Jeanne Waltz

Nascimento : 1962-08-12, Basel, Switzerland


O Vento Assobiando nas Gruas
Raised without parents in an isolated mansion on Portugal’s southernmost coast, Milene turned out a sort of adult wild child — impulsive, often withdrawn, prone to hysterical outbursts. When her grandmother-minder dies, the stuffy relatives who ignored Milene until now must decide what to “do with” her. Institutionalization? Some menial job? They don’t reckon she might have her own firm ideas on the matter, especially after she meets construction worker Antonino, who’s part of a much warmer clan living on the grounds of the shuttered factory that once enriched her own family. The heart wants what it wants…but will anyone respect Milene’s desires?
O Vento Assobiando nas Gruas
Raised without parents in an isolated mansion on Portugal’s southernmost coast, Milene turned out a sort of adult wild child — impulsive, often withdrawn, prone to hysterical outbursts. When her grandmother-minder dies, the stuffy relatives who ignored Milene until now must decide what to “do with” her. Institutionalization? Some menial job? They don’t reckon she might have her own firm ideas on the matter, especially after she meets construction worker Antonino, who’s part of a much warmer clan living on the grounds of the shuttered factory that once enriched her own family. The heart wants what it wants…but will anyone respect Milene’s desires?
Several Portuguese creators occupy the director's chair in this collective short film shot during the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown in an unfolding of personal perspectives.
A Parting Shot
A rebellious teenager and a "border-line" young nurse will learn to tame each other and get a fresh start in life...
A Parting Shot
A rebellious teenager and a "border-line" young nurse will learn to tame each other and get a fresh start in life...
Agora Tu
A man has to sell the home he has spent such happy times in. His daughters have grown up and left. Reluctantly, he shows the house for some buyers: a young couple with a kid. When they arrive, in love and so happy, the house owner sees a reflection of himself years before. This unexpected glimpse of his past makes handing over somehow easier to bear…
Agora Tu
A man has to sell the home he has spent such happy times in. His daughters have grown up and left. Reluctantly, he shows the house for some buyers: a young couple with a kid. When they arrive, in love and so happy, the house owner sees a reflection of himself years before. This unexpected glimpse of his past makes handing over somehow easier to bear…
Daqui p'ra alegria
Three girls from the Lisbon suburbs, Bruna, Marta and Sara, are having a bit of fun. They've discovered that people in general are prepared to give things to young, attractive and good-natured people, and they exploit this shamelessly. Francisco, a neighbour of theirs, has given up on life. He's abandoned his wife and child to take refuge far from those who might hurt him ; in effect dying. He's ashamed of this, and never ever looks at anyone. This has given him, amongst the women of the neighbourhood, the reputation of being able to tell, just by looking at a couple, how long they'll stay together. The sudden news of the death of his much loved wife, upsets Francisco's routine.
Daqui p'ra alegria
Three girls from the Lisbon suburbs, Bruna, Marta and Sara, are having a bit of fun. They've discovered that people in general are prepared to give things to young, attractive and good-natured people, and they exploit this shamelessly. Francisco, a neighbour of theirs, has given up on life. He's abandoned his wife and child to take refuge far from those who might hurt him ; in effect dying. He's ashamed of this, and never ever looks at anyone. This has given him, amongst the women of the neighbourhood, the reputation of being able to tell, just by looking at a couple, how long they'll stay together. The sudden news of the death of his much loved wife, upsets Francisco's routine.
Daqui p'ra alegria
Three girls from the Lisbon suburbs, Bruna, Marta and Sara, are having a bit of fun. They've discovered that people in general are prepared to give things to young, attractive and good-natured people, and they exploit this shamelessly. Francisco, a neighbour of theirs, has given up on life. He's abandoned his wife and child to take refuge far from those who might hurt him ; in effect dying. He's ashamed of this, and never ever looks at anyone. This has given him, amongst the women of the neighbourhood, the reputation of being able to tell, just by looking at a couple, how long they'll stay together. The sudden news of the death of his much loved wife, upsets Francisco's routine.
David é casado, tem uma filha pequena, está a poucos dias de partir para o estrangeiro com a família. Mas, com a morte do avô, ele ainda tem que regressar à terra e ao seio de uma família com quem há muito não convivia. E uma viagem que era para durar o tempo de um funeral acaba por se transformar numa estadia de vários dias. Porque aí David conhece a mulher do seu primo e vai-se deixando enredar no seu sortilégio de mulher perturbada mas encantadora.
Aparelho Voador a Baixa Altitude
Based on a the short story "Low Flying Aircraft" by J.G. Ballard and set in a near future where humans are dying breed. Judite and André flee to a semi-abandoned apartment complex to protect their mutant child from certain death.
A Raiz do Coração
Set in the Lisbon during the festivities of Saint Anthony, the patron saint of lovers and the old town. The story is about Cato, a nationalist politician who is charismatic and unscrupulous. He obsessively pursues Silvia, a mystical and mysterious young transvestite whom he meets at the festival. When Silvia runs into Vicente, a policeman who arrests transvestites and threatens them, Silvia must look towards blackmail to save herself. Compromising photos of Cato start to emerge among opposition parties and he must do all in his power to save his political career.
Numa madrugada do Verão de 1999, a quinze dias da data do casamento, João descobre que, afinal, já não quer casar. Os preparativos da festa estão em curso, os convites foram mandados e, ainda por cima, João desconfia que está grávida. Perante o inesperado desta situação, João faz o que costuma fazer quando precisa de pensar: bebe...
O Que Te Quero
It’s been a year since we were together. A year since you left me, or I left you. What does it matter? And suddenly here you are in front of me, smiling, radiant, pregnant. And there’s me, who thought he was cured of you.
O Que Te Quero
It’s been a year since we were together. A year since you left me, or I left you. What does it matter? And suddenly here you are in front of me, smiling, radiant, pregnant. And there’s me, who thought he was cured of you.
O Que Te Quero
It’s been a year since we were together. A year since you left me, or I left you. What does it matter? And suddenly here you are in front of me, smiling, radiant, pregnant. And there’s me, who thought he was cured of you.
Daily Chicken
Set Decoration
Two sisters try to manage life alone after their mother's accident.
Deadly Maria
Art Direction
40-year Maria is living in a monotonous and deadlocked marriage with her husband. In addition, she has to take care of her ill despotic father. One day, she falls in love with her sensitive neighbour Dieter. But her attempt to leave her gloomy everyday life behind leads straight into tragedy.
Le voyage étranger
Assistant Production Design
11th century. Descended from the aristocracy, Alexis flees a world dominated by money and strength. The young man, in love with justice and freedom, sets off on the roads to discover the world, abandoning his wife and family.
Das Tripas Coração
Assistant Director
Redheaded twins Armando and Beatriz always dreamed of being firefighters but during a rainy, uneventful winter they find themselves spending less time putting out infernos than they do helping neighbors who’ve locked themselves out of their apartments. This is how Armando meets a pretty young woman with whom he begins a tentative courtship. But soon a rift grows between the siblings and, spurred by Armando’s exaggerated stories about his nascent relationship, Beatriz begins experiencing aural hallucinations that can only be remedied through music and, finally, the love of a stranger. Pinto made this impassioned fairy tale as part of a series of films about the four elements. - FilmLinc
Das Tripas Coração
Redheaded twins Armando and Beatriz always dreamed of being firefighters but during a rainy, uneventful winter they find themselves spending less time putting out infernos than they do helping neighbors who’ve locked themselves out of their apartments. This is how Armando meets a pretty young woman with whom he begins a tentative courtship. But soon a rift grows between the siblings and, spurred by Armando’s exaggerated stories about his nascent relationship, Beatriz begins experiencing aural hallucinations that can only be remedied through music and, finally, the love of a stranger. Pinto made this impassioned fairy tale as part of a series of films about the four elements. - FilmLinc
Art Direction
Xavier returns to Lisbon after a military stint, determined to lead a meaningful life, only to find his world closing in on him.
'Non', ou a Vã Glória de Mandar
Enquanto marcham pelas matas de uma das províncias ultramarinas portuguesas, em plena Guerra do Ultramar, um oficial do exército português vai dissertando sobre as grandes derrotas militares da história portuguesa com os soldados que o acompanham.
Nós, Os Lentos
A short essay done in animation about Time and the different representations we have of it, following two main metaphors, the movements of water and competitive running.