Elias Ehlers

Elias Ehlers


Elias Ehlers


Elias Ehlers: Far
Elias Ehlers: Far
Elias Ehlers
Zulu Comedy Festival: Standup showet
Comedy Aid 2017
Comedy Aid 2016
Zulu Comedy Galla 2016
Det Dystre Skæg
Elias Ehlers
Comedy Aid 2015‎
Elias Ehlers - Helt Perfekt
Elias Ehlers is a Danish comedy show
Comedy Aid 2013
Elias Ehlers: Fucking Glad
Comedy Aid 2011
Comedy Aid 2011
Comedy Aid 2010
Nick e seu irmão mais novo cresceram nas piores circunstâncias. Infância marcada por pobreza, abusos, uma mãe alcoólatra e a trágica dissolução da família. Reencontram-se no funeral de sua mãe, cada um tendo seguido um caminho de autodestruição, assombrados por uma tragédia em sua juventude.
Black Balls
Alex Klein is a bankrupt real estate executive whose life is on a collision course. Not only do the market and his career look like a Trabant from before the fall of the Berlin Wall, but he has a wife who is thriving in success; a family whose habits are driving him insane; clients with bad taste and too much money. Not to mention 14-year-old baristas who think they know the difference between highland coffee beans, picked by virgins at midnight and the coffee from the local supermarket. So there's a lot getting on his nerves, so much so, that one day, when things become real serious, he can only weather the storm in his own repelling way.
Talegaver til børn: 15 års jubilæum