Mikhail Konovalchuk


Vermelho Russo
Marta e Manu são duas jovens atrizes em crise com a profissão. A fim de se reinventar, decidem encarar o inverno russo para se aprofundar na famosa técnica Stanislavski de interpretação. Entre nevascas, brigas, paixões e muitos litros de vodka, suas personagens acabam por extrapolar os limites da cena e da amizade, fazendo com que sejam constantemente testadas pelo rigor do teatro e uma Rússia majestosa e difícil.
Dia da Besta
1945. Um jovem soldado alemão esconde-se dos soldados soviéticos em uma casa abandonada. Todos os dias ele vê uma garota que se muda para a casa do lado até que finalmente se apaixona por ela.
Dia da Besta
1945. Um jovem soldado alemão esconde-se dos soldados soviéticos em uma casa abandonada. Todos os dias ele vê uma garota que se muda para a casa do lado até que finalmente se apaixona por ela.
Ships were Calling at the Port
Это военно-морские байки, повествование о том, как на военно-морской флот прибыл гражданский штурман с обезьянкой на плече. В первый же вечер он обыграл своего командира на бильярде, не зная, что это его будущий командир. Штурмана ссылают на минный тральщик, который нужно отремонтировать, чтобы продать невероятному противнику «на иголки». Для ремонта с гауптвахты берут самых отчаянных матросов. Когда приходит время передачи корабля вероятному противнику, матросы топят его.
Ships were Calling at the Port
Это военно-морские байки, повествование о том, как на военно-морской флот прибыл гражданский штурман с обезьянкой на плече. В первый же вечер он обыграл своего командира на бильярде, не зная, что это его будущий командир. Штурмана ссылают на минный тральщик, который нужно отремонтировать, чтобы продать невероятному противнику «на иголки». Для ремонта с гауптвахты берут самых отчаянных матросов. Когда приходит время передачи корабля вероятному противнику, матросы топят его.
The thirst for a miracle lives in every person. The hero of the film, Fedor, witnesses an accident, as a result of which people close to him die. He decides that he was not saved by chance and now must change his life. Fedor is trying to live the way Orthodox hermits lived, tormenting himself with prayers and fasts. In this new world, he finds a guide - Father Hilarion. The hermit finally has hope that he will soon become an eyewitness of Revelation. But Father Hilarion is being killed absurdly and senselessly. Having experienced deep despair, Fedor will return to the people, experience love and jealousy, hatred and fear. And only when he reaches the edge - having decided to kill - will he become a witness of a miracle...
Цветы календулы
Not Yet a Time for Sorrow
Mefody, a wise master, comes to a weird village one day to teach local men wisdom and life. The strange thing about the village is all the men living there are of different nationalities: German, Jewish, Ukrainian, Russian, Uzbek, Gypsy etc.. Mefodi teaches all them the way to understand each other, he speaks about music, cabala, fairy tales, sex etc. Finally all of them become even more friendly to each other and find success in life.
While detained in one of the Soviet Gulags (prison work camps), Maria fell in love with and had a child by one of the camp guards. However, in order to save her baby, she was manipulated into a situation where she had to betray her lover. The main attraction of this film is the clear depiction it gives of the harsh conditions of life in these infamous camps.
Whit Monday
Ivan Khristoforov discovers the strange property of foreseeing explosions. Trying to understand the reason and meaning of this unusual ability, he turns to family history. The attention of the secret public service doesn't bode well for Khristoforov. The imaginary journey of the hero in his past, bearing the imprint of a children's worldview, and the present, at times just like a dream.
The Name Day
Short Story
In the center of the film is the image of a large rickety wooden house, the inhabitants of which constitute a mysterious symbiosis.