Franco Battista


Decoys 2: Sedução Alienígena
Aquelas criaturas alienígenas lindas e gostosas estão de volta para aterrorizar outro campus universitário! Kim Poirier e Corey Sevier retornam nesta seqüência de Decoys, um suspense arrepiante no qual alienígenas se disfarçam de garotas maravilhosas que seduzem seus colegas de classe na tentativa de salvar sua espécie da extinção. Infelizmente, estas delícias intergalácticas estão tendo bastante dificuldade em reproduzir - seu processo de reprodução faz com que a temperatura de seus corpos caia abaixo de zero, proporcionando aos seus parceiros humanos um caso severo de hipotermia. Um por um, o número de estudantes diminui e depende de Luke (Sevier) espalhar a mensagem antes que seja tarde demais.
Luke e Roger são apenas mais uns caras da faculdade tentando perder a virgindade. Mas quando Luke vê algo incomum, ele começa a suspeitar que as meninas no campus não são exatamente ... humanas.
Running Home
Thanks to a tip from teenager Matt, who survives on the streets as a graffiti artist, policeman Ray is able to arrest Sergei, a diamond smuggler. In return, Matt gets Jules Daniels's file, his biological mother.
Caça ao Terrorista
Annibal Ramirez é um oficial da Marinha americana que se parece muito com o notório assassino internacional Carlos Sanchez. O agente veterano da CIA Jack Shaw quer se vingar de Sanchez e recruta Ramirez para personificar o fugitivo. Junto com Amos, Shaw começa a treinar Ramirez para se tornar Sanchez, mas a missão revela-se extremamente perigosa, e o americano logo se pergunta se vale a pena o risco.
The Revenge of the Woman in Black
A psychotic man and an obsessed police officer make life unbearable for an unlucky actor by making him the scapegoat for a string of kidnappings.
Relative Fear
Linda and Peter Pratman's son Adam is autistic, but they still love him and hope that he'll at least start talking some day. However he's teased and abused by the kids of the neighborhood and his grandpa . When several people around Adam die an unexpected death, his parents start to suspect Adam - is he just simulating to be so ignorant about his environment?
Assassinos Cibernéticos
A história se passa no ano de 2078, no planeta Sirius 6B, local de minas de exploração de metal. Após ano de guerra contra N.E.B., os mineiros e cientistas criaram uma aliança e construiram os “screamers”, robôs com inteligência artificial, pequenos e velozes. Mas essa arma começa a se desenvolver independente do controle humano, e inicia uma nova missão: acabar com toda forma de vida.
Jovem Obsessão
Um jornaleiro homicida de 12 anos fica obcecado por uma mulher e sua filha vizinha, e ele fará qualquer coisa para tornar realidade sua fantasia da "família perfeita".
Clean-cut, handsome looking psychiatric patient Daryl Gleeson finds himself hopelessly falling in love with restaurant owner Brooke Daniels, after having instinctively rescued her little son Mikey from a traffic accident. When she doesn't return his love he snaps and begins to stalk her, eliminating all who stand in his way...
The Neighbor
A young couple, Mary and John, awaiting a baby is in search for a house when they decide to buy that lovely old villa they found by coincidence. What they both do not know is that Myron, the owner of that villa and their new neigbour, is a dangerous psychopath and that Mary reminds him of his dead mother. Mary begins to wonder about Myron's odd behaviour, but everybody thinks Mary's fears are due to her being pregnant.
Twin Sisters
A woman flies from Los Angeles to Montreal to investigate the supposed death of her identical twin. What she finds out could get her killed.
Four Stiffs and a Trombone
An actor works as night watchman at a film studio where a musical serial killer strikes.
Back Stab
Executive Producer
A man is seduced by a stranger and awakens to a corpse.
Amityville 5 - A Maldição de Amityville
Second Assistant Director
Marvin (David Stein) e Debbie (Dawna Wightman) compram a sinistra casa Amityville, onde assassinatos já ocorreram. Pretendendo melhorar a aparência da casa, o casal convoca seus amigos Frank (Kim Coates), Bill (Anthony Dean Rubes) e Abigail (Cassandra Gava) para ajudá-los na reforma. A noite que passam lá, porém, vai se tornando cada vez mais sinistra, com aparições de espíritos, insetos perigosos e demônios.
Amityville 5 - A Maldição de Amityville
Marvin (David Stein) e Debbie (Dawna Wightman) compram a sinistra casa Amityville, onde assassinatos já ocorreram. Pretendendo melhorar a aparência da casa, o casal convoca seus amigos Frank (Kim Coates), Bill (Anthony Dean Rubes) e Abigail (Cassandra Gava) para ajudá-los na reforma. A noite que passam lá, porém, vai se tornando cada vez mais sinistra, com aparições de espíritos, insetos perigosos e demônios.
Amityville 5 - A Maldição de Amityville
Marvin (David Stein) e Debbie (Dawna Wightman) compram a sinistra casa Amityville, onde assassinatos já ocorreram. Pretendendo melhorar a aparência da casa, o casal convoca seus amigos Frank (Kim Coates), Bill (Anthony Dean Rubes) e Abigail (Cassandra Gava) para ajudá-los na reforma. A noite que passam lá, porém, vai se tornando cada vez mais sinistra, com aparições de espíritos, insetos perigosos e demônios.
In the long shadow of an experimental CIA mind control program, Sergeant Kellen O'Reilly begins experiencing violent flashbacks of his “treatments” at the hands of the sinister Dr. Satorius. When the body count on his latest case inexplicably begins pointing toward his own fragmented past, a romance with Satorius’ criminal prosecutor raises the stakes. O'Reilly must forge a path forward through a hall-of-mirrors conspiracy stretching from the Mafia to the highest levels of the CIA, culminating in a shocking, stadium-sized confrontation.
Blind Fear
A blind employee at a New England lodge is in danger when a gang of killers arrives to stay at the lodge.
Something About Love
Wally Olynyk (Stefan Wodoslawsky) returns home to the Cape Breton region of Nova Scotia in this somber drama. After years of living in Los Angeles, he hopes to attend his high-school reunion and visit with his father Stan (Jan Rubes). Stan is the local mortician who suffers from Alzheimer's disease, but the 63-year-old father is too stubborn to admit anything is wrong. The contrast between Los Angeles and the grim Canadian steel town clashes like the father and son.
Something About Love
Wally Olynyk (Stefan Wodoslawsky) returns home to the Cape Breton region of Nova Scotia in this somber drama. After years of living in Los Angeles, he hopes to attend his high-school reunion and visit with his father Stan (Jan Rubes). Stan is the local mortician who suffers from Alzheimer's disease, but the 63-year-old father is too stubborn to admit anything is wrong. The contrast between Los Angeles and the grim Canadian steel town clashes like the father and son.
Satanic Question
Ancient legend swirls around the dark history of Les Forges du St. Maurice. Strange tales are still whispered by hushed voices... stories from the past that are impossible to forget.... In this animated film, the devil takes us on a tour of the iron works. The Son of Lucifer transforms himself into a cat and discovers the great water wheels, the lower forge, the blast furnace, and molten metal, before speeding back to hell with a rare present for his father... LUCIFER.