Based on Edward Lee’s seminal and wildly controversial 2003 novel, “EDWARD LEE’S THE BIGHEAD” directed by Michael Ling is set in the West Virginian backwoods where vicious monsters, both human and supernatural, go on a terrifying rampage in search of a special young woman. Their path of destruction uncovers long held secrets and puts the fate of the entire world in jeopardy.
Dr. Walter Newman, um homem simples tem grandes intenções de curar todas as doenças pela manipulação genética. Sua obsessão por essa missão o leva cada vez mais para seu próprio mundo obscuro, distraindo-o com suas obrigações com sua esposa e seus pacientes no hospício Edgewood. A leal porém diabólica enfermeira do doutor, Ms. Tinsley, decide assumir a situação e, em segredo, conduz seu próprio experimento. Quando o Dr. Walter Newman descobre o que foi feito, uma criatura deformada que desafia a natureza é criada. Parte humana, parte pesadelo. Dr. Newman sabe o que precisa ser feito, mas será que é tarde demais?
Quando Todd pensa que seu futuro cunhado Ron está herdando os negócios da família, ele decide organizar uma festa de despedida de solteiro para Ron, o colocando em uma situação constrangedora, com a finalidade de terminar com seu casamento.
When a group of young campers wander into the backwoods of upstate New York to see if Cappy's Cabin--a place they think exists only in urban legend--is real, they find themselves in a twisted game of predator and prey as night begins to fall. All they have to do is survive until dawn, but Cappy is very, very real, and night has only just begun...
This is the retelling of the events of the weekend of April 23rd 2004. Three young, sexy girls go into the woods on a camping trip to a family cabin. The local forest Ranger had warned them about an old Hermit who lives in the woods, so when two young, great looking guys show up, the girls are nervous. Anxiety turns to attraction after they get to know each other. The next day, someone is still watching them. The Hermit shows up and threatens them, telling them to leave or die. That night, the gruesome murders begin and we realize that the victims are little more than food for this Òwatcher in the woods. Snares, long sharp knives, bear traps and branches all make for perfect ways to end the lives of these young adults who are camping on haunted ground. In the end, the line between friendship and terror is blurred when we realize the murderer is an evil spirit who befriends then murders his prey.