The Czech romantic comedy hit “Love is Love” tells the story of Maruska, a blind girl and student at the Conservatory of Music who dreams of love and having a family despite her blindness. Her dream guy has curly blonde hair and blue eyes but she ends up falling in love with the dark eyed, swarthy Marek. Maruska lives with her overly protective grandfather whom is preocupied with his long-lost love. Maruska’s neighbor and best friend is constantly struggling with his headstrong mother as she refuses to accept that her son is gay. She blames everyone else - even her husband - for her son's "deviation." The fate of all main characters is unexpectedly intertwined and told through humorous and touching situations laced with subtle irony and hyperbole. Just as in life, with its funny situations and difficult tests, unexpected revelations and surprising twists, all characters will experience times when they behave blindly and forget to listen to their hearts.
Segunda Guerra Mundial, 1942. O filme traz um retrato da Batalha de Stalingrado vista pelos olhos dos alemães. A história segue um grupo de soldados alemães, desde o fronte italiano no verão de 1942 até as estepes congeladas da Rússia soviética e terminando com a batalha por Stalingrado. Através deles são mostrados os horrores da guerra, o medo, a esperança e todas as emoções dos combatentes envolvidos. Uma descrição da brutal batalha de Stalingrado, a "Waterloo" do Terceiro Reich, vista pelos olhos do oficial alemão Hans von Witzland e por seu batalhão.
Tankový prapor (Tank Battalion) is a Czech comedy film. It was released in 1991. The movie represented the first privately produced movie in Czech Republic. It was a blockbuster. Today, the movie is perceived as a classic, it is the most acclaimed movie of his creator, director Vit Olmer, it starred Lukáš Vaculík, a popular star of youth movies in the main role, as well as the by-then well received comedian Miroslav Donutil.