A feature length documentary about Australian popular entertainment across 150 years; of Skating and Dancing, Vaudeville and Moving Pictures.
Adaptado do romance best-seller de Madeleine St John, Senhoras De Preto é um filme de comédia e drama sobre a vida de um grupo de funcionárias de uma loja de departamentos em 1959.
Adaptado do romance best-seller de Madeleine St John, Senhoras De Preto é um filme de comédia e drama sobre a vida de um grupo de funcionárias de uma loja de departamentos em 1959.
Após experimentarem nas próprias famílias o efeito devastador da contaminação por chumbo, quatro mulheres se unem para denunciar o escândalo envolvendo a qualidade da água em Flint, Michigan.
Executive Producer
Sinaloa (Sophie Reid) é uma jovem britânica que ruma em direção ao Texas para encontrar Merle (Allison Tolman), sua meio-irmã por parte do seu falecido pai, que era músico do ritmo country. Não demora para que Sinaloa se insira na vida de Merle. Sua música acorda algo na vida da sua nova meio-irmã, apagando as dúvidas do parentesco entre as duas. Enquanto o legado musical da família trouxe esta estranha para a cidade, motivos mais obscuros estão entrelaçados na música que Sinaloa canta, mostrando sinais de uma violenta raiva construída há anos.
Baseado em uma história real, o filme gira em torno de um chefe de cozinha (Eddie Murphy) que é contratado pelo patriarca de uma família para ser o cozinheiro da casa e fazer as refeições da namorada e da filha dele após sua morte.
Executive Producer
A mother and son confess their secrets.
Based on the true story of Clyde Barrow, a charismatic convicted armed robber who sweeps Bonnie Parker, an impressionable, petite, small-town waitress, off her feet, and the two embark on one one of most infamous bank-robbing sprees in history.
A conservative lawyer named Diane takes her two teenage children Jake and Zoe to meet their estranged, hippie grandmother in Woodstock after her husband asks for a divorce.
Creative Consultant
The Telegram Man explores the impact of World War II on a close-knit Australian farming community.
Aos 11 anos, Li Cunxin foi tirado de uma pobre aldeia chinesa para estudar balé na escola de dança de Madame Mao, em Pequim. Em 1979, ele consegue entrar para a Companhia Houston Ballet durante um intercâmbio cultural no Texas, onde começa uma vida nova e livre. Os oficiais chineses tentam levá-lo de volta à China, mas manobras legais e o casamento com uma bailarina americana conseguem mantê-lo nos EUA. Para lutar pelos seus sonhos, porém, ele terá de abandonar para sempre sua família. Baseado na autobiografia* do bailarino chinês Li Cunxin.
Quando o cinema australiano alcançou o público internacional na década de 1970 por meio de filmes de arte respeitados como Picnic na Montanha Misteriosa (1975), de Peter Weir, um novo underground de cineastas de exploração de baixo orçamento estava produzindo consideravelmente menos filmes intelectuais. O documentarista Mark Hartley explora esta era desenfreada de sexo e violência, completa com clipes de alguns dos filmes mais ultrajantes e entrevistas com os próprios cineastas renegados.
The Sounds of Aus tells the story of the Australian accent: how it came about, how it has evolved over two hundred years of colonial and cultural history, and how it is today.
Co-Executive Producer
A woman's schizophrenia affects her relationships with her husband and son.
Ray Keene (John Cusack) é um policial que tenta se reconciliar com seu filho, Chris (Jamie Anderson). Até que surge em seu caminho Frank Cordell (Morgan Freeman), um criminoso procurado pelo FBI. Ray consegue capturá-lo e tenta levá-lo à prisão, mas logo é perseguido pelo grupo comandado por Frank, que passa a caçá-los pela floresta.
A guy falls for a girl who draws him into a modern-day cult.
História que retrata como o revolucionário mexicano Pancho Villa permitiu que uma equipe de Hollywood filmasse suas batalhas, alterando assim o curso da história do cinema e das guerras.
Self - Director: 'Driving Miss Daisy'
This is a lovely documentary that pays tribute to the career of star Jessica Tandy, as the filmmakers recall what it was like to work with this marvelous actress. This featurette is fairly short, but it offers fine insight, history and heart
Self - Director
Behind the scenes of the making of Driving Miss Daisy (1989)
Desmond Doyle is devastated when his wife abandons their family on the day after Christmas. His unemployment, and the fact that there is no woman in the house to care for the children—Evelyn, Dermot and Maurice—make it clear to the authorities this is an untenable situation. The Catholic Church and the Irish courts decide to put the Doyle children into Church-run orphanages.
A biopic of Alma Mahler, the wife of composer Gustav Mahler (as well as Walter Gropius and Franz Werfel), and the mistress of Oskar Kokoschka.
Libby Parsons, uma mulher convencida da morte do marido, descobre que foi este que encenou a própria morte e a envolveu no crime, acabando por ser condenada por assassínio. Ao sair da prisão em liberdade condicional, ela percorre toda a cidade para o encontrar. Mas entre ela e os seus objectivos está o agente que vigia a sua liberdade condicional Trevis Lehaman que não lhe perde o rasto.
Virginia, a young and adventurous woman, travels from England to Sydney, Australia, in search of her Australian ancestors.
Quando os japoneses invadiram Cingapura, em 1942, várias mulheres e crianças das mais diversas classes sociais foram levadas a um campo de concentração japonês. Entre elas estava Adrienne Pargiter (Glenn Close), formada pela Academia Real de Música, que decide organizar no local um coral, apesar da resistência do exército japonês.
Quando os japoneses invadiram Cingapura, em 1942, várias mulheres e crianças das mais diversas classes sociais foram levadas a um campo de concentração japonês. Entre elas estava Adrienne Pargiter (Glenn Close), formada pela Academia Real de Música, que decide organizar no local um coral, apesar da resistência do exército japonês.
Jovem advogado desacreditado consegue, graças à influência do irmão, um emprego no Comitê de Clemência. No entanto é uma função sem perspectiva nenhuma, pois ele está encarregado de cuidar do caso de uma mulher que foi condenada por duplo assassinato e que sem sombra de dúvida é a assassina. Em casos de pena capital o governador, por motivos políticos, nunca concede clemência, mas mesmo assim ele vê atenuantes que podem comutar a pena e tenta de todas as formas possíveis ajudá-la, apesar do sistema ter decido executá-la.
Um garoto autista testemunha o assassinato de seus pais. O Dr. Jake, um controverso terapeuta, tenta decifrar a mente do menino e resolver o caso.
Executive Producer
Curse of the Starving Class is a play by Sam Shepard, considered the first of a series on family tragedies. Drama about a dirt-poor 1950's-era farm family. Dad's a foul talking drunk and Mom is desperately trying to save what's left of their family life.
Curse of the Starving Class is a play by Sam Shepard, considered the first of a series on family tragedies. Drama about a dirt-poor 1950's-era farm family. Dad's a foul talking drunk and Mom is desperately trying to save what's left of their family life.
Morgan Leafy is a secretary to the British High Commissioner to an Africa nation. Leafy is a man that makes himself useful to his boss, the snobbish Arthur Fanshawe, who has no clue about what's going on around him, but who wants to use his secretary to carry on his dirty work, which involves getting one of the most powerful men in the country to do business with his country.The young secretary has an eye for beautiful women around him, especially Hazel, a native beauty, with whom he is having an affair. Things get complicated because Sam Adekunle, a man running for president of the country, wants a favor from Leafy in return after he has accepted the invitation to visit London. The proposition involves swaying a prominent doctor's opposition to a plan that will make Adenkule filthy rich.
Morgan Leafy is a secretary to the British High Commissioner to an Africa nation. Leafy is a man that makes himself useful to his boss, the snobbish Arthur Fanshawe, who has no clue about what's going on around him, but who wants to use his secretary to carry on his dirty work, which involves getting one of the most powerful men in the country to do business with his country.The young secretary has an eye for beautiful women around him, especially Hazel, a native beauty, with whom he is having an affair. Things get complicated because Sam Adekunle, a man running for president of the country, wants a favor from Leafy in return after he has accepted the invitation to visit London. The proposition involves swaying a prominent doctor's opposition to a plan that will make Adenkule filthy rich.
Warren Odom, a rich Southern gentleman, is left in a state of shock when his wife, Helen, leaves him unexpectedly. With Helen gone, Warren's kindhearted teenage daughter, Lucille, cares for him and tries to cheer him up. Warren slowly starts to recover, and begins a relationship with another woman, Vera Delmage. However, his life is complicated when his older daughter, Rae, arrives in town pregnant.
Em 1734, padre jesuíta sai da Europa em direção ao novo mundo para catequizar índios de inóspita região canadense. Seu austero hábito negro e a celebração dos ritos cristãos são mal compreendidos pelos selvagens, que passam a vê-lo como uma entidade do Mal, abandonando-o à sua própria sorte.
In 1923 British Colonial Nigeria, Mister Johnson is an oddity -- an educated black man who doesn't really fit in with the natives or the British. He works for the local British magistrate, and considers himself English, though he has never been to England. He is always scheming, trying to get ahead, which lands him in a lot of hot water.
Atlanta, 1948; Uma rica judia de 72 anos (Jessica Tandy) joga acidentalmente seu Packard novo em folha no jardim premiado do seu vizinho. O filho (Dan Aykroyd) dela tenta convencê-la de que seria o ideal ela ter um motorista, mas ela resiste a esta idéia. Mesmo assim o filho contrata um afro-americano (Morgan Freeman) como motorista. Inicialmente ela recusa ser conduzida por este novo empregado, mas gradativamente ele quebra as barreiras sociais, culturais e raciais que existem entre eles, crescendo entre os dois uma amizade que atravessaria duas décadas. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Blackwood é um autor de romances de mistério que, sem inspiração, resolve frequentar os tribunais em busca de uma ideia. Ele fica fascinado por uma romena misteriosa acusada de assassinato e recupera a criatividade ao se envolver com a moça.
A follow-up special to ABC's 1987 "The Ultimate Stuntman: A Tribute to Dar Robinson." The program includes clips of great stunts, interviews with celebrities and profiles of legendary stuntpeople.
Ten short pieces directed by ten different directors, including Ken Russell, Jean-Luc Godard, Robert Altman, Bruce Beresford, and Nicolas Roeg. Each short uses an aria as soundtrack/sound (Vivaldi, Bach, Wagner), and is an interpretation of the particular aria.
Ten short pieces directed by ten different directors, including Ken Russell, Jean-Luc Godard, Robert Altman, Bruce Beresford, and Nicolas Roeg. Each short uses an aria as soundtrack/sound (Vivaldi, Bach, Wagner), and is an interpretation of the particular aria.
Three sisters try to come to grips with the meaning of their mother's suicide.
The story of an Aboriginal family's attempts to forge a new life for themselves within the segregated society. At the urging of headstrong teenager Trilby, the Comeaways relocate from their family camp, to a house in the main town.
The story of an Aboriginal family's attempts to forge a new life for themselves within the segregated society. At the urging of headstrong teenager Trilby, the Comeaways relocate from their family camp, to a house in the main town.
This is a movie about the life of Israel's king David.
Mac Sledge (Robert Duvall) é um cantor de músicas country que guarda amargas recordações de sua vida. Com sua carreira em declínio, ele se entrega de vez à bebida. Até que, num hotel do Texas, conhece Rosa Lee (Tess Harper), uma viúva com um filho de 10 anos. Logo Rosa e Mac iniciam um relacionamento, que o faz recuperar a alegria de viver.
Sue is an Australian teenager in the late '70s, and her life mainly consists of doing what all the other girls do: watching the surfing boys and having sex with those same surfing boys. The girls have to follow lots of strange customs, e.g. do not eat or go to the bathroom when a boy is around. Ugly girls have two choices - being bitches and hating boys, or being generally cheap and looked down upon by everyone. The afternoons are spent on the beaches, in the backseats of cars, or at home-alone parties where sex and alcohol are the main ingredients. Parents and teachers are trying to straighten the kids out, but it's not easy.
The club buys a talented young player, Geoff, for a record sum of money. The team members do not like their new star and friction develops immediately. Game after game is lost until Geoff begins to realize that there is more at stake than just his own career.
Durante a Guerra dos Boers, na África do Sul, três tenentes australianos estão sendo julgados por atirar em prisioneiros Boers. Apesar de terem agido sob ordens, eles estão sendo usados como bodes expiatórios pelos ajudantes do General, que espera se livrar dessas práticas irregulares da guerra. O julgamento não transcorre tão bem como esperado pelos ajudantes, isso porque a defesa resolve empreender uma forte luta no tribunal.
Durante a Guerra dos Boers, na África do Sul, três tenentes australianos estão sendo julgados por atirar em prisioneiros Boers. Apesar de terem agido sob ordens, eles estão sendo usados como bodes expiatórios pelos ajudantes do General, que espera se livrar dessas práticas irregulares da guerra. O julgamento não transcorre tão bem como esperado pelos ajudantes, isso porque a defesa resolve empreender uma forte luta no tribunal.
A group of crooks plan a heist to steal twenty million dollars from a Security Firm counting house.
A group of crooks plan a heist to steal twenty million dollars from a Security Firm counting house.
The Getting of Wisdom is based on the 1910 novel by Henry Handel Richardson (born Ethel Florence Lindesay Richardson). Her novel is thought to be an account of her own schooldays at the Presbyterian Ladies College in Melbourne. The film is about a young girl, Laura Tweedle-Rambotham who grew up in the outback, and at around the age of 14, is sent off by her poor mother who has scrimped and saved for her to go to a prestigious women’s private college in Melbourne, the Presbyterian Ladies College.
Shop Attendant
On the night of the 1969 federal election, Don Henderson invites a group of friends to celebrate a predicted Labor Party victory, much to the dismay of his wife, Kath. The Hendersons and their nine guests drink, joke, make love, and fight, all while coming to terms with their individual struggles in life.
On the night of the 1969 federal election, Don Henderson invites a group of friends to celebrate a predicted Labor Party victory, much to the dismay of his wife, Kath. The Hendersons and their nine guests drink, joke, make love, and fight, all while coming to terms with their individual struggles in life.
Glam Rock musical comedy about two clashing nightclubs
Barry McKenzie's Aunt Edna is kidnapped by Count Von Plasma, the vampire head of an isolated Eastern European dictatorship who mistakes her for the Queen of England and thinks that kidnapping her will draw tourists to his country. Barry and his mates set out to rescue her and bring her back to Australia.
Barry McKenzie's Aunt Edna is kidnapped by Count Von Plasma, the vampire head of an isolated Eastern European dictatorship who mistakes her for the Queen of England and thinks that kidnapping her will draw tourists to his country. Barry and his mates set out to rescue her and bring her back to Australia.
Barry McKenzie sets off for England with his aunt, Edna Everage, to advance his cultural education. Bazza is an innocent abroad, fond of beer, Bondi and beautiful sheilas, but he soon settles into the Australian ghetto in Earls Court, where his old mate Curly has a flat.
Barry McKenzie sets off for England with his aunt, Edna Everage, to advance his cultural education. Bazza is an innocent abroad, fond of beer, Bondi and beautiful sheilas, but he soon settles into the Australian ghetto in Earls Court, where his old mate Curly has a flat.
Introduces the world of painter René Magritte through an assemblage of the painter's images. Includes statements by Magritte about his intentions and anecdotes from his friends Mesens and Scutenaire.
A colorful account of Nigeria's brilliantly painted buses with their biblical names, edited to the beat of Nigerian rock and roll.
The story of how Holly and other famous musicians of the late 1950s gave birth to rock ‘n’ roll while changing the trajectory of civil rights in America.