preparam para seu próximo capítulo com o ninho um pouco vazio. O casal enfrenta uma mudança ainda maior quando Maura aceita uma posição temporária - e grande promoção - em Minneapolis. Ben e Maura sentem falta um do outro, e tentam superar a distância. Quando a posição temporária de Maura torna-se uma oferta de tempo integral, o casal deve decidir se eles vão continuar seu casamento de longa distância ou fazer uma mudança radical no relacionamento.
Dr Cielto
When irascible matriarch Viola Price learns that her next asthma attack will likely kill her, she is determined to fix her fractured family before she leaves this world.
Brigham Young
Fundamentalist sect member BeckyLyn is accused of killing her husband. Queenie, another wife in the polygamist sect, doesn't believe BeckyLyn is capable of such violence and desperate to prove her innocence reaches out to her excommunicated son Jordan for help in freeing his mother.
Dr. Clark Burnham
Baseado na história verídica e conturbada do amor duradouro entre Lois Wilson, co-fundadora da Al-Anon, e o seu marido, Bill Wilson, co-fundador dos Alcoólicos Anónimos.
Tolbert Phillips
Ned Giles, an aspiring news photographer, joins the 1932 Great Apache Expedition on the search for a young boy, the son of a wealthy Mexican land owner who was kidnapped by wild Apaches. Ned finds himself on an unexpected and perilous journey through rugged terrain, when a captured wild Apache girl must be exchanged for the kidnapped boy.
Uma mulher recém-casada suspeita que o aparentemente perfeito marido está guardando segredos.
Older Bourgeois
Columnist Peyton MacGruder befriends a reader who sent her a note that inspires Peyton to reconsider the choices she's made and her reluctance to accept her boyfriend's marriage proposal.
President Galbrain
J.J. Albrecht
The life story of Terry Evanshen, a Canadian Football League star who fell into a coma after a fatal car accident. When he wakes up, he has no recollection of his family or anything else in his life.
Paul Tyler
Logo após a 2ª Guerra Mundial, o mundo se divide entre dois grandes blocos: o capitalista e o comunista. Em plena Guerra Fria vive Sally Tyler (Sharon Stone), uma americana solitária que vive em Beirute devido ao trabalho de seu marido. Lá ela conhece Leo (Rupert Everett), por quem se apaixona e faz com que se divorcie. Até que inesperadamente Leo desaparece, com o governo o acusando de ser um desertor e seguir uma "lealdade diferente". Sem saber em quem acreditar e sendo perseguida pelas ruas, Sally recebe uma carta que pode mudar os rumos de sua vida para sempre.
Ben Morgan
Paige Morgan (Julia Stiles) tem seu futuro perfeitamente esquematizado. Trabalhando duro para alcançar seu objetivo de se tornar uma médica que viaja pelo mundo para ajudar os carentes, a aluna da Universidade de Wisconsin jura que nada vai atrapalhar o seu sonho. O que ela não esperava era conhecer Eddie (Luke Mably), um estrangeiro fascinante que, sem que ela tenha conhecimento disso, é, na verdade, Edvard Valdemar, o príncipe da Dinamarca!
Warren Waters (voice)
A series of mysterious lightning storms wreaking havoc worldwide as they spiral through the atmosphere toward Greenland. Once they collide, they will create one massive storm that will result in cataclysmic destruction. But the Rescue Heroes use their new Mission Select equipment to contain the disasters all over the world caused by these strange storms. But Billy Blazes is poisoned on a mission and getting weaker by the moment, and Rocky Canyon is grounded for insubordination, therefore making the team short-handed. The Rescue Heroes face their biggest challenge yet, since they must find a cure to save Billy and solve the mystery of the storms in order to save the world in time.
Sarah Jordan (Angelina Jolie) é uma socialite casada com Henry Bauford (Linus Roache), filho de um influente empresário americano. Após conhecer Nick Callahan (Clive Owen), um médico que se dedica a causas humanitárias na África, Sarah se dispõe a ajudá-lo. Ela arrecada fundos para comprar medicamentos e comida para refugiados na Etiópia, aonde vai para entregá-los à equpe de Nick. Ver o sofrimento e a miséria do povo etíope de perto faz com que Sarah decida mudar de vida ao retornar a Londres, passando a trabalhar para uma ONG que ajuda causas humanitárias.
Detective Carp
A murder in an old apartment building leads the superintendent to suspect everyone, and eventually himself, of the murder.
Peter Powers
Biographic movie of the witty, overachieving, hot-tempered Rudy Giuliani, spanning from his rising days as a New York district attorney in the early 1980s to his marriage to part-time actress Donna Hanover, to his candidacy for mayor of New York City and his controversial methods to tackle the city's crime and urban problems, as well as his romance with his assistant Cristyne Lategano which lead to the failure of his marriage, to his battle with prostate cancer, all leading up to the terrible day of September 11, 2001 which Guiliani himself narrowly escaped death after suicide terrorists hijacked and crashed two passenger airliners into the twin World Trade Center towers leading to their collapse in which Guiliani's toughness and spirited personality help calm the city's residents to face the chaos on that day which made him a national hero.
Détective Claytor
The lives of Escondido, California residents Cheryl and Stephen Crowe change one morning when they find their twelve year old daughter Stephanie Crowe stabbed to death in her bedroom. As procedure dictates, the police take each member of the household away individually to be questioned, and the remaining children - fourteen year old Michael Crowe and adolescent Shannon Crowe - are taken into protective custody until Cheryl and Stephen can be cleared. The police end up placing much of their focus on the sullen Michael, who they question without counsel and without discussion with his parents. The tone of the police questioning is that they believe Michael did kill his sister, the police lying, harassing and coercing in the process. Under the barrage of questioning, Michael eventually confesses, as do two of his friends, both questioned under the same threatening tone. Cheryl and Stephen, who are finally made aware of the questioning and the confessions...
Owen Bradley
When the newlywed wife of a Minnesota police chief accuses a new officer on his force of raping her several years earlier, it sets the stage for a tense confrontation in this riveting story. Penelope Ann Miller and Reed Diamond star as Kathy and Doug Clifson, a hard-working couple whose lives are torn apart when a new officer, John McCrane, joins the force. Kathy recognizes him as the man who raped her when she was a teenager, and while other women soon come forward saying that McCrane also raped them, the police force closes ranks to protect one of their own.
Neal Oliver está para completar 22 anos, uma idade em que todos deveriam saber o que querem da vida, certo? Mas, o rapaz está em dúvida entre realizar seus próprios sonhos ou ceder às pressões de seu pai, um importante advogado que quer fazer dele seu sucessor. Então, em sua festa de aniversário, Neal faz um pedido: conseguir uma resposta, descobrir qual o melhor caminho a seguir. É quando aparece uma figura enigmática, o Sr. O. W. Grant, que insiste para que o rapaz revele seu pedido. Depois de abrir seus presentes, Neal sofre um acidente. Quando acorda, no hospital, o aniversariante inicia uma misteriosa viagem por uma estrada que não está em mapa algum. Em seu primeiro percurso, Neal encontra estranhas cidades com habitantes mais estranhos ainda. Até que, finalmente, conhece a garota de seus sonhos e tem uma importante revelação. Mas, não antes de ser acusado de assassinato, perseguido pela polícia e jogado na cadeia, entre outras aventuras.
Rev. Joseph Masters
Quiet and unassuming church organist Jenny Moran is depressed with her marriage to working-class Matt and leaves him. Jenny begins an affair with the manipulative and charming Dr. Stephen Carrow, who is also deacon of her church and a married man. Someone kills Carrow's wife after she learns of the affair between Jenny and her husband. The murderer is caught and confesses, but that confession leads to new lies which tear apart Jenny Moran's life.
Two homicide detectives investigate the murder of a popular Jamaican woman, who seems to have lived in two separate worlds. Although there are no witnesses, no clues and police resources are going towards another higher-profile murder, the detectives doggedly track down people who knew the victim until they finally break the case. This edgy and intense film shows how homicide detectives go about their work in an ethnically diverse, multicultural city.
Brother Menenicus
Jarod takes a keen interest in an ancient symbol that may unlock secrets about his family. But Miss Parker is hot on Jarod's trail and about to make discoveries of her own. Their investigation leads to a remote Island off the Scottish coast, where a set of sacred scrolls, vital to the Centre, have been hidden – and protected – for centuries.
A brutal drive-by shooting of a Croatian woman who works at an abortion clinic sends two homicide detectives out onto the streets of one of the world's most culturally diverse cities. Their first suspect has ties to the pro-life movement. But a sudden turn of events, a fresh trail of clues and a suicide attempt by the victim's Serbian husband lead the detectives into the impenetrable world of Balkan politics and prejudices. As they hunt for the killer, they uncover an ethnic war between Croatians and Serbians amid the urban backdrop of downtown Toronto.
Entediadas com as coisas da adolescência, as irmãs Ginger (Katharine Isabelle) e Brigitte (Emily Perkins) procuram algo que provoque um pouco de agito em suas vidas. Só que elas conseguem muito mais do que esperavam quando Ginger é atacada por uma fera selvagem, que lhe causa uma incrível metamorfose. Uma força terrível rapidamente se apodera de Ginger, ameaçando destruir o laço que une as irmãs e todas as pessoas em torno delas. Na medida em que Ginger se transforma numa horrível fera sedenta por sangue, Brigitte luta para libertá-la das garras do demônio, mas seu comportamento selvagem se torna cada vez mais incontrolável.
Barry Huffman
All his life, teenager Daniel Huffman and his grandma have dreamed of Daniel playing college football. After Daniel is cut from his high school team, his grandmother's encouragement and coaching get him a second chance at that dream. He works hard and becomes so good his coach believes he has a shot at making a top-ranked college team. But now Daniel faces a heart-wrenching choice that could force him to forever give up his dream.
Judge Patterson
School nurse Alice Goodwin lives with her husband and two daughters on a dairy farm in a small Wisconsin community. After an accident on her property involving a friend's child, the town turns against her and Alice finds herself fighting charges of child abuse.
Fact-based story about a Bible-quoting woman who in 1990 murdered a camp counselor, whom she learned molested her 7 year old son. Seeking revenge, she turns to murder when she learns the man had previously been convicted of the same crime in 1983 and got off with probation.
Dr. Robert Sheppard
Fact-based story about the controversial conviction of Dr. Sam Sheppard (Peter Strauss) for the murder of his wife in Cleveland. The story picks up with his conviction and concentrates on his son's (Henry Czerny) efforts 40 years later to find evidence that his father was innocent of the crime. The story was the basis for the film and TV series of "The Fugitive".
Dr. Golding
After the whole North of the Equator freezes below zero, a group of people in Los Angeles risk their lives while trying to "escape" from the city's hostile conditions, in order to take a ship to a hotter place on Earth.
Mr. Sacker
Um garoto impossibilitado de andar faz uma grande amizade com outro garoto, com problemas de aprendizado e um grande trauma no passado. Com Sharon Stone, Kieran Culkin, Gena Rowlands e Gillian Anderson.
Jennifer Kingsley, a newspaper journalist, believes a man has been falsely convicted of murder, and becomes set on proving his innocence.
Quando o policial Jack Valentine falha em impedir o assassinato de uma testemunha da máfia, ele tem que enfrentar o maior desafio de sua vida: encontrar os responsáveis em apenas dez dias ou ser expulso da força policial.
Bob Cratchit
Television movie updating Charles Dickens' story, "A Christmas Carol." Businesswoman Ebenita Scrooge treats her employees and customers poorly. She has no time for Christmas or the holiday spirit. On Christmas Eve, she is visited by the ghost of her dead partner Maude Marley and then by other spirits who remind her of her happy past and chronicle the bitterness and greed that have taken over her life. At last, she is shown her own death and funeral. No one is there to mourn her. This revelation shocks her into opening her heart and her checkbook.
James Bacarelli
A murderous sociopath (and former battered child) uses her naive younger brother in a scheme to do away with her inconvenient lover.
Major Daniel Tremaine
Um negociador do FBI enfrenta três condenados fugitivos que tomaram um professor e sete alunos como reféns.
Captain Farr
O corpo de uma mulher é encontrado na Casa Branca e o detetive Harlan Regis suspeita que alguém está tentando encobrir o crime. Ele logo descobre que sua própria vida corre perigo e corre para tentar encontrar o assassino.
Lyle Dunham
When Erica French opts to keep the baby she conceived in high school, she never dreamed that one day she would be fighting for custody against the child's father, Scott Stone. Scott Stone initially fought for custody when Erica threatened to cut off his access to their daughter. Scott continues to try to be a part of his daughter's life, but when Molly first breaks her arm at the playground then Scott's mother finds mysterious bruises on her granddaughter, Scott again fights for custody of young Molly, and this time he wins because the court feels his family can provide a more stable environment for Molly than a public daycare can.
Detective Chase
A naive 16 year old waitress falls for a corrupt, married police officer. When she falls pregnant, her lover plots her murder.
Sarah Taylor (Rebecca De Mornay) é uma psiquiatra que, ao fazer compras, conhece um homem (Antonio Banderas) que diz vender sistemas de segurança e que já foi policial. Entre eles surge um envolvimento, mas ela passa a ser ameaçada de forma cada vez mais assustadora por um desconhecido. Ela resolve então investigar seu namorado e descobre que nem tudo que ele diz é verdade.
Gym Parent
Menino de sete anos de idade apresenta talento extraordinário para o xadrez. Seu pai, um cronista esportivo, começa a inscrevê-lo em torneios, nos quais é tido como uma revelação. A busca pelo sucesso ameaça tornar-se obsessiva, mas pai e filho têm uma rara oportunidade de reavaliar sua relação.
Eddie Segura
Alan Masters is a despicable businessman with his hands in organized crime. He marries Diane, a kind and gentle woman, and abuses and batters her viciously. Sergeant John Reed has had enough of his city's organized crime and, against the wishes of his dirty-cop superiors, tries to get evidence against Alan Masters. After Alan finds out that Diane has been helping Reed, he beats her to death...and its up to John Reed to put him away for it, and clean up the dirty cops that want to stop him. Part I starts with Diane's death and then, in a flashback, details her struggles against abuse and Reed's struggles as he coaches her to gather evidence against Alan. Part II deals with Reed's struggles with intimidating cops.
Young Cop
O incomodado detetive de Nova York Frank Keller investiga uma assassina em série que procura por vítimas, usando anúncios pessoais em um revista e toca a música "Sea of Love" na cena do crime. Com a ajuda de seu parceiro, Sherman Touhey, Frank cria um plano para achar a assassina usando seus próprios anúncios. Mas quando Frank se apaixona por sua principal suspeita, Helen Cruger, ele luta para conciliar sua vida pessoal e seu dever profissional.