Rasmus Christiansen

Rasmus Christiansen

Nascimento : 1885-05-23, Vejlby, Denmark

Morte : 1964-09-25


Rasmus Christiansen
Rasmus Christiansen
Rasmus Christiansen
Rasmus Christiansen


The bride from Dragstrup
At Helene Dragstrup's 20th birthday, her grandmother Margrethe decides that it is time that Helene learns something about life outside the protective walls of the estate.
Karen, Maren og Mette
Mikkel Stjert
Den gamle mølle paa Mols
Rekrut 67 Petersen
Rasmus, vicevært
Fra den gamle købmandsgaard
Mads - gårdskarl
Albert Drewes, bagermester
For frihed og ret
Lakaj Seiersen
I de lyse nætter
Røverne fra Rold
Klavs Hvass
Naar katten er ude
Revisor Rasmussen, Pensionær
Far betaler
Den midaldrende manufakturhandler Jens Steen er på vej til sit sommerhus ved Vestkysten for at slappe af. Helt alene. Imens er 20-årige Else Petersen på spanden - og hun vejrer en ferie med alt betalt. Med klassisk kvindelist fedter hun sig ind hos Jens Steen, der bliver besat af hendes skønhed og ungdom. Men da den lokale, jyske cykelmekaniker skruer op for charmen, kommer der kurrer på tråden. Og inden længe har Jens Steen en skandale på hånden, som han kun kan gøre ét for at afvige Selveste Bodil Ipsen instruerede i 1944 et af den danske filmhistories få film-noir dramaer. Besættelse er en fremragende film om følelsernes yderpunkter og tilværelsens ulidelige lethed.
Lev livet let
Direktør J.P. Nielsen
En pige uden lige
Moster fra Mols
Alle mand paa dæk
Søren Søndervold
Anders Lundstrup (Købmand)
Tordenskjold gaar i Land
Kresten Thøgersen, parykmager
Niels Pind og hans dreng
Købmand Mikkelsen
Det lille lokaltog kommer møjsommeligt tøffende ind på Torslev station. Stationsforstanderen står iført tøfler på perronen og venter på toget. Da det standser, viser det sig, at der er en eneste passager med. En yngre fremmedartet, elegant klædt mand stiger ned på perronen med et par kufferter med en masse flotte mærker fra fremmede lande. Manden hedder Nelson. For mange år siden drog han udenlands. Nu vender han hjem for at se, hvordan det står til i hans fødeby.
Hotelejer Brasen
Hushovmester Olufsen
Den gamle præst
Den kloge mand
Farmhand Niels
A film about a doctor in a small idyllic town. He's an honest man who wants his patients best, but fewer and fewer visitors comes to his practice and that frustrates the doctor. A 'quack doctor' is taking his business.
Plat eller krone
This film follows two men, the plain Herkules (Ib Schønberg) and the rich Erik (Angelo Bruun). When they were boys, Erik defended his good friend Herkules. And he never forgot that fact. They stay up for each other, no matter that Erik gambles his money away, or what ever happens to Herkules.
Min kone er husar
Fange nr. 1
Flugten fra millionerne
Nøddebo Præstegaard
Nyhavn 17
Kopernikus Frederiksen
Bror til C.O. Lind
Ranged across several generations, the story begins with a wealthy merchant, Lind, and his wife travelling in the coldest depths of winter to christen their baby daughter. Attacked by wolves, they lose the baby, which is found by the Lapp Jaampa (a dominating performance by Tryggve Larssen) and subsequently raised by a rich reindeer herder,
David Copperfield
Uriah Heep
The love story of David Copperfield.
Jafet, der søger sig en Fader I-IV
The foundling Japhet Newland has spent his childhood in an orphanage in London.Now he goes out into the world to find his father. His friend Tim joins him. A movie in four parts.
Oh! Uncle!
The Madsens and the Sørensens are eagerly awaiting a visit from their rich uncle Bims from America. As the ship docks, the two couples stand ready like drooling dogs about to chow down. However, the four are in for a sore disappointment: the gifts brought along by their uncle turn out to be very modest in scope. Enraged, the Sørensens destroy their gifts and mock the uncle by throwing cream puffs at his portrait in their living room. Mr Madsen wastes no time in getting rid of the cheap pearl necklace his wife has received. But the necklace keeps coming back in mysterious ways – which proves very fortuitous for them. (stumfilm.dk)
Frøken Larsens Karriere
En Fiasko
Love and Superstition
When head clerk Wange sets out to propose to the love of his life, Julie, he is rejected on the grounds that he is too staid and earthbound for her. A particularly pretentious and conceited poet is much more to her liking. Wange must find a way to prove to Julie that he is truly adventurous and romantic. Perhaps Julie’s penchant for superstition could be the way to win her heart? (stumfilm.dk)
Den forvandlede Don Juan
Livets Omskiftelser
Manden med Arret
The Virtuous One
Klin, skulptør
When the wife of Mr Momme, a merchant, arrives home late one day, he suspects her of being unfaithful. In fact, she is having her portrait painted as a gift to him for his upcoming birthday. Several incidents only serve to strengthen Momme’s fears, but when he sets out to confront the struggling artist he suspects of being his wife’s lover, he is in for quite a surprise. (stumfilm.dk)
Oh those Women
I Want to Speak to Johnson
Nokke, sporvejsskinnesliber
Nokke and Jørgensen are tram railgrinders and good friends. Jørgensen drinks too much, while Nokke in vain urges his friend to give up the bottle. When Jørgensen ends up in hospital, Nokke shows up to talk some sense into his sick friend. Regrettably, Nokke is not the sharpest knife in the drawer and as he searches for the patient, the staff is led to believe that he should be admitted himself. Will he ever get to see Jørgensen? (stumfilm.dk)
The Love Potion
Peter Pille, forelsket farmaceut
The pharmacist Peter Pille and Colonel Sejrsberg's beautiful niece, Inger, are in love. Unfortunately, the Colonel is against the idea of an engagement and generally detests men who court young girls. Peter Pille finds out that the Colonel's negative attitude is due to jealousy and envy, because he himself has never really had luck with the ladies. Maybe a homemade love potion will do the trick? (stumfilm.dk)
The Spider's Prey
Jens, detektivens medhjælper
The titular villain is an infamous international criminal, Mrs. Valentin Kempel, known as “The Predator Spider” due to her habit of ensnaring innocent victims in her web. Men are enchanted by her, and she uses this to coerce them into taking part in her criminal activities. When one of her victims takes his own life, the victim’s brother and a detective decide to put an end to the beautiful criminal’s reign of terror. But The Hunting Spider does not give in so easily – and she is not afraid to use unsporting tricks against her new opponents. FRAGMENT. (stumfilm.dk)
Hans Kusine
Finally Alone
A newlywed couple trying to get alone-time, but interfering people and the obnoxious family keeps popping up.