Após um agente federal ser encontrado morto nas ruas de Detroit, se descobre que ele estava recebendo suborno devido a um crime envolvendo milhões. Após esta descoberta as atenções se voltam para Derrick Vann, seu parceiro, que trabalha sob disfarce e tem a fama de não ser muito confiável. Vann recebe um ultimato para recuperar as armas roubadas e encontrar o assassino do policial em 24 horas. É quando entra em sua vida Andy Fidler, um vendedor de material odontológico que chegou há pouco tempo na cidade para participar de uma convenção. Confundido com um comprador de armas pelos bandidos, Vann é obrigado a usar Fidler como testa de ferro para que seu plano dê certo.
Cassie tem 19 anos, está na faculdade, é bonita e adora seu namorado, Sean. Certa noite, porém, eles discutem enquanto ela dirige e uma distração dela causa acidente que tira a vida dele. Abalada, ela começa a ter visões do namorado morto.
Cassie tem 19 anos, está na faculdade, é bonita e adora seu namorado, Sean. Certa noite, porém, eles discutem enquanto ela dirige e uma distração dela causa acidente que tira a vida dele. Abalada, ela começa a ter visões do namorado morto.
Antes de ser preso, o ladrão de joias Logan esconde um valioso diamante num prédio em construção. Agora ele está livre, mas o prédio virou um distrito policial. Com seus conhecimentos criminais, Logan se faz passar por tira, tem uma meteórica carreira na polícia e se mete numa confusão.
Based on the novel by Dean R. Koontz, this action packed thriller features Bruce Greenwood as a private detective hired to protect a little boy from a fanatical religious cult that believe he is the antichrist fortold in the book of Revelations.
Director of Photography
Amanda's deathbed request to her son, John, was for him to destroy all the lab notes etc. from her last experiment. She also blurts out he had a brother. At the funeral John meets Melissa, who claims to be his mother's biggest fan. Together with some of John's friends they go to Amanda's house, but none are prepared for what they find there.
Amanda's deathbed request to her son, John, was for him to destroy all the lab notes etc. from her last experiment. She also blurts out he had a brother. At the funeral John meets Melissa, who claims to be his mother's biggest fan. Together with some of John's friends they go to Amanda's house, but none are prepared for what they find there.
Amanda's deathbed request to her son, John, was for him to destroy all the lab notes etc. from her last experiment. She also blurts out he had a brother. At the funeral John meets Melissa, who claims to be his mother's biggest fan. Together with some of John's friends they go to Amanda's house, but none are prepared for what they find there.
A man comes into possession of an ancient Aztec doll. However, the doll is possessed by an evil spirit, which takes over his body.
A man comes into possession of an ancient Aztec doll. However, the doll is possessed by an evil spirit, which takes over his body.
A man comes into possession of an ancient Aztec doll. However, the doll is possessed by an evil spirit, which takes over his body.
A man comes into possession of an ancient Aztec doll. However, the doll is possessed by an evil spirit, which takes over his body.
A man comes into possession of an ancient Aztec doll. However, the doll is possessed by an evil spirit, which takes over his body.
A crazed killer stalks college students who gave up their vacation to clean a deserted dormitory.
Director of Photography
A crazed killer stalks college students who gave up their vacation to clean a deserted dormitory.
A crazed killer stalks college students who gave up their vacation to clean a deserted dormitory.
A crazed killer stalks college students who gave up their vacation to clean a deserted dormitory.