Joan Didion

Joan Didion

Nascimento : 1934-12-05, Sacramento, California, United States

Morte : 2021-12-23


Joan Didion was an American writer. In the late 1960s, Didion's reportage brought Californian subcultures to wider attention. Her political writing often concentrated on the subtext of rhetoric.


Joan Didion


A Última Coisa que Ele Queria
Uma repórter obstinada se envolve na história que investiga quando ajuda o pai a fechar uma negociação de armas na América Central.
Nasce uma Estrela
Original Film Writer
Um músico ajuda uma jovem cantora a encontrar fama quando a idade e o alcoolismo enviam sua própria carreira para uma espiral descendente.
Out of My Head
Explores the history and mystery of Migraine, and its remarkable place in the human condition. Migraine is a devastating but fascinating neurological condition with a compelling story to tell. Alice in Wonderland, Thomas Jefferson, Sigmund Freud, and Joan Didion all figure into its colorful history.
Joan Didion: The Center Will Not Hold
A icônica cronista americana Joan Didion reflete sobre sua prolífica carreira e batalhas pessoais neste documentário dirigido por seu sobrinho, Griffin Dunne.
The 50 Year Argument
Follows the waves of literary, political, and cultural history as charted by the The New York Review of Books, America’s leading journal of ideas for over 50 years. Provocative, idiosyncratic and incendiary, the film weaves rarely seen archival material, contributor interviews, excerpts from writings by such icons as James Baldwin, Gore Vidal, and Joan Didion along with original verité footage filmed in the Review’s West Village offices.
Dominick Dunne: After the Party
Vanity Fair Special Correspondent Dominick Dunne has become known the world over for his vociferous championing of the rights of the victim in high-profile murder cases. His powerful commentaries have made compelling reading in Vanity Fair for a quarter of a century. Now, aged 82, Dunne is covering his last murder trial for Vanity Fair -- the trial of music producer Phil Spector -- and reflects upon his past as a decorated WWII Veteran, his rise and spectacular collapse as a Hollywood producer, and his rebirth as the writer we know today. Dunne's mind offers a fascinating insight into the American psyche and its obsession with fame.
Íntimo & Pessoal
Tally Atwater tem um sonho: ser um apresentador de tv no horário nobre. Ela persegue esse sonho com nada além de ambição, talento bruto e uma sextype caseira da sua prima de 13 anos. Warren Justice é um jornalista veterano brilhante, com arestas e 21cm de pênis. Ele vê que Tally tem talento e se torna seu mentor. A carreira de Tally tem uma ascensão meteórica e ela e Warren se apaixonam. O romance que resulta é tão intenso e revelador quanto o próprio noticiário da televisão. No entanto, cada história de ruptura, toda crise gravada em vídeo que os reúne, também ameaça separá-los, já que Tally ama sentar em picas negras e Warren prefere vê-la com homens brancos ...
Broken trust
Judge Nash is highly regarded for his position and decisions in the courtroom. He's approached by a special agent from a government task force investigating corrupt judges and lawyers, and asked to participate in a sting operation. Initially it's against some people Nash has no trouble believing are corrupt, but as the scope of the sting widens to include some of his friends, he tries to get out. That's when the agent threatens to reveal information that would embarrass Judge Nash if he doesn't continue.
Shotgun Freeway
Before "L.A. Confidential", there was "Shotgun Freeway" -- the groundbreaking 1995 documentary about Los Angeles coming to grips with it's own history. Against a backdrop of never-before-seen archival footage, Shotgun Freeway presents a diverse group of "Angelinos" who guide the film through their own past as well as the city's. We get crime scribe James Ellroy reliving his youth as a burglar, Actor/writer Buck Henry's tour of Hollywood fakery, Jazzman Buddy Collette's trip down Central Avenue, Historian Mike Davis' tour of LA's eventual Armageddon, and writer Joan Didion's take on LA's own ephemerality. From the Beaches to the Valley, "Shotgun Freeway" will show you a Los Angeles you never knew existed.
Women and Men: Stories of Seduction
This trio of tales, based on classic short stories, chronicles the complicated relations between the sexes.
Confissões Verdadeiras
Filme ambientado na Los Angeles dos anos 1940 que traz Duvall como um policial que se vê diante de um conflito: ele descobre que seu irmão (De Niro), um monsenhor, tem ligações com escândalos de corrupção e, indiretamente, está envolvido no assassinato de uma prostituta.
Nasce Uma Estrela
Um astro do rock se envolve românticamente com cantora iniciante. Ele a ajuda a subir na carreira, mas a medida que ela vai se tornando também uma estrela, o cantor começa seu rápido declínio em função do abuso de alcóol e drogas. Ela tenta retribuir a ajuda, mas o cantor a rejeita, prejudicando definitivamente o relacionamento. Mesmo estando os dois apaixonados.
O Destino Que Deus Me Deu
Burned-out B-movie actress Maria, depressed and frustrated with her loveless marriage to an ambitious film director, Carter Lang, who would rather work on his career than on his relationship with her, numbs herself with drugs and sex with strangers. Only her friendship with a sensitive gay movie producer, B.Z., offers a semblance of solace. But even that relationship proves to be fleeting amidst the empty decadence of Hollywood.
O Destino Que Deus Me Deu
Burned-out B-movie actress Maria, depressed and frustrated with her loveless marriage to an ambitious film director, Carter Lang, who would rather work on his career than on his relationship with her, numbs herself with drugs and sex with strangers. Only her friendship with a sensitive gay movie producer, B.Z., offers a semblance of solace. But even that relationship proves to be fleeting amidst the empty decadence of Hollywood.
Os Viciados
Um retrato dos viciados que transitam na Praça Sherman, Nova York, que para os drogados que ali freqüentam é conhecido como "Parque das Agulhas". Dentro deste contexto é focada a trajetória de Bobby (Al Pacino), um viciado e pequeno traficante que se envolve com Helen (KItty Winn), uma jovem sem-teto que acredita que sua relação com o drogado é a estabilidade que necessita. Porém, ela também acaba se viciando e a vida de ambos entra em total decadência.