Zoey Brady
Jessica has a big presentation in Palm Springs. There are a couple of problems though: her two kids who will do anything to get mom and dad back together again - even if they have to hack mom's phone or pose as a secretary to make sure dad's in Palm Springs too. And father Joe who'll do anything to charm his way back into Jessica's life.
Riley Taylor
12-year-old Riley Ann Taylor recently lost her grandfather, who died right in front of her while teaching her how to play soccer. She soon finds a portal leading to the place people talk about but never see: Heaven. She gains a miraculous healing ability and uses it to help those who are sick but soon gains the diseases these people and animals had. You know what they say, every good thing comes with a price.
When Eric and Marsha break off their long-term relationship, journalist Eric is able to weather it pretty well. He still has his long time canine companion Gabe, and his boss, Ms Andrews, wants to send him to London to open an office. But first Ms Andrews says Eric must find out the true identity of the best-selling author R L Dutton. A bigger obstacle for Eric's trip, however, comes from his dog. Gabe does not want to face six months in quarantine with big pit bulls and mastiffs waiting for an OK to the UK. Getting ideas from a pretty TV host, Gabe acts as Cupid Dog, doing his best to bring Eric and their neighbor Sara together. Gabe's plan works, only to go up in smoke when Eric realizes Sara is the mysterious author. Now Sara thinks Eric was just using her for a story before leaving for London. Gabe the Cupid Dog must go to new lengths to get Sara and Eric to tie the "leash."
Mel Evans
Poucos dias antes do Natal, Martha Evans (Kristy Swanson) é abandonada pelo marido, que a deixa com as filhas e o enteado e leva todo o seu dinheiro. Em desespero, ela sai em busca de algum trabalho e acaba encontrando uma lanchonete onde ela poderia ser garçonete, em uma pacata cidade do interior. Contudo, as contas e os problemas em família começam a quebrar todo o clima natalino, até que as orações de Martha começam a surtir efeito, e eles podem viver o mais lindo Natal que poderiam imaginar.
Sarah Miller
Um cavalo de raça chamado Harley desvia-se de sua direção e encontra um novo caminho ao conhecer o fazendeiro Sr. Miller (Richard Atkins) e sua filha Sarah Miller (Kristin Dorn).
Kelsey Connors
Laura, uma executiva de alto nível com muitas pressões e obrigações, tem uma filha com quem mora em Nova York. Quando ela retorna para sua cidade natal no Texas, redescobre os sentimentos que tinha pelo pai da menina.