Kevin Chinoy


While caring for her brother along with her audacious mother, a teenager strikes up an unlikely friendship with an eccentric activist who is protesting one of the most landmark medical cases of all time.
A little girl has a birthday dinner with her father that she'll never forget...
David needs help. So does David. A severely depressed man reaches out for an emergency therapy session. He’s not the only one who needs help.
Um homem é libertado da prisão após 15 anos. Ele se reúne com sua namorada do ensino médio, agora uma mãe solteira de três filhos. Tornando-se uma história de amor, arrependimento e segundas chances.
Under the Rainbow: Making The Florida Project
An interesting featurette which has some good behind the scenes footage, including early location scouting, table reads and interactions with the often near out of control kids.
The Florida Project
Orlando, Florida. A capital mundial das férias. Um paraíso soalheiro ao qual acorrem anualmente milhões de turistas de todo o mundo, que ali gastam ansiosamente as suas poupanças para férias. Um Reino Mágico que preside sobre incontáveis parques temáticos, jantares com espectáculos e estâncias de férias. Mas a escassos passos destes 112km2 área de magia, a história que se conta é bem diferente...
Na véspera de Natal, a prostituta transsexual Sin-Dee Rella se encontra com sua amiga, também prostituta transsexual, Alexandra no Donut Time. Ao descobrir que está sendo traída pelo seu namorado e cafetão Chester com uma mulher branca, Sin-Dee sai imediatamente à procura dos dois.
Out of the Blue
“Out of the Blue” is about a determined woman fighting her way through a series of unique physical challenges to stop a mad man. Her skills are put to the test when discovering a loved one in danger. The female character’s mission takes a surprising turn that leaves us wondering if it was all just a game.
Não Sou Louca
Executive Producer
Nas profundezas da mente humana se escondem emoções, inseguranças e recordações que lutam para se libertar. A visão de cinco mulheres mostra como isso pode afetar suas vidas e a de seus entes queridos.
Uma Estranha Amizade
Após uma briga em um bazar, a aspirante a atriz Jane, de 21 anos, encontra algo inesperado em uma relíquia sobre o passado de Sadie. Sua curiosidade atiçada, e ela tenta fazer amizade com a viúva idosa. Os segredos surgem à medida que a relação entre elas cresce, revelando que nada é como parece.
Cinco Pela Cura
Executive Producer
Antologia de cinco curtas-metragens que exploram o impacto do câncer de mama na vida das pessoas.
The Thief
When a thief enters a house desperately looking for money, he finds something more valuable.
The Spleenectomy
After passionately auditioning for a role in a local community theater production, Judy is cast aside by a pretentious theater director. Lucky for her, she gets another unbelievable chance.
A self-conscience co-ed anguishes over whether to get out of her comfort zone by stripping naked and joining other students in a run across campus.
When Robin's daughter Lacy wants to buy an expensive guitar, Robin reminisces about the days when she was a teenager, asking her dad for her first car, an Olds Cutlass Supreme.
Bobby G. Can't Swim
Executive Producer
Bobby G. lives life on the edge in this real, raw New York street drama. Bobby is a small-time coke dealer, always on the hustle but rarely successful. He lives in Hell's Kitchen with his Puerto Rican girlfriend Lucy, who makes ends meet as a prostitute. A typical day finds Bobby selling $20 bags to neighborhood locals and passing cars. A yuppie kid looking to score a kilo of coke approaches him to broker a deal and Bobby sees the opportunity of a lifetime to make some real money. His rough days may just be over. With the tidy profit he could even leave the business. Playing out of his league, Bobby arranges to get the kilo from Astro, a fearsome, high-level drug dealer. Though Lucy announces that she's decided to go back to Puerto Rico and pleads with him to make a fresh start too, Bobby is sticking to his deal and isn't going anywhere now, convinced he'll be 'livin' large in a matter a' days...