Stephan Schuh


Director of Photography
Mona & Marie - Eine etwas andere Weihnachtsgeschichte
Director of Photography
Trouble is brewing in idyllic small-town Bavaria. Not so much because the village’s well-known webcam girl was murdered, a case Franz Eberhofer investigates in his usual laid-back manner, but more because now, of all times, his pushy yet always helpful partner Rudi is stuck in a wheelchair after an accident for which, of course, he blames Franz. The tension rises when Rudi settles in on the farm, expecting round-the-clock care from Franz.
Director of Photography
While dealing with a burnt-down house, smelly diapers and brutal lack of sleep, a Lower Bavarian police officer faces his worst adversary: cholesterol.
Director of Photography
In the morning after a wild marriage between two police officers Franz Eberhofer finds himself woken from heavy-armed special forces, who arrest him because of suspected murder. His boss, inspector Barschl, was found dead, killed by Franz' knife in his back - furthermore he and Franz were known in the whole village as archrivals. Franz is lucky that his father can testify an alibi for him, so that he is released again. Together with his friend and colleague Rudi Birkenberger they try to prove his innocence and to find the true murderer. However, there are more Problems to be solved: like Paul, his grandma's young love, or his girlfriend Susi, who pushes for marriage.
Ein Schnupfen hätte auch gereicht
Director of Photography
At the height of her career, the well-known comedy and TV star Gaby Köster suffers a serious stroke. However, the multi-award winning artist does not give up, fighting back despite many ups and downs.
It’s Your Turn, Honey!
Toni and Marc want to divorce, because the great passion seems to be extinguished after 15 years of marriage. It should be a consensual separation, but the new beginning is not so easy: Both have just the chance of a job abroad.
Der Chef ist tot
Encolhi a Professora
Felix Vorndran (Oskar Keymer) é um jovem de onze anos de idade que estuda em uma escola cuja diretora, Frau Dr. Schmitt (Anja Kling), é uma verdadeira peste. Certo dia, Felix, determinado a se vingar desta professora, arma um esquema maluco que tem consequências complicadas: a diretora acaba encolhendo e se tornando uma miniatura de si mesma.
Agent Ranjid rettet die Welt
Director of Photography
Kissing before Customers, that's Gretchen and Sarah's motto. And both are flirting with the enenmy. Literally. Clemens, who with his business partner is after the same assignment as them, is the center of their attention. When it comes to his intentions, though...
C.i.S.: Chaoten im Sondereinsatz
Director of Photography
Lukas Maler is a butcher. Albeit more out of necessity than out of passion: As the “Karajan with the scalpel”, his vocation was always forensic medicine. When he accidently destroyed all evidence against the “24-hour-killer”, his career as a coroner was done for. And not far from it was his marriage with his great love Diana, whom he could not offer anything anymore as a broken man. But Lukas gets a second chance when once again a serial killer terrifies the city because the murders resemble those of the “24-hour-killer”. Diana – who has ascended to head of the forensic institute in the meantime – knows that only the best one can solve the case. But he is not available. And so, she gets the second-best one: the most over-qualified butcher in town…
Night of the Living Dorks
Director of Photography
Three not-so-cool school friends decide to try a old voodoo ritual. Later, they die in a car accident, but live on as zombies. But being a zombie has advantages, too...
A Espaçonave das Loucas
Director of Photography
No ano de 2304, a Terra está sob ataque. Os exércitos de Marte, conduzidos pelo Regulador e por seu fiel ajudante Jens Maul, querem invadir o planeta. A rainha Metapha e seus conselheiros não têm mais opções, pois a frota estelar já foi toda varrida do espaço. Toda a frota, menos a espaçonave do título (no original, a letra T acrescida transforma nave espacial em nave dos sonhos), cuja tripulação é inteiramente formada por afetados gays. As citações rolam soltas, a filmes como 2001, Guerra nas Estrelas, Jornada nas Estrelas, O Exterminador do Futuro, Alien, Matrix e Minority Report, entre muitos outros. O único ator conhecido do elenco é o astro Til Schweiger, de O Homem Mais Desejado do Mundo, O que Fazer em Caso de Incêndio e Rei Arthur.
Der letzte Lude
Director of Photography
The batty sandwich seller and wannabe pimp Andy Ommsen finally gets his chance in the red light district. A reckless underworld-boss hires him to guard the beautiful go-go-dance Anica. Unfortunately, this collides with Andy's second job, which is to show the c-grade actor Timo how to behave as a real pimp.
Fire, Ice & Canned Beer
Director of Photography
Two friends who are doing civil service flee to the Austrian Alps to escape being forced into the army. While there, one of them rediscovers his past and they realise that it's going to be more fun than they thought.
O Tesouro de Manitou
Camera Operator
Paródia de faroestes, principalmente os baseados em obras de Karl May.
O Tesouro de Manitou
Director of Photography
Paródia de faroestes, principalmente os baseados em obras de Karl May.
O Tesouro de Manitou
Paródia de faroestes, principalmente os baseados em obras de Karl May.
Die Bademeister – Weiber, saufen, Leben retten
Director of Photography
Mind Your Body