In a madcap future era, the world's greatest secret agent, Neil Stryker, struggles to rescue his young son from the clutches of his infamous former mentor.
Darrell Freeway / Clark Longbow
In a madcap future era, the world's greatest secret agent, Neil Stryker, struggles to rescue his young son from the clutches of his infamous former mentor.
Cult Victim
Tough-as-nails adventurer, Neil Stryker, faces immeasurable odds when he comes face to face with a bizarre EVIL CULT preparing for the apocalypse! Armageddon comes, all right, but not in the form that they expected. Their book of prophecy did not anticipate the arrival of Stryker.
Blaine - Surfer Boy
Uma garota de 17 anos de língua ferina, tatuada, cheia de piercings e fissurada em cemitérios resolve se candidatar a emprego de vendedora em butique conservadora para ficar independente. Aos poucos se aproxima do chefe solitário e certinho.
Fazem dois anos que o Hulk surgiu, e o Dr. David Bruce Banner está prestes a curar-se do Hulk. Um dispositivo que ele ajudou a criar, o Transponder Gama, o livrará da radiação gama que absorveu, entre outros usos. Ele encontra Don Blake, um ex colega de Banner, que agora possui um martelo místico que pode convocar Thor, um antigo guerreiro viking. Quando o Transponder Gama é quase roubado e a namorada de Banner é seqüestrada, Banner deve abandonar a esperança de ser curado e confiar no Hulk e Thor para salvar o dia...
Executive Producer
Three fanboys are on a quest to recover a famous tank-top after a quirky girl outbids them to satisfy her father's dying wish.
Alex Faulkner
Three fanboys are on a quest to recover a famous tank-top after a quirky girl outbids them to satisfy her father's dying wish.
Three fanboys are on a quest to recover a famous tank-top after a quirky girl outbids them to satisfy her father's dying wish.