For fans of comedy, Sam Kinison needs no introduction. His scathing comedy tackled tough topics no other comedian dared to touch. Fed up and disenfranchised with his career as a Pentacostal preacher, Sam left the ministry to try his hand at comedy. Almost immediately, and thanks in part to the foresight of Rodney Dangerfield who showcased Sam on an HBO special, his piercing scream, extreme humor and irreverent take on life attracted attention. Containing rare, early footage of Sam preaching and performing stand up at the world famous Comedy Store, the Award Winning "Why Did We Laugh" tells the story of a comedic genius who touched a deeper chord in people than most entertainers. Sadly, Sam was taken from us far too early, yet leaving us with a lasting and unique legacy.
A waitress, a barman and an underwear designer try to rob a New York restaurant where two of them work.
Ex-prostituta e agora fotógrafa, Angel reencontra sua mãe depois de anos. Esta lhe conta que sua irmã corre perigo e morre assassinada logo depois. Para tirar a irmã das mãos de traficantes de escravas brancas, Angel volta à vida de prostituição.
A mother goes to Hollywood to find her runaway daughter. She discovers that the girl has become involved in the pornography industry, and goes to the police to get help in finding her.
Warren Nefron (Jerry Lewis) é um desastrado com a pior sorte do mundo. Quando ele tenta acabar com tudo em um plano de suicídio infalível, ele acaba conseguindo fazer as coisas darem errado. Desesperado, Warren vai a um psiquiatra para tentar solucionar os seus problemas e revela os acontecimentos ao longo da sua vida.
A college professor is recruited by an undercover cop to pose as a bag lady to track down a drug connection following the brutal killing of a skid row crone.
Executive Producer
Callie was a teenage mother in trouble. Fresh out of the delivery room, her son was taken from her and sold on the black-market. Vowing to find him some day, this is her story.
Supervising Producer
An aspiring singer unwittingly comes into possession of several tapes for which her engineer husband and his partner, in their electronic eavesdropping business, were murdered, and discovers that she and her daughter are now being stalked by the killers.
s EUA devem unir forças com a URSS para destruir um gigantesco asteroide em direção à Terra.
Executive Producer
Molly, the shy, romance-starved wife of an arrogant frontier sheriff, finds herself drawn to a prisoner in her husband's jail. This prisoner, a handsome young man named Johnny, plays on Molly's sympathy and convinces her to help him escape. Molly then accompanies Johnny on his cross-country flight but soon learns he's simply been using her. Molly makes the best of the situation, however, and by the time the sheriff's posse catches up with them, Molly shows that she's learned how to assert herself.