Art Evans

Art Evans

Nascimento : 1942-03-27, Berkeley, California, USA


Arthur James “Art” Evans is an American actor who has made multiple film and television program appearances over the span of three decades. His acting career, spanning over 30 years, started with Frank Silvera's Theater of Being in Los Angeles. He took a starring role in The Amen Corner, which transferred to Broadway in 1965. His first uncredited acting performance in film was Claudine in 1974. His first credited role was in Chico and the Man as Bubba in the episode Too Many Crooks, which aired in 1976. He is probably best known for his role as Leslie Barnes in the action 1990s films Die Hard 2: Die Harder, in which he plays an air traffic control tower employee. Evans has also appeared in Fright Night and Fright Night II, as well as many appearances in a variety of television shows such as MAS*H and Hill Street Blues. In 1984, Evans co-starred in the all-star African-American drama A Soldier's Story as the memorable brown-nosing character Wilkie. His talents for many instruments came in handy when playing Blind Lemon Jefferson in the movie Leadbelly. Also starred in the music video for Stevie Wonder's Go Home.


Art Evans


You're So Cool, Brewster! The Story of Fright Night
An extensive look at the making of Fright Night (1985) and Fright Night Part 2 (1988) featuring exclusive interviews with cast and crew members, rare photographs, behind-the-scenes footage and more.
Alien Rising
General Tabor
When a seemingly abandoned alien spacecraft is discovered orbiting Neptune, a top secret expedition is sent to investigate. In the derelict hulk they discover two surviving alien life forms telepathically linked to one other. 13 years later a savvy, ex-DEA agent and martial arts expert finds herself renditioned to a high security establishment on a remote island where they are conducting experiments on the incarcerated aliens.
Ol’ Mose
A comedic look at the life of Steve Jobs.
A Farsa de Anderson
Nick Anderson, Kevin Daniels e Tracey Green fazem tudo juntos. Eles são os melhores amigos e, no entanto, não poderiam ser mais diferentes. Vizinhos da adolescência, terminam os pensamentos e frases um do outro, alegrias e dores, felicidade e lágrimas. Usando a casa de Nick como seu próprio clube, eles escapam para o seu próprio mundo de satisfação. No entanto, a inevitável intrusão de outros testa sua estabilidade de maneiras nunca imaginadas.
Church: The Movie
Pastor Jones
When a reformed bad boy returns to The Church on the Hill as its Youth Leader, he has his hands full with boisterous kids, a congregation that's $27,000 in debt and a duplicitous deacon determined to make a profit by grabbing the church's land.
House Under Siege
Jack Miller
Two young boys and a girl commit a diamond robbery on Halloween. During escape the girl is fatally shot. One of the boys knows a doctor (Jeremy London) who has a private clinic in his house. They decide to go to his house instead of the hospital where they will expect the police. They enter the house quietly with no drama. But when the doctor tells them she needs an ambulance to the hospital or else she will die, and his co-worker picks up the phone ready to call, the boys bring their guns out. The doctor along with his family are taken hostages, and the boys threaten him to save the girl if they all want to stay alive.
Machete Joe
A group of out-of-work actors decide to take their careers into their own hands by shooting a low-budget horror film, about an urban myth. With only 15 days to shoot their unfinished script, at a remote castle in the desert, getting through the first night becomes a nightmare. As their egos begin to surface so do the dead bodies.
Shades of Ray
American-born Ray Rehman comes home one night to find his Pakistani father on his doorstep. Ray's Caucasian mother threw him out. It's an awkward time for his father to move in as Ray just proposed to his Caucasian girlfriend - who hasn't given him an answer. While trying to get his parents back together, Ray meets a South Asian girl of mixed descent, just like him, and must decide where his identity truly lies.
Jada is the faith based story of a woman whose life becomes chaotic when her husband is killed in a questionable car accident. Her once-comfortable middle-class lifestyle comes crashing down when an insurance company labels the accident a suicide and refuses to pay her benefits as the survivor.
Young Cesar
When Ali Dean went to prison, left behind two sons. Tariq trains to become a boxer, but his brother, Cesar, ends up on the streets dealing drugs. And while Ali is about to be released, even he may not be able to save his wayward son. The deeper Cesar gets into crime, the more important Ali's need to be a father to him becomes.
Nunca Morra Sozinho
Mr. Waters
King David é um traficante de drogas que volta à sua cidade natal buscando uma nova vida, provocando uma guerra de quadrilhas. Meio pregador, meio Diabo, ele terá um impacto muito grande na vida do jornalista Paul, para quem deixou as fitas contando os detalhes de sua vida.
Upon returning to Los Angeles to attend his father's funeral, Damon (Alexander) soon learns that in order to claim his share of the family inheritance he must work alongside his brother, Mookie (Kain) — a former drug-dealer who had previously cost Damon a college scholarship — in keeping the family's long-running gas station in business for at least one year. As the siblings repeatedly butt heads over matters both great and small, they soon come to realize that it takes more than money to hold a family together.
Super Spy: The Final Exit
Willie Ray
In this urban comedy, an aspiring young filmmaker named Sherlock heads off to Hollywood in hopes of making a blockbuster action movie and becoming famous. Everything seems to be going as planned, with filming underway, until the cameras record something accidentally. What ends up on film will be something that all involved wish they'd never been associated with. Stars A.J. Jamal.
The Watermelon Heist
To make money fast the Browns come up with a plan to win a contest for "Watermelon Juice Afro Sheen," awarding $10,000 to whoever can find the juiciest, sweetest watermelon in the country.
Viagem Sem Destino
Neal Oliver está para completar 22 anos, uma idade em que todos deveriam saber o que querem da vida, certo? Mas, o rapaz está em dúvida entre realizar seus próprios sonhos ou ceder às pressões de seu pai, um importante advogado que quer fazer dele seu sucessor. Então, em sua festa de aniversário, Neal faz um pedido: conseguir uma resposta, descobrir qual o melhor caminho a seguir. É quando aparece uma figura enigmática, o Sr. O. W. Grant, que insiste para que o rapaz revele seu pedido. Depois de abrir seus presentes, Neal sofre um acidente. Quando acorda, no hospital, o aniversariante inicia uma misteriosa viagem por uma estrada que não está em mapa algum. Em seu primeiro percurso, Neal encontra estranhas cidades com habitantes mais estranhos ainda. Até que, finalmente, conhece a garota de seus sonhos e tem uma importante revelação. Mas, não antes de ser acusado de assassinato, perseguido pela polícia e jogado na cadeia, entre outras aventuras.
Boys Klub
Father Sal
Sent to San Francisco to spend the summer with his aunt, teenager Mario Vandetti makes fast friends with a group of neighborhood kids and encouraged by a caring priest they soon form a basketball team, becoming contenders in a city tournament.
James Tanner
The life of a beautiful rising female recording star is placed in jeopardy when she witnesses the drive-by shooting of a rival rap-star in Las Vegas. Wanted by both the killers and the corrupt police, the young woman must go into hiding while three of her kick-ass friends root-out the truth to the situation.
The Cheapest Movie Ever Made
2000 action comedy
After All
An ambitious news reporter refuses to let anything come between her and her dream of being an anchorwoman until a former lover she thought was out of her life returns.
Garantia de Vida
Markham Peale
An ex-con moves to L.A. to find work and creates a disturbance by fighting for a position. More importantly he touches the lives of many of his neighbors including an older man dying of cancer, a young married couple whose husband is too proud to accept a lesser position which causes strife with his wife, and a young boy on the verge of getting in trouble with street gangs.
O Negociador
Lt. Sam Baffett
Em São Francisco, Scott Roper (Eddie Murphy) trabalha como negociador de reféns e enquanto tudo corre bem (dentro do possível) na sua vida profissional. Mas sua vida particular não é bem assim, pois Ronnie (Carmen Ejogo), sua ex-namorada, está saindo com um famoso jogador de baseball. Mas tudo piora realmente quando um oficial de polícia é assassinado por um ladrão de jóias psicótico, fazendo com que Roper fique decidido em fazer qualquer coisa para prender o criminoso, mesmo sendo ele proibido de entrar no caso por estar emocionalmente envolvido. Simultaneamente, ele tem de treinar um membro da SWAT para se tornar um negociador como ele, mas mesmo assim consegue prender o ladrão que matou seu amigo. Porém, tudo está longe de ficar tranquilo, pois o psicopata foge da prisão, sequestra Ronnie, que tinha reatado com Scott, e para devolvê-la exige que Roper entregue dez milhões de dólares em jóias, as que ele tinha roubado.
O Trambique do Século
Rev Sultan (Samuel L. Jackson) é um promotor no mercado de lutas de boxe, e ele acredita que esse mercado precisa ser renovado. Ele encontra então um homem que é capaz de derrotar o campeão. O problema é que ele não é lutador e é branco, diferente de todos os grandes nomes do boxe que são negros. Mesmo assim, Sultan convence o rapaz a treinar com ele para o grande desafio.
Duro de Agarrar
Marty (uncredited)
Trapalhão é confundido com criminoso e foge para floresta, onde acaba fingindo-se de líder de grupo de escoteiros. Mas de líder ele não tem nada, especialmente a coragem necessária para enfrentar ursos ferozes, dentre outras situações de extremo perigo.
Contos Macabros
Um agente funerário conta 4 contos de horror focado em três traficantes de drogas que ele retém em seu local de trabalho.
Bitter Harvest
Earl Yates
Travis has just buried his father, when Kelly, an attractive hitchhiker walks into his life. At the same time, another attractive blonde, Jolene, starts taking an interest in Travis. Both women are secretly after something.
Albert Sr.
A "rockumentary", covering the rise to fame of MC Gusto, Stab Master Arson, and Dead Mike: members of the rap group "CB4". We soon learn that these three are not what they seem and don't apear to know as much about rap music as they claim... but a lack of musical ability in an artist never hurts sales, does it? You've just got to play the part of a rap star...
Os Saqueadores
Vince e Don são dois bombeiros do Arkansas. Eles descobrem um mapa que indica o local onde está enterrada uma grande quantidade de ouro roubado. Enquanto procuram pelo ouro, eles se deparam com os membros de uma perigosa gangue, que estão para executar um de seus rivais. Quando os criminosos começam a persegui-los, a única saída para os bombeiros é fazer de refém o irmão do líder da gangue. Encurralados dentro do armazém em ruínas, Vince e Don, impulsionados pela cobiça, continuam a procurar pelo ouro, enquanto do lado de fora, os membros da gangue se equipam com armas de alta tecnologia e se preparam para dar início à um violento e inevitável confronto. Escrito por Bob Gale e Robert Zemeckis (Forrest Gump O Contador de História) da trilogia de De Volta Para o Futuro, com trilha sonora original de Ry Cooder (Os Últimos Passos de Um Homem) e músicas de Public Enemy.
The Finishing Touch
Lieutenant Morman
Sam Stone is a cop with personal as well as professional problems. Stone investigates a series of killings in the night club scene. His ex-wife, also a cop, goes undercover to find the killer and Stone is faced with a double problem: keeping her alive and catching the killer before another woman is killed.
Lt. Hendrix
Durante uma época em que a cidade de Los Angeles é aterrorizada por assassinatos no estilo de ataque de animais, uma senhora gentil e idosa oferece hospedagem e alimentação a um nômade. Acontece que ele é um lobisomem e é o responsável pelos recentes assassinatos. Ele morde a mulher idosa, transformando-a em um lobisomem faminto. Agora seu filho adulto deve tentar evitar que os dois causem mais danos.
Assalto ao Aeroporto
Leslie Barnes
John McClane é obrigado a combater mercenários que se apoderam do controlo das comunicações de um aeroporto e ameaçam causar acidentes aéreos, se as exigências deles não forem cumpridas.
Dois Tiras Infernais
Henry Coleman
Numa delegacia situada numa área barra pesada da Filadélfia, dois policiais são designados para trabalharem juntos. Um é durão, habituado a improvisar as normas, o outro, é careta que não dá um passo fora do manual. Os dois perderam seus parceiros em ação e se culpam pela morte dos colegas.
O Poderoso Quinn
Jump Jones
O policial Xavier Quinn (Denzel Washington) descobre que um amigo de infância, Maubee, tem seu nome associado a um assassinato e ao desaparecimento de uma bala contendo dez mil dólares. Agora Xavier, conhecido como ”Poderoso Quinn”, precisa tentar limpar o nome do amigo ou tentar capturá-lo, o que poderá ser ainda mais complicado.
Lute Pela Coisa Certa
Cedar Cloud
Em Mission College, uma universidade de negros sulista, Vaughn Dunlap (Laurence Fishburne) é um estudante sério, que se envolve com problemas estudantis e direciona suas críticas para a atual administração, que considera insensível para sérios problemas. Vaughn está profundamente ligado no sistema de ascensão social das fraternidades. Dunlap é um ativista dedicado, enquanto Meia-Tigela (Spike Lee), seu primo mais jovem, gasta a maioria do tempo tentando ingressar na fraternidade mais popular enquanto tenta achar desesperadamente um envolvimento (e provar que não é virgem). Os dois tentam alcançar suas metas discrepantes e, paralelamente, há um problema racial em conflito dividindo a universidade entre os "Wannabees", os mais claros, e os "Jigaboos", os mais escuros.
White of the Eye
Detective Charles Mendoza
In a wealthy and isolated desert community, a sound expert is targeted as the prime suspect of a series of brutal murders of local suburban housewives who were attacked and mutilated in their homes. As he desperately tries to prove his innocence, his wife starts to uncover startling truths...
Herança de Sangue
Na década de 1940 em Chicago, um jovem negro toma um emprego de motorista para uma família branca, o que leva a pior quando ele mata acidentalmente a filha adolescente do casal e, em seguida, tenta encobri-lo.
Por Favor, Matem Minha Mulher
Lt. Bender
Sam Stone odeia tanto a esposa Barbara que não vê a hora de se livrar dela. Quando descobre que a mulher foi sequestrada, ele simplesmente ignora todas as exigências dos sequestradores, inclusive o pedido de resgate de quinhentos mil dólares. Confusos, os sequestradores tentam encontrar uma forma de colocar a mão no dinheiro, enquanto lidam com o autoritarismo de sua vítima.
Long Time Gone
Neighbor #1
A "world-class screw-up" private eye finds his world and his attention changed when he is reunited with his estranged 11-year old son.
Nos Palcos da Vida
Da pobreza de Illinois ao glamour de Hollywood. Do abandono da mãe ao reconhecimento do mundo. A vida de Richard Pryor é um relato de dramas, tragédias, excessos e muita glória. Biografia do melhor comediante stand-up de todos os tempos.
A Hora do Espanto
Detective Lennox
O estudante do ensino médio Charley Brewster descobre acidentalmente a verdadeira e assustadora natureza de Jerry Dandrige, seu elegante e enigmático novo vizinho, mas ninguém parece disposto a acreditar nele.
Handsome Harry's
Speedy Simms
American TV-Comedy
Cop #1 (uncredited)
Cybill Shephard stars as Vicky, a woman married to a rich old man, who has one foot in the grave. Gregory Harrison plays Mike Riordon a district attorney, who is young, handsome and living at home with his Irish mom for the most. Vicky's husband Arthur gets Mike involved in a merger of two companies...or something like that even though he knows that Mike and Vicky were a couple and that she had dumped him. Whilst Mike and Vicky are attending a party, Arthur is alone at home when a burglar appears out of nowhere and shoots him point blank.
Um Romance Muito Perigoso
Um marido, Ed Okin (Jeff Goldblum), que não consegue dormir enfrenta problemas conjugais e acha o emprego monótono. Ao dirigir através de Los Angeles ele socorre Diana (Michelle Pfeiffer), que está sendo perseguida por quatro iranianos que desejam 6 esmeraldas de valor inestimável.
Tuff Turf: O Rebelde
Security Guard
Prestes a terminar o terceiro ano do segundo grau, Morgan se vê obrigado a mudar de estilo de vida passando a freqüentar os subúrbios da cidade onde vive, ao invés do clube de garotos ricos. Ao contrário da boa reputação de seu irmão mais velho, Morgan já tem um histórico de problemas e é conhecido por sua cabeça quente. Em sua nova escola, Morgan acaba se envolvendo com a namorada do líder da gangue. O delinquente ameaça Morgan que mesmo sabendo do risco que está correndo não vai desistir desse relacionamento. Só resta saber se essa turma vai deixar que o novo mauricinho na área leve a melhor.
Solomon Northup's Odyssey
This is based on a true story. Solomon Northrop is a black man in the mid 19th century before slavery was abolished. He's a born freeman who works as a carpenter and is also a part time musician. One day he is approached by some men who want him to play for them. However, that is not their intention; they have kidnapped him and sold him into slavery. Now he has to endure the hardships that he has been spared because of his status as a freeman. And his family who don't know what happened to him is searching for him but where do they go? And Solomon also wishes to let them know where he is so that they could get him but unfortunately no one believes his story or is willing to help him.
A História de um Soldado
Private Wilkie
Um advogado negro, oficial do Exército, vai a uma base militar remota no interior da Louisiana para conduzir o inquérito sobre o brutal assassinato de um sargento negro. Ele desconfia de crime racial, mas enfrenta a resistência de oficiais brancos para identificar os culpados.
The Seduction of Gina
Delivery Man
Gina is young, recently married and bored. On a trip to Lake Tahoe she discovers the game of blackjack. Increasingly obsessed with gambling, she keeps hoping her lucky streak will last.
Christine: O Carro Assassino
Auto Assembly Worker (uncredited)
Arnie Cunningham compra um Plymouth Fury 1958, que ele chama de Christine. Ele então desenvolve uma obsessão doentia pelo carro, para o desespero de seu amigo atleta, Dennis Guilder. Depois do valentão Buddy Repperton desfigurar Christine, o carro se restaura perfeitamente e começa a matar Buddy e seus amigos. Determinado a acabar com as mortes, Dennis e a namorada de Arnie, Leigh Cabot, decidem destruir Christine.
A Reunião dos Alunos Loucos
Carl Clapton
Lizzie Borden High's class of '72 are going through the motions at their tenth-year reunion, until deranged alum Walter Baylor, driven insane by a sadistic senior-year prank, escapes from the mental institution and crashes the party. When guests start getting bumped off, the other alumni, including snooty yacht salesman Bob Spinnaker, class tease Bunny Packard, and class zero Gary Nash, spring into action to uncover the culprit.
O Homem com a Lente Mortal
Warehouse Guard
Duas perigosas armas nucleares são roubadas e posteriormente vendidas a um grupo terrorista, fato que pode desencadear a próxima Grande Guerra. O repórter televisivo Patrick Hale precisa investigar o caso e acaba se envolvendo em toda a trama envolvendo a polícia, o governo e líderes de instituições religiosas e políticas, mas inesperadamente surge uma pista de que seu próprio governo pode estar envolvido no crime.
Between Two Brothers
Sanitation Worker
Bob Frazer is a prominent attorney who compulsively tries to make amends with his younger, less polished brother Russ who runs the family business and harbors the guilt for their father's recent death.
First Family
Longo's Right Hand Man
When the First Daughter is kidnapped by an African tribe, the President must do what he can to keep them from sacrificing her.
The Boy Who Drank Too Much
A high school athlete is well on the road to becoming an alcoholic like his ex-hockey pro father until his teammate and best friend commits himself to saving him from his self-destructive habit.
Pete "Skag" Skagska is a 56-year-old union foreman of a Pittsburgh steel mill until a crippling stroke forces him to stay home and try to put his life back together and deal with family problems.
A Gangue da Tortinha de Maçã Ataca Novamente
Baggage Master
Amos e Theodore, os dois atrapalhados aspirantes a bandidos da Apple Dumpling Gang, estão de volta tentando continuar por sua conta.
Meu Lutador Favorito
Hillary Kramer, successful Perfume magnate awakes one morning to find that her accountant has robbed her blind and left for South America. Going through all of her remaining assets she finds a boxer, purchased as a tax write off. She decides to take Kid Natural, (Eddie Scanlon) who is much more at home giving driving lessons, into the ring and use him as her key to riches. Eddie thinks this will only get him killed and resists.
The In-Laws
In preparation for his daughter's wedding, dentist Sheldon Kornpett meets Vince Ricardo, the groom's father. Vince, a manic fellow who claims to be a government agent, then proceeds to drag Sheldon into a series of chases and misadventures from New York to Central America.
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Based on writer Maya Angelou's eloquent reminiscences of her days as a gifted youngster growing up in the South during the Depression years where she and her older brother were raised by their grandmother after the divorce of their parents.
The Cracker Factory
Drama depicting the problems of a suburban housewife suffering from fits of depression and alcoholism, and her stay in a psychiatric center after a feeble suicide attempt.
Some Kind of Miracle
The story of a TV newscaster who is paralyzed in a surfing accident and how he, and his fiance, have to adjust to his being in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.
A gang war/drug story set in a Los Angeles ghetto about the coming of age of a 15-year-old black youth.
Big Time
Buzz Murdock
A small time con-artist gets between the FBI and a suitcase filled with money.
Adivinhe Quem Vem Para Roubar
Man At Bar
Dick and Jane formam o casal de vida tranquila. Acabaram de construir a piscina da casa e são felizes por isso. Mas Dick inesperadamente perde o emprego. Endividados e sem ter como esconder a condição dos vizinhos, os dois decidem se tornar ladrões.
Minstrel Man
Two black brothers in a traveling minstrel show in the early part of the twentieth century have two different goals. One brother is determined to succeed in a field that is dominated by white performers in blackface, and the other is a composer fighting to break away from the stereotypes associated with black minstrel performers.
Blind Lemon Jefferson
The life of Blues and folk singer Huddie Leadbetter, nicknamed Leadbelly is recounted. Covering the good times and bad from his 20s to 40s. Much of that time was spent on chain gangs in the south. Even in prison he became well known for the songs he had composed and sung during and before the time he spent there.
The Orphan and the Dude
Curtis 'The Dude' Brown
Two oddballs, one a black man called "The Dude" and one white, called "The Orphan" share a Culver City, California apartment.
Desejo de Matar
Police Officer at Precinct (uncredited)
Em Nova York vive Paul Kersey, um homem pacífico que tem sua vida destroçada quando três marginais invadem seu apartamento, estupram sua filha, que fica em estado gravíssimo, e matam Joanna, sua mulher. Após uma viagem a uma cidade do Arizona, na qual todos andam armados e a criminalidade é mínima, Kersey, decide eliminar qualquer um que o ameace, pois a polícia se mostra incapaz de encontrar os culpados. Assim, Kersey se arma e começa a patrulhar as ruas, matando assassinos e ladrões e ficando obcecado em fazer justiça. Paralelamente ele é caçado por Frank Ochoa, um detetive da polícia que deseja encontrar o homem que está fazendo o trabalho dos tiras.
Young Brother (uncredited)
Claudine is a single mother in New York City who endures an exhausting commute to the suburbs where she works as a maid for wealthy families. In one carefully tended white community, she meets Roop, a charismatic but irresponsible garbage collector. Romance quickly ensues, but Claudine doubts that their relationship is good for her six children, and Rupert, despite his good nature, is reluctant to take on fatherhood.
Irmãs Diabólicas
African Room Waiter (uncredited)
A jornalista Grace Collier testemunha sua vizinha, a modelo Danielle Breton, assassinando um homem. Mas a polícia não encontra nenhum corpo, e Grace tenta solucionar o crime por conta própria.