Ion Haiduc

Ion Haiduc

Nascimento : 1947-12-03, Oradea, Bihor, Romania


Ion Haiduc


La bani, la cap, la oase
Too soft and innocent for the job they do, HARPOON and THE BAPTIST are two money collectors that don't collect much, except for kicks and bruises. As they try in vain to fulfill their contracts, they get involved in a robbery and decide to go for a change in their lives: they will start collecting for themselves.
Almas Perversas
Uma estudante universitária regressa com o seu pai para o sua cidade natal , apenas para descobrir a sua família que detém um segredo tenebroso que a envolve.
Sindromul Timișoara
A perspective on the Romanian revolution which started in Timișoara.
Mutação 3: O Sentinela
A terceira parte não segue a trajetória dos anteriores. Desta vez,jovens moradores de um bairro suburbano começam a acompanhar o dia a dia da vizinhança quando notam estranhas presenças na escuridão. É quando percebem que algo perigoso está à espreita,algo inimaginável e mortal. "O Terror Foi Reinventado".
Kurt Gerstein (Ulrich Tukur) é um oficial do Terceiro Reich que trabalhou na elaboração do Zyklon B, gás mortífero originalmente desenvolvido para a matança de animais mas usado para exterminar milhares de judeus durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial. Gerstein se revolta com o que testemunha e tenta informar os aliados sobre as atrocidades nos campos de concentração. Católico, busca chamar a atenção do Vaticano, mas suas denúncias são ignoradas pelo alto clero. Apenas um jovem jesuíta lhe dá ouvidos e o ajuda a organizar uma campanha para que o Papa (Marcel Iures) quebre o silêncio e se manifeste contra as violências ocorridas em nome de uma suposta supremacia racial.
Código Desconhecido
Man in Squat
A narrativa é divida entre três grupos de pessoas: a atriz francesa Anne Laurent (Juliette Binoche), o marido dela e sogros; uma romena, Maria (Luminita Gheorghiu), luta para ter dinheiro para sua família voltar para casa; e Amadou (Ona Lu Yenke), um professor para crianças surdas-mudas que está em conflito com seu clã africano. O catalisador das histórias começa numa esquina, onde o cunhado de Anne, Jean (Alexander Hamidi), insulta Maria, que implora ajuda. Amadou, enraivecido, provoca uma briga com Jean, resultando em repercussões negativas para os três grupos.
Subspecies 4: Bloodstorm
Lt. Marin
A jovem vampira Michelle Morgan escapou das garras de seu mestre Radu Vladislas. Encontrada por uma mulher chamada Ana, ela é levada a um hospital onde um médico afirma ser capaz de curar seu vampirismo. Radu, se recuperando da quase morte entregue por Michelle e seus amigos, viaja para Bucareste para seguir sua filha. Ele visita a fortaleza do vampiro Ash. Ash e sua protegida Serena planejam destruir Radu e empregar a ajuda dos humanos, Ana e o Doutor.
The Shrunken City
Truck Driver
Two teenaged kids discover a miniature bottled city buried beneath a construction site. They must protect the tiny civilization within from reptilian alien hunters after its everlasting power supply.
The Man of the Day
Magic in the Mirror: Fowl Play
Dr Tuttle uses the Doppelganger to breach a mirror, letting Dragora, Dabble and Swanson into the people world. Dragora uses this opportunity to get revenge on Mary Margaret, by way of having her over for tea.
Spellbreaker: Secret of the Leprechauns
Fairyhill Ireland is a place filled with mysteries and legends,Leprechauns and Magic. And for an American Kid like Mike Dennehy, it's a world of wonderous adventure. Vacationing in Fairyhill for the summer, Mike makes friends with a fascinating group of rather unlucky leprechaunsby Nula, Queen of the Dead - an unbelievably beautiful and sinister witch. can the Queen destroy centuries of Leprechaun power? Will evil triumph? Gather up your lucky charms(you'll need them!) and get ready for Spellbreaker, the adventure of Mike's lifetime... and yours!
Magic in the Mirror
A little girl's imaginary friends come to life when she goes through her great-grandmother's antique mirror, a la Alice, after she sees it glowing.
Last Gasp
A ruthless real estate developer is possessed by the violent spirits of the Native American tribesmen he massacred, which force him to go on an indiscriminate killing spree against his will.
Leapin' Leprechauns
A man tries to build a theme park on top of land that's secretly the home to friendly Leprechauns.
Anjo das Trevas
‎Uma demoníaca do inferno, Veronica Iscariotes, desinteressada em atormentar as almas dos pecadores condenados, sobe ao mundo acima e encontra nosso mundo cheio de mal e corrupção. Verônica decide que sua missão na vida é punir os maus e maus e continua com uma vingança sangrenta. Ao longo do caminho ela conhece e se apaixona por um médico, Max Barris, que cuida de seus ferimentos após um acidente.‎
Volúpia Sangrenta
Lieutenant Marin
Rebecca continua na sua missão de salvar a irmã Michelle, transformada em vampiro no primeiro filme da série, das garras do maligno Radu. Para isso, conta com a ajuda do agente Mel e do tenente Marin.
Trancers 4: Jack of Swords
Jack is now back in the future. He had since lost Lena, and finds out that he's lost his other wife Alice to none other than Harris. While heading out for another assignment, something goes awry with the TCL chamber. Jack finds himself in a whole new dimension. He also runs across a different version of trancers. These guys seem to be in control of this planet. Jack manages to assist a rebel group known as the "Tunnel Rats" crush the rule of the evil Lord Calaban.
The Mute
In his hidden laboratory deep in Russia, Dr. Karl Zimmer has invented the Mandroid, a humanoid robot which follows the motions of a man in a special control suit. He has offered the invention to the USA, who have sent Smith and Wait from the CIA for inspection. However Zimmer's partner Drago has different plans, wants to sell Mandroid to the military. The night he tries to steal Mandroid, he becomes exposed to the highly toxic Superconn. But he can flee and won't give up on Mandroid, even though he's terribly disfigured.
Bloodstone: Subspecies II
Lt. Martin
Continuing after the first "Subspecies", a woman who has just become a vampire tries to escape the evil vampire, Radu, who seeks her as his love interest. But she has taken the vampire family's bloodstone, and now Radu must find her to get it back. While her sister comes to Romania to save her soul. It might be too late....
Look Ahead with Anger
After the revolution of December 1989, Romania is in full transition. Incertainty and chaos have followed Ceausescu's downfall. Fane, a worker in a wharf on the river Danube, is a former dissident who was in involved in politically motivated uprisings. Now that he has achieved what he has fought for, he is unemployed and everything around him seems to fall to pieces. His whole family falls victim to the changes of the early 90s. His daughter prostitutes herself, his elder son ends up in prison and his younger son becomes a thief.
Doi haiduci şi o crâşmăriţă
Divorț... din dragoste
Gabriel Florea
Vînătoarea de lilieci
During the Romanian revolution in 1989, Pavel and Damian, two undercover officers of the Securitate secret service enter a building to search for shooters. They are followed by an amateur cameraman.
The White Lace Dress
A doctor, a sculptor and a football player trying to win the love of desenatoare models, suffering from incurable disease. But this does not preclude it from working on hand in a clothes factory. Of the three candidate, the young woman prefers the more modest, based with the family.
A Dream's Bird Ashes
Five high school graduates are followed though their life altering decisions and their consequences.
Flames Over Treasures
Deep in the Transylvanian Alps, the Archangels gold mine is the stage for an epic battle of characters. The arrogant owner is struggling with perceptions of ghosts in the mind of the miners. A maverick free-lance miner is helping him to find the source of terrifying noises that frightened his workers.
The Forest Woman
Busuioc (Victor Rebengiuc), un taran bogat din Curtici isi trimite fiul Iorgovan (Adrian Pintea), impreuna cu servitorul Sofron (Serban Ionescu) in satul vecin pentru a gasi oameni la munca campului. Iorgovan este indragostit de Simina (Manuela Harabor), fiica unui taran sarac, dintr-un sat de munte, in cautarea careia pleaca. Cum si Simina ii impartaseste sentimentele ea accepta sa vina la culesul recoltei impreuna cu tatal sau. Sentimentele lui Iorgovan sunt confuze, este slab si sfasiat intre dragostea sincera pentru Simina si obstacolul prejudecatilor si diferentelor de pozitie sociala. In acest timp Sofron, tanarul servitor al acestuia, se indragosteste la randu-i de Simina. Infruntarea dintre cei doi pretendenti devine din ce in ce mai acuta, fapt care va limpezi atitudinea fiecaruia fata de femeia pe care amandoi o iubesc.
Open Path
Love story between two engineers in the Bucharest subway system construction site.
Fără prelungiri
The residents of a retirement home start a football team.
An evil man set to haunt his family after he is dead and buried.