Daniel Blum


Die Welt steht still
Commissioning Editor
When the pictures from Bergamo in Italy go around the world in spring 2020, even non-medical people know what the word pandemic means. The previously unknown Coronavirus is spreading rapidly across the planet. Four days later, exit and contact restrictions also apply in Germany. Since then, the life of the Konstanz intensive care physician Dr. Carolin Mellau and her family on their heads. The female doctor becomes a member of the crisis team and is on duty around the clock to prepare the clinic for the impending emergency. As an anesthesiologist intubating those infected with COVID-19, she herself carries a high risk of infection. Meanwhile, her husband Stefan has to cancel his concerts as a musician, is no longer allowed to teach his music students and is suddenly sitting at home without an income. Teenage daughter Luzy is not allowed to see her Swiss boyfriend because the border is closed. She and brother Tim cannot go to school. But the worst case for the family is yet to come.
Laim und der letzte Schuldige
Commissioning Editor
The Munich LKA officer Sandra Rutkowski received an anonymous call in which a star tenor from the Munich State Opera was accused of molesting children. A boy brought to him is said to be locked in the cloakroom of the singer, who is still being celebrated on the stage. When Sandra and the Munich inspector Lukas Laim break down the door to the cloakroom, they find an intimidated, apathetic boy in the closet.
Deserto em Fogo
Uma cientista culpa o chefe de uma grande empresa por causar um desastre ecológico na América do Sul. Mas quando um vulcão, dado como inativo, começa a apresentar sinais de erupção, eles devem unir forças para evitar um enorme desastre e salvar o mundo, apesar de suas diferenças ideológicas.
The Unheard Woman
Hanni is the wife wife of a farmer and the mother of three. She worries about her youngest, Magdalena, who’s smaller and more sensitive than her siblings. She gets stomach flu and can’t see well. The doctors prescribe nothing but panaceas, and don’t take her case seriously. While Hanni searches for a doctor who will take Magdalena’s symptoms seriously, her husband and sons feel neglected.
The Unheard Woman
Hanni is the wife wife of a farmer and the mother of three. She worries about her youngest, Magdalena, who’s smaller and more sensitive than her siblings. She gets stomach flu and can’t see well. The doctors prescribe nothing but panaceas, and don’t take her case seriously. While Hanni searches for a doctor who will take Magdalena’s symptoms seriously, her husband and sons feel neglected.
O Vale Negro
Commissioning Editor
Áustria, 1875. Greider é um americano de ascendência austríaca que aparece em uma vila remota nas montanhas, lar de seus ancestrais por gerações. Os moradores oferecem abrigo ao estranho em troca de um generoso pagamento. Porém, eles não suspeitam que o homem sabe de um segredo guardado pela comunidade e está lá para buscar vingança.
Schneewittchen muss sterben
Commissioning Editor
Lost in Siberia
Matthias Bleuel, a logistician of a german mail order company is send to Kemorovo in Siberia to teach some russian subsidiary company the german work flow system. But soon this land changes him and everything for him.
The Miracle of Carinthia
A marriage couple find their daughter drowned in the pool house. At the hospital, the doctor refuses to give up and holds tightly to a remote hope of saving the girl.
Rápido e Indolor
Gabriel, Bobby e Costa são velhos amigos de um bairro multicultural em Hamburgo. Acabado de sair da prisão, Gabriel quer se afastar do crime, mas os outros ainda cometem pequenos delitos. Amizades são testadas à medida que exploram um mundo sombrio de chefes da máfia e negócios que deram errado.