An analysis of stylistic and narrative cinematic choices, themes, patterns composing scenes and shots in Hitchcock's films, focusing on "Notorious" that demonstrate his genius as a master craftsman
Anton Schneider says goodbye to his wife Luise in tears and dies. Schneider was seriously ill with multiple sclerosis and was diagnosed by neurologist Dr. Hoffer medically treated. Luise Schneider reports the doctor and accuses him of incorrect treatment of her husband, which ultimately led to his death. The mandate against Dr. Hoffer takes over Dominique Kuster, who entrusts her employee Thomas Borchert with the investigation.
Martin Harris acabou de sair de um coma de quatro dias, fruto de um acidente de carro em Berlim. Ao acordar, descobre que sua esposa não o reconhece e, para piorar, existe um outro homem usando sua identidade. Ignorado pelas autoridades e na mira de assassinos, sua única chance de desvendar este mistério é contar com Gina, uma motorista de táxi que poderá ajudá-lo a provar que ele não está louco.
Documentary, also known as "Mission to Murder Hitler", chronicling Valkyrie, the true story of a German Resistance group attempting to murder Adolf Hitler.