Noëlle Norman

Nascimento : 1921-01-07, Paris, France

Morte : 1985-01-11


Gangster Boss
Mme Jumelin
In Paris, scoundrel mates Paolo and Antoine Venturen hope to get rich quick by asking ransom fro rich Mr. Jumelin's preteen son Eric. Masquerading as Indians, the scamp's favorite game, does the trick. They soon learn such bratty rascal is more trouble then he's worth. The boy's a P.I. instead of paying, and it gets worse.
Liebe ist ja nur ein Märchen
Dix-huit heures d'escale
Mme. Bério
Come Down, Someone Wants You
Sylvette de Vignolles
Sylvette welcomes three soldiers on the eve of Saint-Jean 1945. Each claims that she promised him five years earlier to belong to him on Saint-Jean... Which one is the right one? Finally, it is Francis who manages to prove his good faith. Sylvette will be, we couldn't be happier to get rid of a flighty husband who has gone to look for the damsel in the four corners of the world...
Paris Waltz
Marie Pradeau
A fictitious biography of Jacques Offenbach and Hortense Schneider.
We Request an Assassin
A son of a family in debt decides to put an end to his life and calls on a professional killer to do so, who promises to kill him within forty-eight hours. However the next day, money, luck and love smile at her again. Then can begin an infernal hide-and-seek between the assassin and his victim.
La bataille du feu
Activities and exploits of firefighters in the context of a village then the capital and under the bombardments of the Second World War where the saving of lives was more important than that of factories.
Jo la Romance
The secretary
For love, the singer Georges Hyverlin gives up his profession to work with his father-in-law in his car factory. When the passion for song takes him back, he manages to resume his career thanks to the support of his wife Martine.
Emile the African
Suzanne Boulard
Émile Boulard is a props man in a Paris movie studio. He has a wife, Suzanne. Or to be more accurate, let's say he HAD a wife since she left him fifteen years before, allegedly ... to go buy a post stamp. But now that their daughter Martine , who lives with her, is old enough to marry, she resurfaces. She confesses that, in order to explain his absence, she has told Martine her father was a great explorer and lion hunter in Africa. Not to disappoint his daughter, Émile accepts to pose as the adventurer he is supposed to be. At the same time he will help Daniel, Martine's bashful fiancé, not to become a henpecked husband like him.
L'ebreo errante
Matthew, a rich nationalist Jew and a contemporary of Jesus, regards the latter as an obstacle in this struggle to free their people from the Roman yoke by means of revolt.
Le diamant de cent sous
For fun and to dazzle his wife, the novelist Morgan steals a ring and gets rid of it in the costume jewelry section of a supermarket. Sophie buys the diamond, which forces the novelist to embark on crazy adventures to recover the jewel.
A specialist in the fight against cancer, a young doctor finds himself suffering from a terrible illness.
Monsieur chasse
A husband covers his weekly infidelities with the pretext of hunting. His best friend intends to take advantage of the situation and makes an appointment with the outraged wife in a bachelor flat where the situation is resolved, not without morality being undermined.
Loves of Casanova
On his way to Paris, Casanova keeps on collecting female conquests, does not shy away from duels and gets into many a colorful adventure. Once in the capital, the fearless knight saves the honor of a great lady, conquers the niece of his implacable enemy but courts disaster for love of Coraline, a faithless opera dancer.
Loves of Casanova
Clotilde du Manoir
On his way to Paris, Casanova keeps on collecting female conquests, does not shy away from duels and gets into many a colorful adventure. Once in the capital, the fearless knight saves the honor of a great lady, conquers the niece of his implacable enemy but courts disaster for love of Coraline, a faithless opera dancer.
Une femme coupée en morceaux
Four men in love with the same woman put on a music-hall show and travel the world in search of the beauty. They will find success and fortune, but their sentimental quest will be a failure.
Sophie's Misfortune
Madame de Fleurville
Sophie de Réan, an unruly mischievous little girl grows up under the thumb of Mademoiselle, her strict governess. Following her mother's death, she is entrusted to Mme de Fleurville, her aunt, who at the same time hires Mademoiselle to further Sophie's education. A few years later, the little girl has blossomed into a lovely young lady. She is now in love with Paul, her cousin, who, unlike her, used to be a model child. Unfortunately Mademoiselle will not hear of a union between them. Instead she wants Sophie to marry Armand, the conceited son of Prefect Hugon. To make matters worse, Paul, the good boy, unexpectedly turns into a revolutionary, who defends the Republic on the barricades against Louis Napoléon's coup. Not being one of the victors, Paul is forced into exile. Will Sophie finally yield and accept the established order or will she react in her usual rebellious way and follow the one she loves ?
Paris Frills
Philippe Clarence, a famous Parisian dressmaker, seduces his friend's fiancee. But, for the first time in his life, this is for real. The film is also a sharp picture of the fashion world.
Coup de tête
A sporty and chivalrous young man creates, with some comrades, a society whose goal is to protect honest people against rogues. He finds himself thrown into unforeseen adventures, at the end of which he will discover love.
The Inevitable Mr. Dubois
With a hand of steel, Hélène efficiently runs a big luxury perfume factory in Grasse. There is no room for fun in her dull businesswoman's life. Then, a car accident drops Claude Dubois, a painter, into her lap. But the artist will have to deploy all his subtle wiles and clever tricks to rouse Hélène's feelings and get her to enjoy the cozy life of a cherished wife.
Mademoiselle Béatrice
Virginie de Malempré
A law student passed his exam in his first B.A. year in Paris ;he is in love with a girl who is not from the bourgeoisie and the boy is afraid his father might not approve of their union.
Des jeunes filles dans la nuit
Six young boarding girls return home unexpectedly after their college has been destroyed by fire. Their unexpected presence arouses melodramatic reactions.
The Honorable Catherine
Catherine's technique to sell her clocks is to blackmail illegitimate couples such as Jacques and Gisèle. However when Gisèle's husband Pierre walks in on them, Catherine pretends to be Jacques's lover to save the day. Jacques then gets caught up in her schemes when the next couple she deals with turn out to be jewel thieves who kidnap them.
The Blue Veil
Madame Berger, director of the placement office (uncredited)
In 1914, in the first months of World War I, Louise Jarraud loses her husband, killed on the front. Shortly after, she gives birth to a baby, who soon dies. Devastated by this double misfortune, Louise decides to dedicate her life to caring for the children of others. She becomes a nurse with several employers, giving her affection to little boys or girls. A widower and another man propose to her but she refuses twice determined as she is to live only for the children in her charge.
Wicked Duchess
Edwige Feuillère and Pierre Richard-Willm star in director Jacques de Baroncelli's adaptation of the Balzac novella The Duchesse de Langeais, which tells the tale of a Parisian socialite who is romantically pursued by a Napoleonic war hero. With a screenplay by Jean Giraudoux.
Pension Jonas
A tramp has taken up residence in the belly of a museum whale.
Ce n'est pas moi
Cambo, a banker, has been in trouble since a certain Parizot has tried to extort stocks from him. Following the advice of his friend Quincampoix, Cambo decides to trade places with Bardac, a painter, who happens to be his lookalike. Bardac slips into Cambo's shoes with delight although he does not really live up to his task. But Cambo, who manages to ruin Parizot, makes a 100% profit on the situation. There are of course some misunderstandings when one man is mistaken for the other, notably as concerns Lulu and Geneviève, respectively Bardac's and Cambo's sweethearts, but things finally return to their initial state.
Sins of Youth
The nurse (uncredited)
A rich businessman living alone is deprived of the nephew he was to have brought up decides on his doctor's advice to search for the four illegitimate children he once fathered, which leads him to accept responsibility for his actions.
Dopo divorzieremo
Grace Peterson works in department stores "Tutto per Tutti", along with many other young people. His employment contract entitling them to live in a boarding house built specifically for them by the company but on the other hand, forbid them not fall in love or marry under threat of dismissal. Still, Grace falls for Phil Golder, a violinist penniless. The director of the residence will notice and the best friend of the girl impersonate violinist girlfriend to try to save Grace dismissal.
Trouble is started by one of the unfortunate girls, ensconced in a chateau by a generous lady so they can recuperate,but a grandfather and a teacher cause the little drama to be soon forgotten.
Immediate Call
In September 1938, an American diplomat negotiated in London the peace of Munich, rather than rush to Paris where his wife, a famous film actress, is about to fall into the arms of a young first. He gains peace but loses his happiness.
Girls in Distress
Une élève de la pension
Jeune Filles en Detresse (Young Girls in Distress) was director G. W. Pabst's last French production before his (ill-timed) return to Nazi-occupied Austria in 1941. Somewhat reminiscent of Maedchen in Uniform, the story is set in a private girl's school, populated almost exclusively by children from broken homes. Among the few students who can claim family stability is Micheline Presle, but even her happiness is threatened when her lawyer father Andre Luguet inaugurates an affair with stage actress Jacqueline Debulac. With the help of Debulac's daughter Louisa Carletti, Presle is able to break up her father's romance and deliver him into the open arms of her mother Marcelle Chantal. On the whole, the performance by the younger cast members are more convincing than those rendered by the film's so-called adults.
Let’s Go Up the Champs-Élysées
Une Biche (uncredited)
Um professor parisiense conta a história da famosa avenida de Paris, a Champs-Élysées, desde o seu início em 1617 como estrada cortando a mata traçada por Marie de Médicis até os tempos atuais, passando pelo seu período esplendor burguês sob Napoleão III.