Raymond Storti


Ground Zero
Associate Producer
When a series of strange earthquakes hit California, a seismologist named Kimberly Stevenson is sent to the Angeles Forest to investigate the epicenter. This might prove to be her biggest task so far, but also the one that will bring her renown. She brings along her son, Justin, who was recently involved in a car accident with his father. In the wilderness outside Los Angeles, the two of them find a man named Michael Brandeis, who seems to know an awful lot about what is happening. As expected, these are not natural earthquakes, but the work of a dangerous company selling nuclear weapons.
Ground Zero
When a series of strange earthquakes hit California, a seismologist named Kimberly Stevenson is sent to the Angeles Forest to investigate the epicenter. This might prove to be her biggest task so far, but also the one that will bring her renown. She brings along her son, Justin, who was recently involved in a car accident with his father. In the wilderness outside Los Angeles, the two of them find a man named Michael Brandeis, who seems to know an awful lot about what is happening. As expected, these are not natural earthquakes, but the work of a dangerous company selling nuclear weapons.
Mercadores da Morte
Sob efeito de hipnose, homem lembra da fazenda de sua família, massacrada quando ele tinha 6 anos. Pior: descobre que no lugar da fazenda existe uma refinaria de petróleo e uma série de pistas que ligam o dono da refinaria ao assassinato. Pior ainda: a psiquiatra que o hipnotizou foi sequestrada.
Merchants of Death
A creepy audition turns into a horror anthology featuring two stories: a snuff film ring and a disgraced killer priest, and little does the actress knows, but she is also auditioning for a snuff film!
Vampire Time Travelers
Four young college women battle vampires and several other supernatural forces as they try to join a strange sorority.
When an old theater appears to be haunted, a parapsychologist and a reporter team up to investigate.
When an old theater appears to be haunted, a parapsychologist and a reporter team up to investigate.
Amazon Warrior
In a post-apocalyptic world, a camp of Amazon women is raided by a gang of murderous bandits, who kill everyone in the camp except one small girl. She grows up to be a mercenary, and one day she takes a job escorting the two daughters of a powerful warlord across a river. She finds out that the job turns out to be more dangerous than she thought, and she runs into someone from her past she thought she'd never see again.
Amazon Warrior
General Steiner
In a post-apocalyptic world, a camp of Amazon women is raided by a gang of murderous bandits, who kill everyone in the camp except one small girl. She grows up to be a mercenary, and one day she takes a job escorting the two daughters of a powerful warlord across a river. She finds out that the job turns out to be more dangerous than she thought, and she runs into someone from her past she thought she'd never see again.
Ronnie Golden
A dentist's wife conspires the murder of her husband. The murder is carried out by a twisted serial killer that stalks and kills exotic women. Unknown to all are the dentist's connections to the Mafia. Now the Police, a Private investigator, and the Mafia hit men are all in on the chase.
A Vingança de um Kickboxer 6: O Desafio Final
Terrorists take over a nuclear weapons launch site, but don't count on a humble military courier, who happens to be making a visit
Wish Me Luck
When a beautiful genie accepts an evil sorcerer’s challenge, she has 48 hours to break a terrible curse. She must help a mortal nerd attain his “manhood,” or she will be doomed to a thousand years as the sorcerer’s slave. All without the help of her magic! What happens next is a hilarious romp through Oak Valley Junior College, as “Jeannie” enlists the help of three beautiful cheerleaders, and battles a trio of nasty jocks, to break the curse before the clock runs out. “Jeannie’s” journey takes her through astronomy class, cheerleading try-outs, and a provocative lingerie party. WISH ME LUCK is a sexy comedy with warmth, laughs and most of all….magic!
Full Contact
Albert Jawarski
Luke Powers travels to L.A. to find that his brother has been murdered in a back alley martial arts tournament. Luke enters the tournament circuit to try to flush out his brother's killer. With the help of a trainer and former fighter, Lucke enters what he thinks will be a victorious battle.
Other People's Secrets
Features ten different erotic vignettes.
Hell Spa
At Benson's Health Spa business is booming. And why not? With the, "Look beautiful and stay fit or never pay a dime" promotion, people are literally selling their souls to join.
Lembranças de Hollywood
Stagehand (uncredited)
A atriz de Hollywood Suzanne Vale, viciada em drogas, está quase no fundo do poço. Depois de uma passagem por um centro de desintoxicação a produtora do filme insiste como uma condição para continuar: que ela viva com sua mãe Doris Mann, uma antiga estrela e agora uma alcoólatra. Esse exigência é uma má notícia para Suzanne que tem lutado por anos para sair da sombra de sua mãe, que quando a encontra ainda a trata como uma criança. Apesar desses problemas - e muitos outros mais com os homens em sua vida - Suzanne começa a ver o lado engraçado dessa situação, e também lhe ocorre que não só as filhas têm mãe, mães também tem mãe.
Irmãos Gêmeos
Bar Patron (uncredited)
Por acaso, Julius (Arnold Schwarzenegger) e Vincent (Danny DeVito) descobrem que são irmãos gêmeos. O primeiro é alto, loiro, calmo, enquanto o segundo é um chalatão baixinho e moreno. Juntos, eles vão ver como a educação em famílias diferentes moldaram suas personalidades opostas.