Fran walks into a piano bar for pizza. She comes back home with Joe, the piano player. Joe plans on winning $5,000 and leave Las Vegas. Fran waits for something else. Meanwhile, he moves in with her.
Six Seconds
Big Jim é morto durante a festa de seu aniversário. Imediatamente, o rival Guy Gisbourne declara-se chefe dos gângsteres. Robbo, chefe da gangue do outro lado da cidade, está disposto a apoiar Guy, desde que este abandone seu território. Guy não aceita e quando Little John junta-se a Robbo, explode a guerra entre os dois bandos, o que resulta na destruição dos nightclubs de ambos os lados. Ao mesmo tempo, Marian, filha de Big Jim, oferece 50 mil dólares a Robbo para que ele encontre quem matou seu pai. Robbo pede ao capanga Will que se livre do dinheiro, então Will o repassa a Allen A. Dale, diretor de um orfanato. Allen chama a imprensa e transforma Robbo em celebridade, o Robin Hood de Chicago. Robbo, apaixonado por Marian, manda ela abandonar a cidade depois que descobre que ela e Little John usam uma entidade filantrópica como fachada para falsificações. Marian, ao invés de cair fora, junta-se a Guy e propõe a ele liquidar tanto Robbo quanto Little Joe.
Larry, Bus Driver
A deported gangster trains an Italian convict to take over his operations in the U.S.
Mike, Chip, and Larry are three lusty, brawling U. S. Cavalry sergeants stationed in Indian Territory in 1870.
Henry + Henry's various historical personas
One of the early color near-nudie films and was re-shown often by, mostly, drive-in theatre owners in need of a quick cash fix. They would hang out the "Adults Only" sign, thereby ensuring that every high school and junior high boy (and more than a few dads) within an hour's drive would storm the gate, and turn on the pop corn machine and then hot-foot it to the night-deposit at the bank. "Not Tonight, Henry" (the actual title and not an alternate title as some seem to think) was a large step up in quality for director W. Merle Connell in that it was in color and also not just a static-camera filming of a burlesque show inside of one of L. A.'s smoky, grind house burlesques. The girls were still out of burlesque, as were Hank Henry and Little Jack Little: Hank Henry is more than a little frustrated at the "lack of attention" he is getting at home from his wife and starts dreaming up amorous escapades with sirens from the past...
Sands Manager
Mario "Cantinflas" Moreno is a hired hand, Pepe, employed on a ranch. A boozing Hollywood director buys a white stallion that belongs to Pepe's boss. Pepe, determined to get the horse back (as he considers it his family), decides to take off to Hollywood. There he meets film stars including Jimmy Durante, Frank Sinatra, Zsa Zsa Gabór, Bing Crosby, Maurice Chevalier and Jack Lemmon in drag as Daphne from Some Like It Hot. He is also surprised by things that were new in America at the time, such as automatic swinging doors. When he finally reaches the man who bought the horse, he is led to believe there is no hope of getting it back. However, the last scene shows both him and the stallion back at the ranch with several foals.
Mr. Kelly
Em Las Vegas, onze homens tomam parte de um fantástico plano de assaltar cinco cassinos ao mesmo tempo, durante a virada do ano. Tudo parece perfeito, mas algo acaba saindo errado.
Mike Miggins
Joey Evans (Frank Sinatra) é charmoso, bonito, engraçado, talentoso, de primeira classe, o maior dos malandros. Quando Joey encontra a ex corista e agora rica viúva Vera Simpson (Rita Hayworth), os dois desregrados parecem feitos um para o outro. Isto é, até surgir Linda English (Kim Novak). Linda é uma "mouse on the line" e vive como se não houvesse amanhã. Mas ela é a típica boa menina de uma boa família - exatamente o ingrediente certo para bagunçar a confortável situação do Joey.
Burlesque Comedian
Prohibition-era nightclub crooner Joe E. Lewis has his career and nearly his life cut short when his throat is slashed as payback for leaving the employ of Chicago mob boss Georgie Parker. A broken alcoholic, Joe is brought back from the abyss by his faithful piano player, Austin Mack, who helps turn the former singer into a successful stand-up comedian. But Joe's demons plague his romantic life even as he reaches new heights of success.
June Allyson is a cashier in a dance hall and her friend Imogene Coca wants to get a job there as a dance hostess. June advises her she needs to first make herself attractive to men,and gives her a book on the subject. But Imogene, by mistake, picks up the wrong book and reads one on the art of jiu-jitsu. Imogene's first customer is a bashful sailor who gets turned every which way but loose. Hank Henry also appears as a sailor. All four performers had better things ahead of them although,in the case of comedian Hank Henry, not by much.