Nathalie Bécue

Nathalie Bécue


Nathalie Bécue


Eugénie Grandet
Felix Grandet reigns supreme in his modest house in Saumur where his wife and daughter Eugenie lead a distraction-free existence. Extremely avaricious, he does not take a favorable view of the beautiful parties who rush to ask for his daughter's hand. Nothing should damage the colossal fortune he hides from everyone. The sudden arrival of Grandet's nephew, an orphaned and ruined Parisian dandy, turns the young girl's life upside down.
Faiseuse d'ange
Em Paris de 1880, Auguste Rodin finalmente recebe, aos 40 anos, sua primeira encomenda do Estado: A Porta do Inferno, obra composta de figuras que farão sua glória, como O Beijo e O Pensador. Ele divide sua vida com Rose, sua eterna companheira, quando conhece a jovem Camille Claudel, sua aluna mais talentosa, que rapidamente torna-se sua assistente e, em seguida, sua amante. Dez anos de paixão, mas também dez anos de admiração e cumplicidade compartilhada. Após a dissolução, Rodin continua a trabalhar com determinação. Ele deve encarar a rejeição e o entusiasmo que a sensualidade da sua escultura provoca e assina com seu Balzac, rejeitado enquanto vivo, ponto de partida incontestável da escultura moderna.
Surveillante Tatiana
Ombline, a 20-year-old woman, is sent to prison for three years after committing a violent assault on a police officer. Just when she has lost all hope for the future, she discovers that she is pregnant. The law allows her to rear her newborn for the first 18 months of its life, after which time the child must be given up and placed into state care. Ombline has no intention of surrendering her beloved little boy and is prepared to do anything to convince the authorities that she is capable of rearing the child after she has left prison. As her maternal instincts assert themselves, the young woman finds she has a cause worth fighting for, and an opportunity to rebuild her shattered life…
Tudo Por Ela
Gardienne pariair
Julien é um professor que leva uma vida perfeita ao lado da bela esposa Lisa, e do filho Oscar. Tudo muda de figura quando Lisa é acusada de assassinato e condenada a vinte anos de prisão. Certo da inocência da sua esposa, Julien inicia uma verdadeira cruzada para tirá-la do local, mas quando percebe que ficou sem alternativas jurídicas para isso, começa a elaborar um intrincado plano para colocá-la em liberdade.
It All Starts Today
Set in a forlorn mining town near Valencienne in the north of France, the story is about one man's struggle to bring life to his once prosperous village and its inhabitants. Philippe Torreton, who won a César for Best Actor with his title role in Capitaine Conan, plays Daniel, the head teacher of a nursery school in a town demoralized by unemployment. Daniel is determined against all odds to bring life to the community. When a parent who has come to pick up her children collapses at the school grounds due to alcohol abuse, and social services turns a deaf ear to all pleas for help, Daniel decides to take the law into his own hands. Despite resistance from the townspeople, in the long run his efforts are not fruitless.
Les deux Fragonard
A washerwoman
The name of painter Jean-Honore Fragonard (1732-1806) is synonymous for a kind of painting style which celebrates carefree romantic life, indoors and out. He was a painter during the final decades of the French monarchy. In this story, he and his brother Cyprien (Robin Renucci), who is an early pioneer in medical anatomy (he dissected corpses and made drawings of what he found in them), have fallen in love with the same woman, Marianne (Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu), a laundress. This attraction has not escaped the notice of Salmon d'Anglas (Sami Frey), a conniving nobleman, who has his heart set on getting revenge on Jean-Honore (Joachim de Almeida) for refusing his patronage and becoming the darling of the French court.
A British girl falls for a French man while on vacation.
A Mulher Pública
An inexperienced young actress is invited to play a role in a film based on Dostoyevsky's 'The Possessed'. The film director, a Czech immigrant in Paris, takes over her life, and in a short time she is unable to draw the line between acting and reality. She winds up playing a real-life role posing as the dead wife of another Czech immigrant, who is manipulated by the filmmaker into commiting a political assassination.