Durante um verão, numa aldeia perto da fronteira entre a Holanda e Bélgica, oito adolescentes vão à descoberta de novas experiências de forma a quebrar as suas vidas monótonas. Desafiam-se uns aos outros e a eles próprios. As suas curiosidades e desejos sexuais acabam por quebrar todos os limites. Tudo começa com umas brincadeiras relativamente inocentes, mas que acabam por ser insuficientes. Os seus jogos sexuais transformam-se gradualmente em pornografia, prostituição e chantagem.
20 years after the TV Mini-Series "Tales of the Serengeti", our crew reunites to truly explore the Serengeti, with no fiction. We almost didn't survive it.
20 years after the TV Mini-Series "Tales of the Serengeti", our crew reunites to truly explore the Serengeti, with no fiction. We almost didn't survive it.
20 years after the TV Mini-Series "Tales of the Serengeti", our crew reunites to truly explore the Serengeti, with no fiction. We almost didn't survive it.
Nature documentary about a young wildebeest in the wilderness of Africa. The gnu calf strays from the herd and comes upon a lioness that kidnaps it. Instinctively, it treats the lion like its mother. And miraculously enough, the lioness does not see the calf as its prey. Like a true Survivor, the calf manages to escape from the lion's den and find its way back to its real mother.