Maria, a Mexican migrant, is pregnant. Her husband Giorgio is sterile. She conceals the pregnancy from him out of fear he might suspect infidelity. Caught between doubt and longing, both seek tenderness elsewhere. Fascinated by the unknown, their feelings drive them into the depths of love. There, where only trust can prevent them from losing one another.
The uneventful encounter between Eva and Rainbow will give each of them a chance to reconcile with themselves and take revenge.
On the road of Briançon, David's car hits a young immigrant chased by the police. Instinctively, David hides him into the boot, and brings him to his home with his wife Gabrielle and his two children. Upset by this teenager's fate, David will help him by all costs.
An international incident threatens to break out a war between major European powers that only an unlikely couple of bickering lovers seems able to stop.
Ramón e Céline são um jovem casal que assistiu a um concerto no teatro Bataclan em Paris na fatídica noite de 13 de novembro de 2015. Eles sobrevivem ao ataque, mas quando saem do teatro não são mais os mesmos. Aquela noite deixa uma cicatriz profunda na vida de ambos e cada um tenta lidar com as consequências da melhor maneira possível. Céline tenta desesperadamente deixar os eventos para trás, agarrando-se à sua vida anterior, enquanto Ramón repetidamente volta para aquela noite, tentando lembrar e entender o que aconteceu. No entanto, ambos enfrentam a mesma questão-chave: como seguir em frente juntos?
Ronny Kandiotis, a billionaire and art lover, is the guest of a major museum, on the occasion of a donation to France of two paintings, one by Gauguin and the other by Munch. The same evening, his daughter Lara, is kidnapped by a mysterious organization, which demands as ransom the publication of texts casting opprobrium on this supposedly virtuous man, while the media is already actively seizing the case.
François (le père d'Anaïs)
Anaïs is thirty and broke. She has a lover, but she’s not sure she loves him anymore. She meets Daniel, who immediately falls for her. But Daniel lives with Émilie – whom Anaïs also falls for.
Bernardo is a police officer from Tessin. Though scared of water, he's forced to investigate a series of disappearances on the edges of the Lake Maggiore, where women have been mysteriously vanishing for generations.
Quando a Guerra Civil Americana irrompe, uma família de colonos franceses devem abandonar sua casa no Missouri para fugir e voltar para Paris. Eles são escoltados por um ex-mercenário cujo passado conturbado logo o alcança.
Le narrateur
In 2013, a 2,000-year-old statue of Apollo was found near Gaza, only to disappear all of a sudden. Apollo, god of art, beauty and divinations, incites all sorts of rumors, even the craziest ones. The Apollo of Gaza is at once an inquiry and a meditation on history, plunging us into the barely known reality of a territory that is still paying the price of wars and a merciless blockade, but where life also subsists, undefeated. By bringing a little light to the sky of Gaza, the statue and its stupefying story could return some dignity and hope to all people.
Camille, a young idealistic photojournalist, goes to the Central African Republic to cover the civil war that is brewing up. What she sees there will change her destiny forever.
Avec la participation amicale de
Three women, three generations, two secrets. In the early 1970s, a bomb exploded on board the Swissair flight 330 to Tel Aviv. Isabelle's husband also died. The young, very pregnant widow feared that her lover, the Palestinian activist Djibril, might be entangled in it ... Now, 47 years later, Isabelle finds out that her granddaughter Anaïs has converted to Islam. But why does the young student keep her new faith secret from the family? Anaïs's mother, Léa, immediately rings the alarm.
Um ex-traficante de seres humanos encontra o corpo assassinado de seu sobrinho em um vale remoto. Assim que a polícia começa a investigar o caso de assassinato, ele se torna o principal suspeito.
At the pinnacle of her career as a lawyer, Lucie goes to Morocco on a business trip, a long way from home and her husband. On her arrival in Tangier, she is struck by the chaotic agitation of the city, where it seems that anything could happen. When, out of nowhere, a Nigerian teenager gives Lucie her baby and asks her to protect it, she is completely thrown off balance. Braving the dark corners of the city, Lucie will attempt to rescue this young woman from a dangerous human trafficking ring. But she hadn't foreseen the growing attachment she feels toward the child...
Sébastien Corti
Uma elegante professora tem um ciúme doentio da juventude e beleza da própria filha de 18 anos.
Janine works in a bank giving credits to clients to buy houses and receives the offer of a promotion to work in a future branch in China for which she takes Mandarin classes. One night he travels from work to his home on the subway. There is attacked by two young delinquents a very old woman and Janine tries to avoid it. The young follow her and it is then that they steal and attack her sexually. After recovering from the blows and the anguish he gets up and sees his attackers raping a helpless young girl. Janine, instead of taking some initiative to stop them, flees home. From that situation her life is disrupted and her job promotion to China, her consolidated partner and her present as an independent woman become secondary and worthless issues. Janine lives in anguish and tormented by the memory of that traumatic situation. To try to recompose himself, he travels to the countryside to see his father who is a widower and is trying to rebuild his life after the death of his wife.
Responsable sécurité Tadjikistan
Ismaël é um cineasta que se prepara para realizar um filme sobre um diplomata atípico inspirado no seu irmão. Apesar de ter conseguido estabelecer um relacionamento duradouro com Sylvia, Ismaël vive ainda traumatizado pelo súbito desaparecimento da mulher, Carlotta, há mais de 20 anos. Entretanto, a reaparição de Carlotta abala não só o relacionamento de Ismaël e Sylvia, como a própria estabilidade.
Um adolescente desaparecido retorna depois de oito anos, quando todos já o davam por morto, e se incorpora à vida familiar marcada pelo mistério de seu desaparecimento. Pouco a pouco surge a dúvida se realmente é a criança desaparecida ou um impostor.
Ivan and Chiara meet on a Sicilian island to prepare the wedding for Ivan’s brother and Chiara’s best friend. Despite the fact that Ivan is determined not to repeat the failure of his last relationship and Chiara does not want to jeopardise her marriage, the two fall in love with each other. They resolve to live their relationship for only a few days and then break it off when the wedding guests arrive on the island. But can love be controlled? Or is it love that controls us?
Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, April 2011. Jacques and Safi arrive from Abidjan, from where they've been repatriated in an emergency. He's as tough as nails, after too much time in the African sun and enjoying an expatriate lifestyle while running a hotel. Safi, his fourteen-year-old daughter, is used to living with her mother and doesn't know what to think about her loud-mouthed and useless father who has suddenly taken her away with him. Moved to a hostel in Nice, they learn to get to know each other, to be able to look each in the eye, perhaps to love each other. But there's also Gloria, Safi's mother, left behind in the upheaval of Abidjan, and impossible to contact...
'Le Banquier'
Transferido para Marselha, o magistrado Pierre Michel logo descobre que seu maior desafio será desmembrar uma articulada quadrilha de traficantes de heroína que domina a cidade. Acabar com a Conexão Francesa torna-se sua obsessão e Michel dedica anos de sua vida e um bocado de sua sanidade à missão, acompanhando de perto os passos de Gaëtan Zampa, inalcançável chefe do bando.
Arnaud Marescot
Arnaud Marescot has a penchant to steal small objects. When his compulsive fixation targets Emilie, and he thinks he's in control over her, it's already too late to realize he's fallen into a deadly trap.
Holed up in a small Normandy town, Louise hides from her ghosts as she looks after grumpy old Theo, the retired lighthouse keeper who shares her passion for ornithology. As she wanders the twisted shores, observing birds and people alike, Louise also keeps track of old Florelle, another broken soul who searches the beaches, seemingly waiting for the crashing waves to return something to her. Observing the locals' reactions to Lambert's return, the heir of a family lost at sea, Louise is intrigued by his past but, at the same time, attracted to him. As their relationship deepens, they start to unravel the web of secrets that have haunted the small village for decades. Together, they struggle to uncover the truth that could set them both free.
De Croc
Mary (Camille Rutherford) foi destinada a se tornar a rainha da França. Mas depois que seu jovem marido morre, ela volta sozinha para a Escócia, um país devastado pela guerra. Ao mesmo tempo, Elizabeth acaba de se tornar a rainha da Inglaterra. Mary se casa novamente, com Lord Darnley (Aneurin Barnard), e tem um herdeiro, mas ela encontra o amor verdadeiro nos braços do Conde de Bothwell (Sean Biggerstaff). Quando seu segundo marido é assassinado e ela assume seu amor publicamente, tanto os nobres como o povo a desprezam. Para evitar uma guerra, Mary terá que desistir de sua felicidade.
Théo Klein
Filme que conta a verdadeira história incrível de Jean-Marie Lustiger. Filho de imigrantes judeus poloneses, ele manteve sua identidade cultural mesmo depois de converter-se ao catolicismo ainda jovem, e juntando-se mais tarde ao sacerdócio.
Philippe Deville
The wealthy Deville family loses their fortune at the same time the unassuming Ricci family suddenly become internet millionaires; things look bleak until their mutual banker suggests Mr. Deville goes to work for the Riccis!
Charles Delamain
Uma bela jovem perde o marido em um terrível acidente. Inconsolável, ela decide mergulhar de cabeça no trabalho, se dedicando de forma integral. No entanto, um beijo sem motivo aparente em um colega muda essa situação.
Julia is suffering from a terminal illness. While in hospital she encounters Marine and, taking advantage of the young woman's precarious financial situation, makes her an offer. In exchange for a weekly 1000 euro payment, Marine will accompany Julia to her death. An exclusive and singular relationship forms between the two women.
Matteo, le chef opérateur
Simon, a forty-year-old filmmaker, is more prone to shooting himself in the foot than he is to shooting films. After losing a bet, he shaves off his hair and discovers a strange bump on top of his scull. Believing he's got a terminal illness, he gathers his family, friends and actors at his house in the Lilas neighborhood in Paris to shoot the comedy of his life !
Sophie, que mora em Montreal, cadastra-se em um site de troca de casas. Ela decide passar umas férias em Paris e troca de residência com Bénédicte, uma completa desconhecida. Sophie não sabia que estava cometendo o maior erro de sua vida. Um dia depois de sua chegada, ela é surpreendida pela invasão de policiais em sua “nova” e temporária casa, onde um homem decapitado foi encontrado. Acusada de ser a assassina, Sophie passa a ser confundida com a verdadeira proprietária do lugar e coloca em risco sua própria vida para provar quem é, de verdade.
Stéphane Fédorov
Frase longa é um filme de televisão francês dirigido por Christian Bonnet e transmito 27 de maio de 2011 em France 2.
Émile Roux
At the Paris airport Orly, a woman falls for a stranger, a family heads to a funeral, a couple lose touch, a wife reads her husband’s break-up letter. All wait for their planes. Absorbed in their immediate fates, they move through the impeccably structured space, unaware of a looming threat outside.
Helena is a talented singer in Buenos Aires. Just as she and her band get a residency at a prestigious theater in the city, the boyfriend she's mad about coldly announces that he doesn't love her any more. The film is punctuated by intense bursts of tango. Every song moves the story along, providing an insight into the characters and access to the protagonist's feelings: nostalgia, passion, sadness, and joy in turn. The lyrical and musical wealth of tango, brilliantly performed by Eugenia Ramírez Miori, unites the two stories, past and present. 'La cantante de tango' is a poignant auteur film about a woman trying to get back on her feet after a devastating break-up.
Christine é uma mulher solitária, quase totalmente deficiente e faz uma viagem para Lourdes, local icônico de peregrinação nas montanhas dos Pireneus, que acaba transformando sua vida. Não que ela acredite em milagres – porém essa é a única maneira onde ela poderia encontrar uma saída.
A girl on the verge of maturity tells her family and friends in the French countryside so many lies about her hidden relationships that they can hardly be called 'white lies' anymore. It gradually becomes clear what secret she's bearing with her.
This is not a chorus film. Well maybe just a little…
Avignon Festival - Summer. First, there’s Maud and Alex, who have just broken up but need to pretend to be two love birds on stage. Then there’s the playwright of their play, Richard, who could start to fall in love with Léna, but is still grieving his lost wife. Léna is also grieving her ex but can’t remember why she dumped him. So she sings her blues, on stage, with Louise, who might have a little crush on her sound engineer. Then there’s the famous dancer Kate who sleeps with her assistant Marko, who’s always prefered men. Oh, did we tell you that Kate the dancer and Maud the actress are friends and would love to invite everyone to a party?
Forty year-old Bruno Ledeux, seen sitting across from the doctor, gives the impression of a man who is no longer young but not yet old.Condemned to remain nothing more than a son, he begins his downward slide, as if a fog had shut him in a cage from which there is no escape. Bruno can never have children .He says nothing about this diagnosis to Anne, his beloved wife. Nor does he tell her about a large debt he has taken out. It is as if Bruno were a man without any qualities or talents. A mediocre man who has lost all pride. Though now everything appears hazy in his memory. Like a river that flows peacefully, showing no signs of the hidden currents at work below. But at times those currents can return to the surface. Without warning.
Estação de Santamaria à noite. Ossorio, homem dos seus quarenta anos, sai de um comboio, por entre uma multidão de refugiados e de soldados derreados. É numa cidade sitiada que este herói de uma resistência em fuga tenta reencontrar os seus antigos aliados e aquela que ama. Mas a situação agora é outra, e os amigos de ontem já não têm o mesmo discurso. Enquanto uma milícia desenfreada aterroriza a cidade, cada um só quer é salvar a própria vida.
Lieutenant-colonel Rambert
Jacob Berger’s film shows a day in the life of a family. People meet and leave, and wonder, will they find themselves again? At daybreak, Serge believes he has committed a crime. Pietra realises that she has been betrayed around midday. At one o’clock 8-year-old Vlad feels lovesick for the first time. The day is spent observing, looking, avoiding and meeting each other. One day, three different perspectives: the same evening twilight, the same loneliness. And there is always the stranger who crosses their path. How will Serge, Pietra and Vlad find each other?
March 2002, during an election campaign, Simon Barrachet, offensive journalist, took over the newspaper and a television station seeks to impose its vision of information. His team is going through a period of profound change, while the themes of the 2002 campaign invade every screen: the absence of electoral issue in the first round, and the supposed explosion of insecurity in France ...
Ira is Russian. Ivan Tashkov, too. She is 23 years old, lives in Geneva with her mother and knows very little about her homeland. Tashkov is a supposed gangster of the Russian mafia, and is in jail waiting to be judged. Ira, who is searching for her roots and her own path in life, happens to be the interpreter of Tashkov's defense lawyer, and gets instantly captivated by of this powerful, cultured and manipulative man.
A devoted young woman becomes ensnared in a web of sexuality and betrayal in Jean-Pascal Hattu’s consistently unpredictable and finely wrought character study. A vividly realistic psychosexual drama, the film’s sharp emotional honesty heralds a distinct new voice from a promising young director. Hattu soon reveals that Maite’s husband Vincent is in prison for an unspecified crime, and that she has promised to wait for him and attend to his laundry (if not his conjugal needs) during his incarceration. On one of her weekly visits, Maite meets Jean, an oddly inquisitive and boldly flirtatious prison warden, and soon the two commence a joyless affair. Seemingly smitten with Maite, Jean, in a gesture of kindness to his lover, eases up on her husband behind bars; the two become pals and even engage in some homoerotic shower talk. —Robert O’Shaughnessy
Michel Strogoff
As Gentille opens, Fontaine Leglou is walking down a Paris street, and stops to confront a man whom she suspects is following her. She tells him he looks normal, but she's sorry, she doesn't have time to have coffee with him. When he convincingly protests that he was not following her, she apologizes and asks him to have coffee. Fontaine would seem to have a relatively good life. She works as an anesthetist at a fancy mental hospital, and she's got a live-in Nobel Prize-winning arctic scientist boyfriend, Michel, who seems to love her. But there's clearly something nagging at her. She walks around in a perpetually distracted state, and frequently mistakes other peoples' identities and their intentions. When Michel proposes to her, she needs some time to digest it before she responds.
An orthodox Jewish teen living with her family in France attempts to balance her religious upbringing with her increasingly complex view of the outside world.
A French couple has been living in Lisbon for years, and they return to Paris for a friend's wedding. They announce to another friend they are having dinner with that they are going to split.
A video library clerk becomes obsessed with a sleepwalking woman and takes it upon himself to save her from catastrophe.
Leo, an accomplished playboy, neglects his girlfriend and enjoys parties. His girlfriend parts from him and then, when he wants to see her once more, he suffers an accident. He survives, but his whole life is about to change when he becomes wheelchair-bound.
O filme tem o seu início na primavera de 42, em Paris, Jean e Philippe arriscam as suas vidas para ajudar Sarah, uma amiga de infância de Jean que é judia e cuja família foi assassinada pela Gestapo. Jean é o grande amor de Sarah, mas ele é homossexual e apaixonado por Philippe, membro da resistência francesa. Mesmo assim, os três conseguem manter uma relação harmoniosa, até que entra em cena o irmão de Jean, colaborador dos nazistas. Quando Jean é falsamente acusado de manter um caso com um oficial alemão, começa a descida ao inferno sob o signo do triângulo rosa.
At Christmas time, 19 year old Simon returns home to visit his dysfunctional family with Louise, a fearless girl he met during his train ride. While Simon struggles to cope with the growing distance between him and his parents, he starts to examine his feelings when Louise develop a liaison of her own with his childhood friend Mathieu.
Homme maigre en civil
A fim de neutralizar uma quadrilha internacional, o serviço secreto da França envia dois agentes, o Capitão Brisseau (Vincent Cassel) e Lisa (Monica Belluci) para o Líbano para explodir um navio cargueiro transportando armas de guerra. A missão foi um sucesso, mas no retorno para casa Lisa é presa pela policia federal na Suíça. A verdadeira operação é realmente outra. Uma realista e espetacular história que levanta a seguinte questão: Quando dinheiro e poder estão em jogo, quem você realmente pode confiar?
François Maurey, the head of a computer company, has developed a product that's sought after by the Americans, but he refuses to sell it to them. While his wife Caroline is preparing to leave him after 25 years of marriage, François has to face various people in his life, including new arrival, Florence, a troubled and mysterious young woman who enters François's life and causes havoc.
Antoine Maurel
The tender and supporting relationship between a young woman and her gay husband, in WW2.
Thomas has been estranged from his brother Luc for several years, due in part to his difficulties in dealing with Luc's homosexuality. But when Thomas is diagnosed with a rare blood disease, which is difficult to treat and impossible to cure, he decides he wants to bring Luc back into his life. The brothers soon become inseparable, and their new relationship begins to alienate their significant others.
Homme bar de nuit
Eve falls in love with Sébastien, one of the chefs in her husband's restaurant, but risks the scorn and contempt of her friends and relatives when she stands by her lover even after her spouse is diagnosed with an inoperable cancer.
Daniel Sax
A 16 years old Olga is dreaming about leaving house when suddenly she meets a mysterious man who is ready to join her.
In custody after she murders her middle aged photographer lover, a fourteen year old Pam reflects back on the bohemian life she spent with her mother Lily, a free spirited cabaret performer. Lily tried to elevate her stripper performances from the level of erotic spectacle to artistic expression as she dragged her young daughter from nightclub to nightclub and hotel to hotel, but ultimately lost her at nine to the Paris child authorities.
Algeria, 1903. Just after the trial of the insurgents in Margueritte, a village where seven Europeans were killed, Eugénia commits suicide despite the amorous passion that she feels for her husband, the French lawyer of these insurgents.
Pierre Beaulieu
Sophie Beaulieu, examining magistrate, cannot manage to find the limits between her work and her family life. The boundaries are further blurred when, following the violent death of her son, the judge finds herself involved in the investigation. Beaulieu thinks he knows who the murderer is, but he manages to escape justice.
From World War I to World War II, a mother and daughter go through many trials in their search for happiness.
After finding love and success in Italy, French actress Camille returns to Paris, the city she fled 3 years ago. She secretly dreads confronting her ex-boyfriend Pierre. Her new lover Ugo also has a secret, he’s meeting with the intriguing Dominique while on his quest for an unpublished manuscript.
During the winter of 1995, while a transport strike paralyses the Ile de France, Anne and Patrice go to work by bicycle. Their meeting at a traffic light will change their lives.
A narrativa é divida entre três grupos de pessoas: a atriz francesa Anne Laurent (Juliette Binoche), o marido dela e sogros; uma romena, Maria (Luminita Gheorghiu), luta para ter dinheiro para sua família voltar para casa; e Amadou (Ona Lu Yenke), um professor para crianças surdas-mudas que está em conflito com seu clã africano. O catalisador das histórias começa numa esquina, onde o cunhado de Anne, Jean (Alexander Hamidi), insulta Maria, que implora ajuda. Amadou, enraivecido, provoca uma briga com Jean, resultando em repercussões negativas para os três grupos.
Marquis de Cambrol
French philosopher Denis Diderot produces the first encyclopedia while indulging in 18th-century decadence.
Friends of a recently painter Jean-Baptiste Emmerich gather at a Paris railroad station for a four-hour journey to Limoges, where Emmerich wanted to be buried. The dozen travelers include art historian François and his lover Louis, who develops an interest in Bruno, whom he meets on a train. Traveling parallel with the train is a station wagon with Jean-Baptiste's body, and this vehicle is driven by Thierry, husband of Catherine, who's on the train with their daughter. François plays a taped interview with Jean-Baptiste, revealing his sexual appeal to both men and women. Lucie is convinced that she was his main love. Also on board is his nephew, Jean-Marie and Jean-Marie's estranged wife Claire. After the funeral in "Europe's largest cemetery," the story continues in the mansion of Jean-Baptiste's brother Lucien.
Man with the Cherokee
Max is a kind of modern Zadig embarked upon an existential and sentimental quest. Jewish and Russian all rolled into one, he quickly feels cramped in his native Ukraine. One day, he leaves his parents, family and enemies for the city of his dreams: Paris. He discovers the capital and the occasionally ferocious and complex ways of its natives.
Philipp Braun
On her honeymoon on a ship the daughter of a rich plant owner realizes that she's not happy with her marriage. She meets a poor woman on the way to meet her future husband, a missionary in India. The women decide to swap roles...
Recognizing no boundaries to her love, Angele manages to foment riots, rages and tragedy in colonial Algeria. Angele, an Algerian colonist with impeccably French origins, has fallen in love with Said, the assistant in her brother-in-law's bakery shop. Said is conscious of his Arab origins and traditions, and Angele has her work cut out for her if she wants to persuade him to marry her. Once she does, all hell breaks loose, as neither her European-origin peers nor Said's conservative Arab family approve of the union. When word of the proposed marriage gets out, strikes, violence and murder quickly follow, ruining not only Angele's life, but the lives of those around her. Her brother-in-law Paco, meanwhile, has been doggedly trying to get along and raise his family in an increasingly chaotic and difficult situation.
Historical drama centred around the legendary Breton heroine Marion du Faouët who was born Marie-Louise Tromel in 1735 in the little village of Faouët in Brittany. She became the leader of a group of highway robbers.
Spanish TV reporters covering the War in Bosnia. Based on true experience.
A man. A woman. A single night in Paris. Such is the basic framework of this French romance that begins when middle-aged middle-class housewife Clara, happily drives to the airport to meet her husband who was supposed to come in on the evening flight and is devastated to learn that he has remained at his hotel and is having an affair. Clara sees a younger man eating a sandwich and asks him to have a drink. Later, she and he, an amiable baggage handler, spend the evening talking and exploring the nightlife on the outskirts of Paris. There they meet many people from other countries who come to Paris and work as laborers.
The film will tell what happens to a group of characters, precisely between July 14 and August 15, 1994 in Paris. It will tell the story of three young ladies, Louise, Ninon, Ida, in the summer of 1994, their adventures in the big city. On the streets, in the gardens, in ballrooms and in libraries and lofts, deserted at the time of holidays and summer heat, Louis, Ninon and Ida proceed on mysterious paths.
Alfred Mougins
le père de Jumbo
It’s summer, on the beach of this little town in Brittany, a man is building a sand castle. A few people watch him. We will be told the story of three of them: a boy, Jumbo, aged 9; François and his sister Zaza. All of them had to deal with the death of somebody they cherished.
Paris, Reino da França, 18 de agosto de 1572. A fim de evitar o início de uma guerra religiosa, a princesa católica Marguerite de Valois, irmã do fraco rei Carlos IX, casa com o rei huguenote Henrique III de Navarra.
Seemingly, Paul (Jacques Bonaffee) and Isabelle (Marie Brunel) have a wonderful, harmonious marriage. Yet Isabelle is not averse to having a little side action with another man in the afternoon, and Paul is really getting into his romance with one of his ophthalmic patients, a young woman who pursues him more than he pursued her. Even those little affairs might not indicate that there is much wrong with the marriage, but when Paul find's out about Isabelle's little affair, he behaves like a thug rather than the sensitive, easygoing man he has appeared to be. By contrast, the constant bickering of a couple they both know seems to indicate real intimacy between them, despite the fact that they are on the verge of divorce.
After seeing the initial passion and romance fade into a series of routine and boring relationships, Alexandre (Vincent Perez) concludes that romance ends when sex enters into a relationship. Determined to prevent this from happening with his latest love-interest—a sexy young woman named Fanfan (Sophie Marceau)—he decides that platonic love is the solution. Despite the wonderful, romantic, and inventive ways Alexandre finds for them to spend time together, Fanfan is left disappointed by his refusal to make love to her. Their exciting relationship becomes jeopardized by Alexandre's unwillingness to change his new approach to love.
l'homme de l'hôpital
Elderly woman Berthe leaves her house to live with her daughter Emilie. Emilie and her brother Antoine had a falling out three years ago and have not seen each other since, but Emilie invites him for Christmas. Memories will resurface and impact both Berthe's destiny and the strange relationship between Emilie and Antoine.
William Mahé
A medical intern finds himself drawn into a world of international intrigue after discovering a shrunken human head in his luggage.
Nicolas, 35 years old
Pierre and his wife Anne had a good thing going together, until their son Nicolas was born. Anne traveled with him on all his long truck journeys, and they had frequent and passionate sex. For quite a few years now, Anne has stayed at home to take care of their boy, who is a sickly, weedy little fellow. Pierre is frustrated. Anne is frustrated too but has her almost incestuous feeling for her son to torment her. Even little Nicolas is frustrated, in part due to the knowledge that his father feels that the sacrifice he and his mother made in raising him hasn't been worth the effort. He too has some release in the form of a good relationship with his gigantic dog. When the seething passions of these four discontented mammals reach a crisis point, the result (in this film) is exceedingly ironic.
And the friendly participation of
Frustrated with her life, a Parisian tells her philandering husband about her lover.
In French Algeria, after WWII, three daughters of wealthy settlers begin their adult lives. Zon marries an often absent sailor. Malene's husband, Gildas, refuses to work in the farm, so she has to take care of everything. Gritte, the youngest, does not want to marry and is a nurse for the natives. We will follow their three different destinies.
A French family is shown as they go through the daily routines of life. Arguing, feasting, crying, and yearning for love are just some of the human emotions encountered. The mood wavers between excessive noise to silence while those not participating in the conversations eavesdrop.
Russian spy boss in Geneva spends a night interrogating two spies to see who is a traitor.