The year is 1925. Mölle is the fashionable tourist destination for people of a certain class. Ladies with shingled hair, men in straw hats and white suits. At the popular guest house Summer Lust the uptight but lovesick Beda rules with an iron fist. To help her she has a lot of very good personell... and Siri. Siri works as a bartender, is obsessed with movies and not very interested in helping the guests.
It's the 1960s and the local bandstand is in dire straits economically. Nancy the consultant shows up and attempts to get the business running smoothly again.
Professor Valkendorph
My sister's kids this time are going to Jutland.
The wealthy Pantalone (Ulf Brunnberg) and Doctor Lombardi (Ewa Roos) have just witnessed the engagement between their children. Then an unusually cheeky figure pops up and throws all plans. She calls herself Truffaldina (Eva Rydberg) and seems free from what respect and label is called. Since an accident rarely comes alone, Rasponi now also enters the action and addresses all common concepts of the perishability of life. And it will not be less difficult when a gentleman from Torino, named Florindo, arrives at Venice and enters the same inn as Rasponi. Now it is for Brighella's innkeeper to take the vagina in beautiful hand and keep my good in bad play.
Moradores da cidade, Signe e Tommy mudaram-se para o interior com sua filha de 7 anos Bianca. Eles compraram uma antiga e charmosa casa na pequena cidade de Glamstrup, onde eles esperam começar uma vida nova e tranquila. Mas assim que eles se mudam, coisas inexplicáveis começam a acontecer. Tommy é um consultor de computadores e Signe está atualmente desempregada. Quando Tommy cai de volta em sua rotina de trabalho, Signe passa os dias sozinha em casa com Bianca, e elas logo se tornam vítimas de distúrbios paranormais.
The story of Juliane, a young woman who learns how to take her fate in her own hands and to trust nobody but herself. The plot is set in the Copenhagen tenements of the 1880s. Juliane is trapped in an unhappy marriage to a man who suffers extended periods of insanity. They have two children. She struggles to improve her social status, however, striving to attain the level of her two elder sisters is not easy. The great upheaval comes when she meets Otto, a smith, younger than Juliane, and in many ways her opposite. He is an ardent socialist, whereas she believes in herself. It is love at first sight when they meet and waltz on the pavement, but their passion really bursts into flame as time goes by. At last Juliane has found a man as strong-willed as she is.
When kitchen fitter Niller comes to install Sus's new suite, their immediate attraction to one another proves a sweet escape from both of their problematic relationships.
Egon escapes from the psychiatric ward, where he has been incarcerated since the gang's last coup. Keld and Benny pick him up, and when Egon, as always, is planning the big heist, the Olsen Gang is once again on the move.
It's vacation time, but the Andersen family can't figure out where to go. Reaching agreement is not exactly the easiest for the family. Everyone has his own plans how he would like to spend the holidays. Now it's just that Sune is also hot-burned at newly-relocated neighbor Sophie (Stephanie León), so he doesn't have it easy. While trying to impress her, he is chased by a vicious motorcycle thug and is constantly on the run.
The tween, Mads, finds it hard to fit in. Having feelings for a girl in class and a clumsy farther who is a teacher at his school doesn't help. By an unforeseen chance of events, Mads becomes somewhat of a hero, but will he win the girl?
Gittes chauffør
For Janus his friend Tore is his big ideal: pretty, intelligent and self-confident. Janus is grateful for his friendship even though he is considered the court jester. When Tore falls in love with the beautiful and sweet girl Helle, Janus accepts his role as their highly loved third party. Helle's fashionable mother, however, is a bit too interested in Tore. Written by Allan Simonsen
Fængslende feriedage is a 1978 Danish family film directed by Finn Henriksen and starring Jørgen Ryg. It was also Dirch Passer's final film.
Girls at Arms 2 is a 1976 Danish comedy film directed by Finn Henriksen and starring Berrit Kvorning.