Yuko Sasaki

Yuko Sasaki

Nascimento : 1961-11-19, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan


Yuko Sasaki


Japan Sinks 2020 Theatrical Edition - Shizumanuki Bow -
Mari Mutō (voice)
The Mutou family leads a peaceful life: Kouichirou works at a construction site and his wife Mari is returning from an overseas trip. Their daughter Ayumu has just finished her track practice while their son Gou is playing video games at home. However, life as they know it is flipped upside down when a calamitous earthquake strikes the entire Japanese archipelago—obliterating the face of the country in an instant. With society crumbling around them and their nation gradually sinking into the ocean, the Mutou family must band together to survive the catastrophe. Treading the near-apocalyptic setting, they struggle not only to stay alive, but also to learn the difficulty of coping with loss.
O Castelo Andante
Uma jovem mulher chamada Sophie é amaldiçoada por uma bruxa e transforma-se numa mulher velha e não é capaz de contar a ninguém a sua situação. Impossibilitada de continuar o seu trabalho na loja da sua mãe, ela vai para o castelo andante do famoso feiticeiro Howl. Sophie fica amiga de Calcifer, o demónio de fogo que governa o castelo e que está ligado a Howl por um contrato, cujos termos Calcifer não pode revelar. Prometem ajudar-se mutuamente. Tal como Calcifer, Howl também pode ver através do feitiço da bruxa e ele e Sophie apaixonam-se.
Ecchan no Senso
Princesa Arete
narrator (voice)
É sobre uma princesa confinada na torre do castelo aguardando pela escolha do futuro rei. Os candidatos devem buscar pelo mundo e retornar com itens mágicos dos extintos bruxos. Uma dia, um bruxo de verdade se apresenta como pretendente.
特攻レディース 夜露死苦
Delinquent Biker Lady story starring an ensemble of mostly former b-rate idols.
The first theatrical release, titled Bonobono, opened in theaters on 1993-11-13. The film has since been broadcast on domestic television in Japan, including on broadcast satellite channels such as NHK BS-2. The film has been released on VHS and DVD in Japan, including in a "no cut" edition.
Desert Rose
Marie (voice)
Mariko, codenamed "Rose Marie", is a leader of an anti-terrorism group, CAT (Counter Attack Terrorism). She lost her husband and son in a terrorist bomb attack at an airport. Also suffering injuries in the blast, she was left with a scar that looked like a rose flower on her chest. A secret summit conference is due to be held in Switzerland, with Marie's team deployed as security. However, it becomes clear terrorists have already made a move to sabotage the meeting...
Columbus no Daibouken
As he nears the New World, Christopher Columbus tells cabin boy Paco about his youthful hardships, the difficulties of convincing others of his vision, and the final victory when King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella agreed to sponsor his trip. The sailors are doubtful, though Columbus is vindicated when they arrive on land, but it's not as the planned destination of Japan.
Chibi Maruko-chan: My Favorite Song
Kotake Sakura (voice)
Momoko's teacher asks the third grade to draw a picture based on their favorite song, to enter in a contest. She picks a song she's recently become fond of during music class, and is anxious to make a good drawing based on it. On her way to meet relatives in Shizuoka, Momoko meets Shoko Kimura, a university student who occasionally draws portraits and plans to participate in an art contest. Momoko and Shoko become close friends, and end up inspiring each other both in their own ways.
Bad Boy Blue
Lupin III: Da Rússia Com Amor
Judy Scott (voice)
Lupin III junto com sua gangue quer roubar o tesouro perdido da família real Romanov, este tesouro é uma imensa quantidade de esconder ouro subterrâneo nos Estados Unidos atrás da colocação de um banco corrupto. Mas para ter o ouro, Lupin e seus amigos terão que lutar por ele com o misterioso e poderoso monge Rasputin. Também Lupin novamente terá que escapar do inspetor Zenigata que seguirá o rastro de Lupin e tentará colocá-lo na prisão.
Exper Zenon
Exper Jiff
Zenno, a master gamer, has been offered the chance to play the newly-released game, Expers. But when a naked girl appears in his classroom to give him his Expers Suit, complete with real superpowers, he learns that Expers is not just a simple computer game — it is a real-life kill-or-be-killed PvP (Player versus Player) game. Only the main character of the game can survive until the end — but who is the main character? And, perhaps more importantly, who is controlling the game?
Chibi Maruko-chan
Kotake Sakura (voice)
Chibi Maruko chan is the nickname of a sweetly obnoxious 9-year-old girl. She tricks her grandfather, ponders for hours over how to spend her allowance, and hates sitting next to ugly boys. She talks, feels and lives just as real kids do. As the second term commences, Maruko and her classmates return to their small groups. Maruko’s group includes two naughty boys and Maruko is forced to be one of their subordinates. She seems to face a lot of pressure at school.
Riki-Oh 2: Filho da Destruição
Wang Meili (voice)
A história começa com um flash back da infância de Riki, mostrando o terrível destino de sua mãe e como ele se afastou de seu irmão gêmeo. Riki encontra-se na cidade de Misaki, cheia de usinas nucleares ilegais e administrado por uma organização militar fanática religiosa chamada o Julgamento de Deus, onde é feito prisioneiro e tem que lutar em uma arena de gladiadores.
St. Michael Academy
Reborn as a woman named Aiko, the soldier rises as the military leader of a new crusade, successfully unites the world, and abolishes all religion. Haunted by memories of a past life, Aiko travels backward in time and finds herself caught in an incredible battle to save the future.
Lupin III: O Mistério dos Papéis de Hemingway
Maria (voice)
Uma sangrenta guerra civil é o cenário da última travessura de Lupin. O líder de uma das facções guarda documentos escritos por Earnest Hemingway que contêm a localização de um tesouro notável. Com Goemon e Jigen lutando em lados opostos da guerra, Lupin deve enfrentar este desafio sozinho. Enquanto a guerra continua, Lupin consegue proteger o tesouro e manter Goemon e Jigen sem se matarem um ao outro?
Blue Flames
Sayako (voice)
Ryuuichi is a high-school student tired of living in a small town with small people. He's determined to claw his way to the top of Tokyo, and he'll use any woman he can to do it.
Venus Wars
Em 2003 o enorme asteroíde gelado P12 colidiu-se com o planeta Vênus. O impacto varreu de Vênus a maior parte de sua densa atmosfera. E o gelo pulverizado formou vastos oceanos de ácido na superfície do planeta. Em 2018 o primeiro grupo de colonos desembarcou no continente norte, Ishtar. Isto marca o início do calendário venusiano. Ano Venusiano 072 (2089 dC): O planeta que parecia ser um novo começo para humanidade está sofrendo com o constante atrito entre suas 2 nações. Hiro, um motociclista de demolição, estava em plena corrida quando a nação de Ishtar invadiu sua cidade. Posteriormente se viu envolvido, junto com seus companheiros, na luta pela liberdade de Aphrodia (sua nação de origem).
Hades Project: Zeorymer Extinction
Si Tau (voice)
Parts 3 & 4. When high school student Masato discovers that his parents aren't really his parents and that he's been selected to pilot the giant robot Zeorymer, he decides he must fight the evil corporation that built it. Unfortunately, the bad guys have already launched the mysterious Hades Project, and their giant robots outnumber Masato 7-to-1 in this Japanese animé series.
Hades Project: Zeorymer Separation
Si Tau (voice)
Parts 1 & 2. When high school student Masato discovers that his parents aren't really his parents and that he's been selected to pilot the giant robot Zeorymer, he decides he must fight the evil corporation that built it. Unfortunately, the bad guys have already launched the mysterious Hades Project, and their giant robots outnumber Masato 7-to-1 in this Japanese animé series.
Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana
Gilbert Cocteau (voice)
Son of a viscount and a Roma prostitute (both deceased), Serge is intelligent, sweet, talented, and alienated by his family due to his heritage. Upon being sent to his new school, he rooms with Gilbert Cocteau, a gorgeous loner of a boy who sells his body for reasons unknown. Serge's attempts to reach out to Gilbert fail spectacularly, and yet there is something in both of them that attracts them to each other.