Konstantin Adashevsky

Konstantin Adashevsky


Konstantin Adashevsky


Vot Takaya Muzyka...
A young graduate of a Musical teacher's training school, having got an allocation to one of the collective farms of Nonblack Soil Zone, she goes there with one desire return to city as soon as possible and continue her career of pop singer. Villagers are rejoiced by arrival of a new club head, and do all their best to make her stay: give good lodging, telephone, color TV-set, and even accordion. And the farms head (B.Nevzorov) is not intended to let her go before the set date, moreover, he falls in love with her. A skeptical modern city girl, mixing with villagers and step-by-step delving into their routine life and chores, gets filled with local beauties and engulfing feeling towards a young farms head, starts hesitating.
I'm an Actress
A film about the great Russian actress Vera Fyodorovna Komissarzhevskaya (1864–1910).
The Nightingale
Hans Christian Andersen's The Emperor's Nightingale and The Emperor's New Clothes are integrated in this marvelous Russian adaptation by fairytale master Nadezhda Kosheverova.
Все улики против него
Dmitriy Mikhaylovich, glavbukh sovkhoza
Царевич Проша
водяной палач
Fear of Misery - No Happiness
A musical based on Russian folklore and fairytales.
The Twelve Months
Chief of Royal Guards
A poor girl was given an impossible task by her stepmother: to gather snowdrops in a winter forest. Suddenly she stumbled across twelve brothers who happened to be the twelve months.
Oldest footman
The good-natured scholar Christian-Theodore arrives in a small country where miracles occur. He falls in love with the beautiful Princess, whose marriage is a matter of national importance, because her husband will become the new king. But unlike many “suitors”, selfish thoughts are alien to Christian-Theodore. He is sincerely fascinated by her beauty and releases his Shadow, hoping to get a faithful helper in his quest to marry the Princess. But the Shadow is the embodiment of egoism, greed and meanness. Quickly betraying the scholar, he marries the Princess himself and takes the royal throne.
Thief Pavel Vikulov
Красный дипломат
Minister of Justice
Угол падения
Artur Zavadskiy
Rebellious Outpost
commentator at the hippodrome
Braslet-2 is a grey trotter at a Russian race track stable. Daily beatings from a cold-hearted trainer turns him into an unreliable emotional wreck, and in race after race he breaks his trot and finishes at a gallop, resulting in disqualification. To the trainer Braslet is worthless, so when World War II breaks out and Soviet Army representatives come to the track to requisition horses for the front, the trainer is only too happy to be rid of him. Now, instead of a racing sulky, Braslet is forced to pull heavy carts and sleighs laden with munitions. Gradually he resigns to his fate...
12 chairs
The Chief of Chukotka
merchant Bruchanov
Young patriotic young man ends up in the on Chukotka right after the civil war, where he intends to spread ideas of justice and equality among the natives. As it happens, instead he learn the local capitalist ways, and he start profitable fur trading with US, Japanese and other merchants.
Музыканты одного полка
About the life of the famous Kyrgyz akyn.
His time will come
Kazakh scientist and traveler, Chokan Valikhanov studied at St. Petersburg University and was well known in Russia. When sent to war against the Kazakhs, Valikhanov was forced to make a choice between Tzar and native land.
Street Is Full of Surprises
doorman in the restaurant
Chief accountant Porfiry Petrovich Smirnov-Alyansky, who took a good walk on the anniversary of his colleague cashier Ivan Zakharovich Vodnev, climbs into the traffic controller's booth and disrupts traffic on one of the streets of Leningrad. However, the guard Vasiliy Shaneshkin mistakenly delivers to the police station not an escaped offender, but a quite decent cashier. In addition, Vodnev, offended by the police, turns out to be the father of the bride Shaneshkin — Katya. Vasiliy admits his guilt, but, not daring to explain himself, leaves the angry Ivan Zakharovich with bad thoughts about the Soviet police. Fortunately, the young sergeant will soon have an opportunity to prove to others the responsibility and conscientiousness of the police officers.
Дорога правды
Nikolay Rybakov
Two Captains
Based on the novel of the same name by Veniamin Kaverin. From childhood, Sanya Grigoryev was able to achieve success in any business. He grew up a courageous and brave man. The dream of finding the remnants of Captain Tatarinov’s expedition led him to the ranks of polar explorers. The life of Captain Grigoryev is full of heroic events: he flew over the Arctic, fought against the Nazis. He was in danger, had to endure temporary defeats, but the hero’s persistent and purposeful character helps him to keep his vow made to himself in childhood: “Fight and seek, find and not give up.”
Mikhail Lomonosov
A biopic about the life of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov - Russian polymath, scientist and writer.
The Gadfly
Austrian Cardinal
Italy, XIX century. The country is occupied by Austrian troops, the resistance movement is actively developing. Student Arthur Burton is involved in the activities of the underground organization “Young Italy”, envies its leader, Giovanni Bolla, and is jealous of his bride Gemma. He talks about this at a confession to a priest, as a result of which gendarmes take revolutionaries under arrest...
The Cutlass
The teenager Misha Polyakov, being with his mother in a Ukrainian village on vacation with his grandmother and about to return home to Petrograd, offers his best friend Genka to go with him. Suddenly, a white gang of Nikitsky bursts into the village and attacks Misha’s house, where Commissioner Polevoy lives. The purpose of Nikitskiy (aka Nikolskiy) is a dagger located at Polevoy. Saving the commissioner, Misha learns from him the history and secret of the weapon, and receives it for storage with a request to solve the secret. Having returned with adventures to Petrograd, Misha Polyakov with friends begins to unravel the riddle of the dagger, in the handle of which is encrypted text.
The Boys from Leningrad
Factory director
Comedy about brothers Vesnushkin, Sasha and Vasya, who are playing for one team in a National Soccer Competition. However, Sasha falls in love with a beautiful girl and loses his confidence just before the final game, so his brother has to take the lead on the field in order to save the game.
Directed by Efim Dzigan.
The Forest
Based on the play of the same name by Aleksandr Ostrovsky. Two poor actors, Neschastlivtsev and Schastlivtsev, — no money, no work, no tobacco and that, having put on fake orders, armed with a pistol and a guitar, decide to visit the rich Neschastlivtsev's aunt — the landowner Gurmyzhskaya...
The Living Corpse
Based on the play of the same name by Leo Tolstoy. The Russian nobleman Fyodor Vasilievich Protasov cannot put up with the hypocrisy of his environment, but is powerless to fight it. He begins to drink, leaves the house and gradually falls. The behavior of Protasov helps to bring his wife Liza closer to a longtime friend of the family, Viktor Karenin. Unable to endure the lies and humiliation associated with the upcoming divorce proceedings, Fedya pretends to commit suicide and seemed to forever leave his family. It is only due to the accident that it becomes known that Fedor Protasov is alive. Liza, reconciled with the death of her husband and became the wife of Karenin, is summoned to court on charges of duality. To stop the stupid and deceitful comedy of the court and rid the shame of innocent people, Protasov shoots himself.
Russian Ballerina
Simple People
A 1945 Soviet war film which, along with the second part of Eisenstein's Ivan the Terrible was harshly criticized by Andrei Zhdanov and banned. A version of the film, released in 1956 during the Khrushchev Thaw, was disowned by director Grigori Kozintsev because the reediting was done without his participation.
The Girl from Leningrad
army doctor
1939-1940 Finnish war. In the very first days, a group of female volunteers goes to the front. Young nurses and nurses in the hospital and on the front line selflessly help doctors to save the wounded soldiers, with weapons in their hands, take part in the fight against the enemy. In severe trials, the friendship and love of the film's characters is tempered and strengthened.
The Girlfriends
bailiff (uncredited)
Girlfriends Zoya, Natasha and Asya live in Petrograd. Before the Civil War, young heroines are aware of the social injustice of life. When the war begins, the girls are recorded by the orderlies of the working group to protect the Bolshevik Petrograd from the advance of the whites.
Geological expedition is looking for a rare element in Pamir mountains.