Kristofer Hivju

Kristofer Hivju

Nascimento : 1978-12-07, Oslo, Norway


Kristofer Hivju is a Norwegian actor. He is best known for playing the roles of Tormund Giantsbane in the HBO fantasy series Game of Thrones and Connor Rhodes in The Fate of the Furious. Wikipedia


Kristofer Hivju
Kristofer Hivju
Kristofer Hivju
Kristofer Hivju


Beck 48  - Quid Pro Quo
Steinar Hovland
A man is found dead at a flea market in southern Stockholm. It looks like an ordinary robbery gone wrong, but the investigation takes an unexpected turn.
O Urso do Pó Branco
Um grupo excêntrico de policiais, criminosos, turistas e adolescentes se convergem numa floresta da Geórgia, onde um urso negro de 200kg ingeriu uma quantidade impressionante de cocaína e partiu para uma fúria movida a coca por mais golpe... e sangue.
Beck 44 - Rage Room
Executive Producer
A man is found brutally murdered at a running track in the woods. At the same time, Josef resumes the relationship with a former girlfriend from school, Cissi, whose father recently died of a sudden heart attack during a robbery. Josef goes against Alex's directive and begins an unofficial investigation into Cissi's father's death, which puts him in a complicated conflict situation.
Beck 44 - Rage Room
Steinar Hovland
A man is found brutally murdered at a running track in the woods. At the same time, Josef resumes the relationship with a former girlfriend from school, Cissi, whose father recently died of a sudden heart attack during a robbery. Josef goes against Alex's directive and begins an unofficial investigation into Cissi's father's death, which puts him in a complicated conflict situation.
Beck 43 - A New Life
Executive Producer
A body is found in the water near Liljeholmen. The body belongs to a 39-year-old Danish citizen with a solid criminal record and who was a member of a notorious Danish drug gang. Should the Beck Group get a gang war on their necks? Martin Beck is back to the joy of the entire Beck group. Martin's daughter Inger is not as happy but has to accept her father's decision to start working again.
Beck 43 - A New Life
Steinar Hovland
A body is found in the water near Liljeholmen. The body belongs to a 39-year-old Danish citizen with a solid criminal record and who was a member of a notorious Danish drug gang. Should the Beck Group get a gang war on their necks? Martin Beck is back to the joy of the entire Beck group. Martin's daughter Inger is not as happy but has to accept her father's decision to start working again.
Three Wishes for Cinderella
Norwegian remake of the 1973 Czech film "Three Wishes for Cinderella" by Václav Vorlícek. Since her father's death, Cinderella lives with her cruel stepmother and spoiled stepsister, who treat her like a servant in her own house. During one of her daily escapes to the forest, Cinderella prevents a couple of men from hunting, amongst them the handsome Prince of the kingdom. Cinderella and the Prince immediately feel attracted to each other, but he is expected to find a suitable bride at the next royal ball, which Cinderella is not allowed to attend. Equipped with a great deal of courage and empowered by her three magical acorns, she decides to stand up for herself and determine her own fate. Will she be able to break free from her stepmother's tyranny and find true love?
The Prodigal Son
Steinar Hovland
A jawbone is found in the middle of the forest. When the rest of the body is found, it turns out that it has just recently been moved and belongs to Viktor Eklund, who has been missing for five years.
Beck 39 - Undercover
Steinar Hovland
A young gang member is found dead, and the Beck group's investigation indicates that a drug network is behind it. Klas Fredén has been monitoring the network for a long time, and the Beck group - led by Alex Beijer - is most graciously allowed to work with the murder investigation in parallel. She will soon end up on a collision course with Fredén. Thus, Martin Beck, who is now head of department, is also involved in the case.
Mal escapando de uma avalanche durante as férias de esqui em família nos Alpes, um casal é arruinado, pois são forçados a reavaliar suas vidas e como se sentem um com o outro.
Game of Thrones: A Última Vigília
Game of Thrones: A Última Vigília é um olhar íntimo do ponto de vista das trincheiras de produção que revela as lágrimas e os triunfos do elenco e da equipe envolvidos no desafio de dar vida ao mundo de fantasia de Westeros. Muito além dos bastidores do maior sucesso televisivo do nosso tempo, este documentário procura mostrar uma história ao mesmo tempo divertida e triste, contada com sagacidade e intimidade, sobre o agridoce de criar um mundo inteiro... e depois ter que dizer adeus.
Beck 38 - The Devil's Advocate
Steinar Hovland
The murder of a restaurant owner who is gunned down in front of a diner full of customers has unexpected repercussions for Alex, whose brother, Paul, represented two men expected of involvement in the killing. Meanwhile, Steinar, amidst tension with Alex and the breakdown of his marriage, accepts the offer of a transfer from Klas.
Beck 37 - Without Intent
Steinar Hovland
The Beck group, with Alex Beijer as new group manager, is given a case where a 12-year-old girl found her mother dead below the stairs at home. Is it an accident or would someone have the single mother something bad? It turns out that the family lives with a protected identity and during the investigation, the case takes several surprising twists. "Without intentions" is the 37th film in the series with Peter Haber like Martin Beck.
Beck 36 - The Thin Ice
Executive Producer
Simon Lindström, the popular coach of a suburban junior hockey team is found stabbed to death. Does the murder have something to do with his side project: teaching unaccompanied refugee children to ice skate? This undertaking has certainly not been appreciated by everyone in their small, sheltered community. Martin Beck, who has returned in a more senior position, struggles to find a replacement for the temporary head of the group, Steinar Hovland. But the Norwegian is becoming more and more interested in keeping his new role. The question is whether Martin can trust him?
Beck 36 - The Thin Ice
Steinar Hovland
Simon Lindström, the popular coach of a suburban junior hockey team is found stabbed to death. Does the murder have something to do with his side project: teaching unaccompanied refugee children to ice skate? This undertaking has certainly not been appreciated by everyone in their small, sheltered community. Martin Beck, who has returned in a more senior position, struggles to find a replacement for the temporary head of the group, Steinar Hovland. But the Norwegian is becoming more and more interested in keeping his new role. The question is whether Martin can trust him?
Beck 35 - Flesh & Blood
Executive Producer
A man is beaten to death in the Middle East. In Stockholm, a young woman disappears on her way home from work. These two events will prove to be related. Since Martin Beck has quit, Steinar Hovland leads the search for the missing girl. But Martin is drawn into the case when he decides to help the national Security Police investigate a suspected terrorist. They soon realize that they are in a race against time to stop a catastrophe.
Beck 35 - Flesh & Blood
Steinar Hovland
A man is beaten to death in the Middle East. In Stockholm, a young woman disappears on her way home from work. These two events will prove to be related. Since Martin Beck has quit, Steinar Hovland leads the search for the missing girl. But Martin is drawn into the case when he decides to help the national Security Police investigate a suspected terrorist. They soon realize that they are in a race against time to stop a catastrophe.
Velocidade Furiosa 8
Agora que Dom e Letty estão em lua-de-mel, e Brian e Mia afastaram-se – e o resto do grupo foi exonerado – a equipa que corre o mundo encontrou algo semelhante a uma vida normal. Porém, quando uma misteriosa mulher seduz Dom para o mundo do crime, do qual parece não ser capaz de escapar, ele acaba por trair aqueles lhe são mais próximos, pondo-os à prova. Desde as margens de Cuba e as ruas de Nova Iorque até às planícies geladas do ártico do Mar de Barents, a nossa força de elite vai atravessar o mundo para impedir que um anarquista lance o caos no cenário mundial… e trazer de volta a casa o homem que os tornou numa família.
Beck: The Last Day
Steinar Hovland
Two traffic officers on a quiet morning shift try to stop a car for speeding. When the car finally pulls over, the driver gets out and shoots at them, killing one of the officers in cold blood. A national alert is issued and an extensive search for the ruthless killer begins, with the Beck group at the lead. Neither the officer’s shocked and wounded colleague nor any of the witnesses have seen anything helpful to the police. Finally, they find the car registration number using a surveillance camera. But, when they enter the car owner’s apartment, they find him shot to death. The first day of summer is a long one for the Beck group, as the killer has more victims on his list.
Beck 33 - End of the Road
Steinar Hovland
Three brutal murders are committed in a house in a quiet suburb. The victims are a former police officer, his wife and their 10 year old son. The Beck group takes on the case and find that there is a hidden security room in the victims’ house, containing stolen weapons. They find fingerprints from a criminal who was involved in a robbery 4 years ago. After the robbery, he shot his accomplices and disappeared without a trace, along with their haul of 6.3 million. The question is how the former police officer ended up with the weapons and how is he connected to the thieves? The case wakes strong feelings at Police Headquarters and takes highest priority.
O Último Rei
No ano de 1206 a Noruega está travada pela guerra civil. O filho do rei ilegítimo infantil, Håkon Håkonsson, que metade do reino quer morto, é guardado em segredo por dois homens. Uma história que mudou o curso da história do país.
Beck 32 - Steinar
Steinar Hovland
An unidentified body is found in the remains left after a fire in a trailer at a run-down caravan park. The owner of the trailer, a young drug-addicted woman, is missing, but is she really the victim? And what role has the so-called neighbourhood watch from the nearby community played? The case is difficult to solve, with everyone involved guarding their secrets, regardless of social class. Furthermore, police supervisor Klas Fredén decides to go over Martin Beck’s head and recruit charismatic, Norwegian homicide investigator, Steinar Hovland. The newly-structured Beck group faces the blight of a power struggle. And Martin struggles to find his way back to his old self.
Bit Ballerina Bulldog
Armed with nothing but paper and scissors Danish-Norwegian psaligrapher Karen Bit Vejle makes staggeringly intricate and detail works of art. In the documentary BIT - BALLERINA BULLDOG we follow her as she gets the greatest opportunity of her career - a joint exhibition with the world's leading psaligrapher professor Qiao in Beijing. Bit Vejle struggles with chronic fatigue syndrome and as the big exhibition is fast approaching, she still hasn't completed her major works. Like a ballerina she has to find inner strength and endurance - a bulldog mentality - to perform her graceful art.
The Wendy Effect
In the shadows of the outskirts of Oslo, every criminal has their place until the economical meltdown. The luxury prostitute Wendy might have the key to the problem, or at least to the heart of the bank, the criminals and even the police.
Game of Thrones The IMAX Experience
Tormund Giantsbane
The first episode of this IMAX screening takes place entirely at The Wall with the Night’s Watch hopelessly outnumbered as they attempt to defend Castle Black from the Wildings and features one the fiercest and most intense battle scenes ever filmed for television. The second episode, which is also the season finale, features Dany coming to grips with the realities of ruling a kingdom, Bran learning the startling reality of his destiny and Tyrion facing the truth of his unfortunate situation.
Verden venter
Three Swedish actresses work as waitresses in Oslo one summer. They use all their wits to get as much tips as possible. They plan to start a company and buy a house. They come to be our guides in the film and reveal a world of people doing things they don't want to do, playing roles they don't know why they're playing.
Operation Arctic
After stowing away on a rescue helicopter, three children find themselves stuck on a remote island in the Arctic Ocean with little hope of rescue. They have to conquer fear, wild animals, raging weather, lack of food, and find a way to communicate with the mainland.
Força Maior
Uma família sueca vai para as montanhas para esquiar por alguns dias. Durante um almoço num restaurante, uma avalanche vira tudo de pernas para o ar. O casamento de Tomas e Ebba é posto à prova enquanto Tomas tenta desesperadamente manter seu papel de patriarca.
O Cidadão do Ano
Nils vive em Beitostølen, é casado com Gudrun e tem um filho chamado Ingvar, que acaba de começar a estudar em Oslo. Ele é um homem feliz aos 45 anos de idade, e trabalha como motorista de arado, responsável ​​por manter a estrada do condado sobre Valdresflya livre de neve. Ele foi recentemente escolhido como Cidadão do Ano da cidade e está ansioso para a aposentadoria e para ter netos, o que seria uma vida totalmente despreocupada. Um dia ele recebe um telefonema dizendo que seu filho morrera de overdose. O luto pela perda de Ingvar se transforma em escuridão e vingança, e de repente Nils se coloca no meio de uma guerra contra as drogas. O paraíso bonito e calmo do inverno de Beitostølen é transformado em uma zona de guerra de fogo.
Depois da Terra
Security Chief
Cypher embarca em uma viagem espacial ao lado do filho, Kitai, mas uma chuva de asteroides os forçam a pousar na Terra, que há mil anos não é habitada por humanos. Com Cypher gravemente ferido, Kitai enfrenta grandes perigos na busca do sinalizador, o único objeto que pode ajudá-los a voltar para casa.
A Coisa
A paleontóloga Kate Lloyd viaja para investigar um ser misterioso que foi encontrado por cientistas noruegueses em uma nave espacial no gelo. O que ela não sabe é que a criatura na verdade está viva e que tem planos danosos para o planeta.
Two hit-men are waiting for their next victim. A fight is evolving - about friendship and a lottery-ticket.
Mann 2
Its the summer of 1974. Four friends have planned a recreational weekend hiking and camping in the forest. At a remote truck stop they pick up an anxious hitchhiker who only after a short ride demands they stop the vehicle. She is clearly frightened of somethingbut what she cant begin to describe in her carsick terror. Suddenly the group are ambushed and left unconscious.
In a bed at a treatment centre, a severely disabled boy lies. Nobody understands him. Everybody has given him up, except for one person. A warm film about the fact that solutions are not always the solution.
Red One
After crash-landing on an alien planet, an asteroid miner must contend with the challenges of his new surroundings, while making his way across the harsh terrain to the only other survivor – a woman who is trapped in her escape pod.
Mango: Lifes Coincidences
Manuel grew up on the streets of Colombia and eventually, and by coincidence, ended up being adopted by a Norwegian Family.
Min Siste Bull
A man has a gun pointed at his head and is asked to name one last song. Why the man chooses the song he does, we'll never know...