Marija Kohn

Marija Kohn

Nascimento : 1934-08-07, Lopud, Croatia

Morte : 2018-07-16


Marija Kohn was a Croatian stage and screen actress. She appeared in more than eighty films from 1957 to 2018.


Marija Kohn


Year of The Monkey
Vilma Lukić
A mild political satire about a peculiar friendship between a lonesome monkey and an (impoverished) zoo warden, and about an upside-down world in transition as seen by a chimpanzee.
Into the Blue
Thirteen year old Julija and her mother flee their abusive household to find refuge on an idyllic Croatian island where Julija grew up. Emotionally scarred, Julija is desperate to reconnect with her best friend, Ana. But Ana is in love with a boy and Julija is no longer a priority.
A Murder to Go
Baka Grabovac
The plot takes place in Zagreb and follows the clumsy and clueless geography teacher Kazimir through tumultuous changes in his life. After being fired from school, his wife dumps him for the school principal, leaving him to deal with debts. Kazimir hits an existential low and conceives a sinister plan.
The Beast
A hundred year old woman called Nada and her 75-year old daughter Vera have a tense but familiar relationship. The childlike Vera takes care of her frail, mute though at times cruel, mother until one evening a bat flies into Nada's room and starts hibernating underneath her bed. The animal's presence gradually reinvigorates the old woman, eternally and fatally changing the relationship between mother and daughter.
The Brave Adventures of a Little Shoemaker
Miškova majka
Apprentice Lapitch, the little shoemaker sets off on a journey after experiencing injustice from the cruel Master Mrkonja. On his journey he meets Gita, a beautiful little circus girl who is an orphan just like him. They share adventures and experience problems during their journey. They have nowhere to sleep, no food and are poorly clothed, but nothing scares them. They are bold and happy, willing to help everyone. On the night of the full moon something terrible happens, and changes everything...
Um Outro Caminho
Um jovem casal tenta superar obstáculos que ameaçam a sua relação. Quando Amar é demitido por beber no trabalho, aceita um emprego bem remunerado numa comunidade muçulmana fundamentalista afastada da cidade. Luna teme que o afastamento do marido interfira em seus planos de engravidar. Depois de ser proibida de se comunicar com Amar, ela é finalmente autorizada a visitá-lo na comunidade. Luna descobre um ambiente cheio de rituais – um mundo onde a vida diária de homens e mulheres é separada sob vigilância constante. Quando Amar volta pra casa semanas depois, ela nota que sua visão sobre religião mudou. Ela começa a questionar tudo em que antes acreditava, incluindo o desejo de ter um filho.
Zagreb Stories
Klara (segment "Inkasator")
Nine short films are connected into one whole, and they describe life in Croatia's capital of Zagreb.
I Believe in Angels
Slijepa Petra
The mailmen, Šime, is one of the favorite people of a small town, on an island in the middle of the sea. Šime is very intelligent and the locals have high regards for him because he is unusually well versed in all the events and destinies in the small town. He knows the weather forecast, what winds will blow, what the sermon on the Sunday mass will be. For all the locals Šime is an untouchable genius. However, unlike the locals, the viewers soon find out that the Sime's ingenuity is based on his reading of the mail. Fascinated by other people's destinies, Šime has perfected a way for opening letters and keeping complete records on the people living on the island. He keeps a precise track of who gets what kinds of letters, and that gives him insight into discrete and private affairs of people. One day a beautiful woman named Dea moves into town, and all the men try and court her...
Kralj, an energetic businessman, unexpectedly gets into trouble: at the same moment both his wife and his mistress start seeing through his carefully constructed lies. It is one of those days when everything goes wrong. This is a story in which people don’t meet or talk, but try to solve their accumulated problems via text messages.
Red and Black
Felix's grandmother
A painter comes to the hospital for scanning, believed he has cancer. He carries a gun to shot himself just in case if it proves that he's right. When the results turn out to be negative, he's perplexed because it's actually life that is rigorous, and should he use his weapon anyway.
Slow Days
Arthouse drama collage on people who have plenty of time.
Sleep Sweet, My Darling
Neda Glazar
"Sleep Sweet, My Darling" shows a bittersweet coming of age of Tomica Skrinjar, starting at the tail end of World War II in 1945.
Long Dark Night
"Long Dark Night" follows the life of the fictional character Iva Kolar: his experiences as a Croatian University student, his role as a Partisan fighting Hitler's troops during W.W. II, his involvement in his nation's post-war government, and his eventual downfall.
Decorrendo entre as atrocidades da guerra dos Balcãs, Testemunhas é recontado, ao estilo de Rashomon, do ponto de vista de várias personagens, acrescentando novas informações sobre a complexidade da guerra e da humanidade. Começando dentro de uma casa rústica com uma mulher em preto (Mirjana Karanovic) em pé ao lado do caixão do marido, Testemunhas entrelaça as histórias de uma pequena cidade a confrontar-se com o ódio étnico e profundas ambiguidades morais.
Winter in Rio
A homeless man who lives in abandoned bus finds out that his daughter comes from Germany to meet him for the first time in twelve years. Ashamed of his present situation and unable to cope with it, he breaks into apartment of his rich ex-friend who is involved in criminal activities.
The Cashier Wants to Go to the Seaside
Starica kradljivica
After being repeatedly denied her requests for a vacation by her sexist boss, a young woman finally explodes.
In a small Croatian village in 1991, a carpenter Kuzma falls for much younger Ana. In spite of their surroundings' opposition towards their relationship, the couple marries and Ana gives birth to their son. Being also familiar with the statuary, he makes a sculpture of Madonna for the local church. A quiet life of the village is disturbed when the first clashes between Croats and Serbs arise.
Christmas in Vienna
Teta Ana
A young violinist who plays at the war front decides to join his parents in Vienna after his best friend gets killed.
The Harbor
Next to a small Dalmatian town of Murvice oil was found, and politicians make a hasty decision to build a tanker port, although there is no oil in the quantities required for exploitation. Urged by his ambitious wife, the engineer Slobodan Despot becomes director of the port construction, which his wife's lover skillfully exploits to use Despot as scapegoat. The construction of unprofitable airport gradually destroys the patriarchal structure of Murvice, as well as Despot's personal life and ideals, which he tried to restore by having affair with the young and unspoiled girl.
Carnival, Angel and Dust
Three stories from the Mediterranean region that deal with feelings of loneliness, disappointment and transience, and efforts to overcome them.
When Birds Sing
In northern Croatia, a typical problem pops out during the engagement between two neighbors, a widower and a pregnant woman.
Marjuca or Death
The town of Split in the 1930s during Italian occupation. A boy torn between kid's games and sexual awakening finds more about the latter at the nearby whorehouse who works non-stop.
The Ambassador
Vlado Miljkovic, a former member of the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War, partisan fighter and retired ambassador, lives in his villa in Zagreb with his children whom he lost contact with, if he ever had one. His daughter Mickey is morbidly devoted to the worship of the cult of her dead mother, and attempts suicide in a state of distress; son Roni plays drums in a rock group and engages in a car theft, while the eldest son Mark has achieved a prestigious career as a doctor, but has problems with his demanding wife and asks father to borrow him money. Complex family relations in the ambassador's house bear witness to central heating repairman...
Cervantes from the Small Town
'Malo Misto' lives its own life, but not far behind the times. Hotel manager Roko Prč strives to organise tourism, so he introduces the first nudist beach. His wife Anđa brings two of her cousins from the Dalmatian hinterland and demands Roko to hire them. One of them, a young man named Ikan, earns the attention of a beautiful Swedish tourist. From Chile to Malo Misto returned Tonči, nicknamed Servantes, of course, without any money. He fell on the back of his hardworking aunt Keka, who even without him has enough problems of her own. Servantes also experiences an unexpected romance.
Lost Homeland
Stara Ines
The funeral in his native village evokes the main character's reminiscences from the childhood, but the bygone time exist only in his memories.
Occupation in 26 Pictures
Set in Dubrovnik, this drama chronicles a friendship between three men, that began just before World War II. One of the men is of Italian origin, another is the wealthy heir of a shipping fortune, and the third is the son of a Jewish antique-store owner. Before the war, they are fast friends, enjoying one another's company at carnivals and at a private fencing club. However, when the war comes, the Italians and Germans move in to create the Independent State of Croatia. The Italian friend becomes a fascist and courts and marries the sister of his rich friend. Soon enough, atrocities are being committed, and anyone suspected of Jewish or Serbian parentage or anti-fascist leanings, is killed.
Bravo Maestro
A young man who long ago gave over the hard work of being a composer for the easy life of a rich man's son is bamboozled into slapping together a musical production. Having borrowed right and left, and plagiarized the works of a friend, he feels cheap, very cheap. He feels even worse when the awful thing is a success.
Wolf Hunters of Upper and Lower Polaca
Two groups of men from neighboring villages get into a clash after both of them shot one wolf for the upcoming local festivity called "vucarenje" (wolf assembly), a rural custom typical for Dalmatian Zagora. Their rivalry ends in a tragic way.
The House
Sekina majka
The manager of an export-import company meets a young girl who claims that her parents have been taken their house away after WW2. After finding out this to be true, he offers to marry her which she accepts. However, it turns out that the house needs thorough restoration. Since his salary is not enough to cover its massive expenses, he puts his honesty on test.
You Get It, Man
Our hero is Glista - a young Zagreb punk whose (sub)urban adventures depict his world and philosophy.
To Come and Stay
Đorđeva žena
Three villagers try their luck in the big city.
Atomic War Bride
This conventional post-nuclear holocaust drama from Yugoslav director Veljko Bulajic seems to be at cross purposes. On the one hand, its anti-war sentiments are clear, as well as its realistic scenarios of destruction, and on the other hand, the director and scripter Cesar Zavatini have turned the story into a satire. At the center of focus is a young couple who were getting married when the atomic bombs changed the face of the planet, and through the couple's own dilemma the greater picture is glimpsed. Assisting Eva Krizevska, Anton Vrdoljak, Zlatko Madunic, and other actors is President Marshal Tito's army.
A small, neglected boy protests against his busy parents by rambling across the city alone.
Three Annas
Ana 2 - Kućanica
A retired tram driver tries to find his daughter named Ana whom he lost in the Second World War.
Nights and Days
A partisan battalion who was surrounded from all sides brings up decision to enter the city, so that the fighters could rest and recover. Due to fear of one of the partisans, the enemy discovers their plan, but fails to sabotage it.
gospođa Jakupec
A bus and a truck are moving towards each other along a two-way traffic highway on a rainy day. At the very beginning we learn that a reckless driver of another car will cause them to collide while trying to pass the bus; we even learn what seats will spell doom for their occupants. The rest of the movie follows two streams of events on the bus and on the truck, getting us to know and like a wide variety of characters, wondering which ones will end up being casualties and holding breath for our favourites. The epilogue brings some more surprises...
Master of His Own Body
Due to negligence that caused the death of a family cow, an extremely poor but handsome young man Iva must obey his father's demands to marry an unattractive and limping daughter of wealthy villagers.