Ana Begić

Ana Begić

Nascimento : 1979-08-27, Zagreb, Croatia


Ana Begić


The Shift
A short documentary film about one working day in the life of actress Ana Begic, shot in Zagreb shortly before Christmas. The film follows Ana as she conducts her daily activities, prepares for her roles and stage performances and experiences numerous interactions and rituals. It provides an unobstructed view into the real life of an actress removed from the spectacle of a transitional celebrity culture.
Keep Calm and Snap
The Prišt brothers are at a crossroads, preparing for their acting studies. Krešo, the older brother, has a hump and too much confidence. The other brother, Kruno, who can’t properly pronounce some words, finds out he has failed his entrance exam at the Faculty of Forestry and his girlfriend has left him. They chose their neighbour Črček, who lives in the same building, to supervise their preparations for studying acting. Črček is one of those characters who can’t do anything right, but at the same time he is likeable, chatty and ready to help.
O Vento Nas Suas Costas
Lidijina prijateljica
A trama é composta de três histórias sobre a relação entre pais e filhas. Dora (Helena Beljan) é uma menina negligenciada que sonha em ser treinadora de futebol, mas, de repente, seu pai fora da lei aparece em sua vida e os dois desenvolvem uma estreita relação. Ives (Lana Baric) é uma diretora de ópera que cuida do seu pai com alzheimer, com a iminência de perdê-lo, ela começa a perder o chão. Nataša (Natasa Dorcic), uma produtora bem sucedida, estã grávida e as coisas estão dando errado, fazendo com que ela decida confrontar seu pai.
These Are the Rules
Medicinska sestra
After their son has been beaten up in the street, parents find their world of false security collapsing and have to re-examine their lives and question everything into what they believed.
Os Filhos do Padre
Em uma pitoresca vila na Dalmácia, há mais funerais do que nascimentos. Fabian (Kresimir Mikic) é um jovem padre indicado para ser o novo pároco desse lugar. Ao ouvir a confissão de um dos fiéis, ele descobre que a baixa natalidade é culpa da alta venda de preservativos. Horrorizado e querendo modificar essa situação, ele tem uma brilhante e drástica ideia: perfurar todas as camisinhas antes que elas sejam vendidas. Para isso, se junta ao jornaleiro Petar (Niksa Butijer) e ao farmacêutico Marin (Marija Skaricic). Só que o "milagroso" "boom" de bebês causa consequências inesperadas.
Medicinska sestra
Eliciting images of cancer, this drama explores the illnesses that plague modern Croatia. Four young junkies in Zagreb maturing in the wake of war reflect the petty hatreds, violence, prejudices and mood hanging over the country like a disease that spreads with no cure in sight.
Remember Vukovar
Illustrates the story of the siege of the Croatian town of Vukovar by the JNA and Serbian paramilitary forces in the autumn of 1991.
It Will Not End
Djuro is a Romany, he has a large, happy family, and earns a living appearing in Serbian porn films. And it's through his sarcastic perspective that we follow the story of the Croatian war veteran Martin. He falls in love with a beautiful girl who plays Little Red Riding Hood in a porn version of the fairy tale. She is also a prostitute. To be with her, Martin has to buy her from her pimp. A tragicomic story of love in a world where it seems all human values are put up for sale or destined for cynical destruction
Don't Ask How!
Iva and Saif are a young married couple who, despite constant attempts, fail to have a child. Zorica and Draka are a drug-addicted couple who always lack money for drugs, but that’s why they have a surplus baby. Bećir and Dudo are petty criminals whose entrepreneurial ventures go through transition.
Queen of the Night
The story takes place in Osijek in 1968. Seventeen-year-old Tomo is the greatest hope the town of Osijek has for winning the Junior Cup of Yugoslavia. Josip Broz Tito himself is expected to come to Osijek to open the competition. Nevertheless, Tomo is more interested in girls than in rowing. The beautiful prostitute Betika and a lovely girl named Jasna have captured his heart. Unfortunately, he has impotence issues of which even his doctors are unaware. Therefore, is unable to realize his sexual fantasies. Finally, he ends up in a hospital where local members of the political elite persuade him to compete in the cup. These pressures come to a head when his father is taken to prison as a political suspect.