Follows a struggling movie studio that's willing to do anything to make some money - even if it means ruining their reputation, and running the movie industry into the ground.
Follows a struggling movie studio that's willing to do anything to make some money - even if it means ruining their reputation, and running the movie industry into the ground.
A team of environmentalists investigating "unchartered territory" find that someone, or rather, something has already made the land its home and proceeds to take the team out, one by one. Meanwhile, a young couple hoping for reconciliation with a long lost brother eventually find themselves in the path of the monster.
Budget cuts force two rival ambulance companies and their misfit medics to go head-to-head to save their patients, their jobs and their beer money, all in the name of emergency medicine.
Desde criança Katie (Katie Featherston) ouve ruídos estranhos, sussurros e sente sensações inesperadas. Já adulta, ela mora com seu namorado Micah (Micah Sloat), que, meio cético quanto aos depoimentos, resolve usar uma câmera para gravar tudo o que acontece enquanto eles dormem e vivem dentro da casa. O que era para ser apenas uma forma de esclarecer o mistério torna-se uma experiência intrigante e assustadora.