Claudia Martini
Nascimento : 1956-09-21, München, Germany
Richie Bravo, once upon a time a successful pop star, chases after his faded fame in wintry Rimini. Trapped between permanent intoxication and concerts for busloads of tourists, his world starts to collapse when his adult daughter breaks into his life.
Out of nowhere Maja appears in Ingos apartment to live with him. She is a 60-year-old punk, living on the streets of Vienna, he is a Musician in his mid-twenties, living off his parents money. At first sight two worlds collide.
Paranoia e Superstição na Europa no Século 15. Um jovem criador de cabras nos Alpes do século XV, após a morte traumatizante de sua mãe, começa a sentir uma presença na escuridão.
A man leaves a woman, a woman leaves a man. Both meet for a short while. Great changes await them at the end of this journey.
Sonja's Fan
Uma atriz bem-sucedida retorna à casa de sua família na Áustria rural para visitar o seu pai doente e a sua irmã que passou a cuidar de toda a vida dele e de sua família. A reunião é marcada pelo ciúme, introspeção e um segredo.
Leas Mother
An unreservedly matter-of-fact look at two young women who consider prostitution an adventure until reality catches up with them.
The story of a man led back to Austria, his home country, by a business trip. The country has become strange to him, more a prison than a refuge, yet it touches on the story of his mother and stirs up forgotten memories.
Die geschiedene Frau und Freundin des Masseurs
É o dia mais quente do verão. É o verão mais quente de todos os tempos. Na periferia de Viena, na terra-de-ninguém entre a auto-estrada e os hipermercados, sufoca-se. Para as famílias burguesas que habitam monótonas casas pré-fabricadas, idênticas umas às outras, o tédio solapa qualquer iniciativa. Em roupas de baixo, biquínis ou sem nada, as pessoas se arrastam pelo asfalto. A temperatura aumenta. Paira no ar uma atmosfera de violência latente. Vai começar uma jornada de música e jogos, sexo e violência. Dias repletos daquela estranha sensação de amortecimento do desejo de amar, da perda do amor e, o mais terrível, da esperança de um dia encontrá-lo. Dias de Cão, em registro documental, se passa nos "dias de cão", referente ao período mais quente do verão europeu, entre 24 de julho e 23 de agosto. O nome vem da constelação de Cão Maior, a mais presente nos céus durante o verão.
The protagonist, Franz, copies the paintings of old masters. He slowly loses his sense of reality, resulting in angst-ridden fantasies and a desire for self-destruction.
Franz has an uphill battle with the loss of values and spread of capitalism around him. He rejects advertising to the point of destroying its manifestations.
Nine persons sign up for a self-awareness course at an isolated country estate. Dr. Romero, a charismatic therapist, and his assistants confront the patients with their problems. Cut off from the rest of the world, the participants are increasingly drawn into the therapy's spell.
Na véspera do natal de 1993, em Viena, um jovem de 19 anos assassinou três pessoas em um banco e matou-se em seguida com um tiro na cabeça. Em 71 fragmentos Michael Haneke reconta a história, com ênfase nos eventos aleatórios que levaram os quatro mortos daquele dia a estarem juntos naquela hora e lugar.
Herbert lives a rather simple life, left to his own devices. He works as a projectionist in a shabby Viennese movie theater and lives alone with his red nameless cat in the free caretaker's apartment of a somewhat run-down apartment building. Now and then he visits his mother in a nursing home, meets with an old friend of his father, or comes to meetings of a savings club. Saving money is pretty much the center of his life because he has a dream. He wants to emigrate to the U.S. to buy his own movie theater and to reunite with his long-lost father. But when Rita, a young student, moves into the apartment building things in his life are changed completely.
Pavel, a puppeteer from Prague, meets a woman from a completely different social milieu in Vienna who is fascinated by his world of phantasy. Soon however, she realizes that he can express his emotions only with Pepito, his favourite pupper.
"Beautiful Homes" in the province. Martin loves Agnes. Agnes loves Martin, platonically. Daily routine after lunch: SEX. They have no secrets, but stringent regulations. Everything super-duper? If only the ARCHITECTS OF LOVE knew more about statics.
Julia's mother
1969. The Prague Spring has been demolished. New barbed wire installations have been erected. Julia, who is thirteen, has moved with her mother to a village in northern Austria which lies on the Czech border.
Julia has not spoken since her father's death. Her isolation increases in the village where she is an outsider. Provoked into proving her courage by some young villagers, she walks into no-man's land. She discovers a forgotten tunnel which leads to a construction site on the Czech side of the border. Julia makes the acquaintance of Roland, a forty-five-year-old surveyor, on "the other side". An ambivalent father-daughter relationship develops between them. Roman is the only one to whom she confides the secret of her border crossings. Due to his affection for her, she regains her ability to speak. And she starts to feel at ease with Alexander, who is her age. Roman makes new plans at Julia's urging. The insurmountable border foritfications will remain vulnerable . . .
If you get six when you throw the dice, you can continue to play - so always come up with six! You can advance on as many fields as you have points. White begins. The white pawn advances on six fields and takes the castle. The next pawn takes the bishop. The bishop takes the black pawn. The last pawn takes the black king. You win the game.
Witty, literary and intellectual Kammerspiel film which presents the day after the end of the world as an allegory.
A corpse has 24 hours to mastermind a good deed without leaving his crypt, to go "up there" and have his youth restored.
Sue Lewis
A wealthy young man tries to woo a university student, while her two uncles work to popularize a local club.