Jack Shampan


In My Mind
Himself (archive)
The film recounts one of Chris' early filmmaking experiences: an attempt to interview Patrick McGoohan - something McGoohan had resisted previously - about his enigmatic series for a Channel 4 commissioned documentary. A documentary that didn't quite go to plan. In a series of frank interviews conducted by Chris, most of which ultimately remained unused in the 1983 documentary 'Six Into One-The Prisoner File', McGoohan slowly reveals his innermost thoughts about his concept.
The London Connection
Art Direction
A missing formula, a defecting Eastern European scientist kidnapped, car chases, foot chases, air chases, the British secret service, and a couple of American tourists caught right in the middle.
Wombling Free
Art Direction
The adventures of The Wombles, strange creatures who live on Wimbledon Common and pick up the litter left by the humans. There's always time for a nice song and dance as well. This was a film version of the popular childrens TV show.
Legend of the Werewolf
Art Direction
A travelling circus in 19th century France adopts and showcases a feral "wolf boy", who grows into adulthood only to kill the one-man band. He runs off to Paris, where he develops a jealous, overprotective crush on a prostitute, leading him to attack her client, incurring a pursuit by a determined police surgeon.
The Ghoul
Art Direction
A former clergyman (Peter Cushing) in 1920s England tries to keep his cannibalistic son locked in the attic.
Art Direction
A cat lover (Lana Turner) kills her husband, blackmails her lover (Trevor Howard) and torments her son (Ralph Bates).
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Art Direction
Musical version of the story in which Dr. Henry Jekyll experiments with scientific means of revealing the hidden, dark side of man and releases a murderer from within himself.
A Donzela Disse Sim!
Art Direction
Young Jenny heads to the South of England to start a new career as a school teacher. Even before she has had a chance to settle in she meets Patrick, one of the local "lads". Within a short time she has her hands full when a number of the local boys take a liking to her. But who will be the lucky one who wins her affections?
The Adding Machine
Art Direction
An accountant whose job is about to be taken over by a computer starts to re-examine his life and his priorities.
The Bushbaby
Art Direction
The young daughter of a park ranger in Tanzania is distressed to learn that she and her father must permanently return to England, thus separating her from the one thing she loves most, a pet Bushbaby. Fearing what the future holds she decides to set the pet free but while doing so misses the boat back to England. After meeting up with a friendly native they try to resolve the situation together. Things take a turn for the worse when it is falsely reported that the native has kidnapped her, thus putting a price on his head
A Mulher Detective
Art Direction
Modesty Blaise, uma agente secreta cuja cor de cabelo, estilo de cabelo e roupas modernas mudam em um estalar de dedos, está sendo usada pelo governo britânico como isca em um esforço para impedir um roubo de diamantes. Ela está sendo armada pelos federais, mas é sábia com a trama e chama o ajudante Willie Garvin e alguns outros amigos para enganá-los. Enquanto isso, em seu refúgio na ilha, Gabriel, o ladrão de diamantes, tem seus próprios planos para Blaise e Garvin.
Tomorrow at Ten
Art Direction
A British policeman (John Gregson) tries to find a rich man's (Alec Clunes) son before a kidnapper's (Robert Shaw) time bomb blows.
A Filha de Satã
Art Direction
Cético professor universitário é contrariado pela crença de sua esposa na feitiçaria, prática que conheceu em uma viagem à Jamaica. Ele tenta convencê-la a abrir mão disto, mas a mulher está cada vez mais obcecada em rodeá-lo de amuletos e outros aparatos de magia para que tenha sucesso profissional.
Echo of Barbara
Art Direction
Barbara is the long-lost sister of no-good Mike Roscoe (Ronald Hines). Paula Brown (Maureen Connell) is the stripper whom Mike hires to pose as Barbara. It's all part of a scheme to fool Mike's ex-convict dad Sam Roscoe (Mervyn Johns). The son hopes to entice Sam into revealing the whereabouts of his stolen money, and Paula is hopefully going to do the trick. Based on a novel by Jonathan Burke, Echo of Barbara is a better-than-usual British programmer, entertaining despite its surplus of unpleasant leading characters.
Seven Keys
Art Direction
Alan Dobie plays a convict who is bequeathed a set of seven keys by a fellow prisoner. After discovering that the deceased was an embezzler who stole £20,000 that was never recovered; he sets out to find the cash after finishing the last three months of his sentence. However he must first solve the mystery of which locks the keys fit, and run the gauntlet of the police and a number of gangsters who are after him and the money.
October Moth
Art Direction
A mentally ill farm worker comes to believe that an injured car crash victim is his mother and becomes so unhinged that he turns to murder.
Circo dos Horrores
Art Direction
Em 1947, na Inglaterra, um cirurgião plástico deve bater em retirada para a França, quando um de seus pacientes tem problemas horríveis com sua cirurgia. Uma vez lá, ele opera sobre a filha de um dono do circo, deformado por bombas da guerra. Mais tarde, ele se torna o dono do circo, e continua transformando as mulheres desfiguradas para as belas estrelas de seu show. O repórter intrometida (bem como Scotland Yard) da polícia e se interessar quando as mulheres que querem fora do circo começam a morrer em acidentes estranhos, e eles começam a suspeitar o bom médico é responsável.
The Professionals
Art Direction
A renowned safecracker and his crew try to rob a bank by entering the vault through the sewer system.
De Repente, no Último Verão
A jovem socialite Catherine Holly fica traumatizada após testemunhar a morte do seu primo. Mas a sua tia tenta subornar um médico para fazer uma lobotomia na sobrinha, com o objetivo de manter as circunstâncias da morte do filho em segredo.
O Quinteto da Morte
Set Designer
Five oddball criminals planning a bank robbery rent rooms on a cul-de-sac from an octogenarian widow under the pretext that they are classical musicians.