Alicia von Rittberg

Alicia von Rittberg

Nascimento : 1993-12-10, Munich, Germany


Alicia Gräfin (Countess) von Rittberg (born 10 December 1993 in Munich, Bavaria, Germany) is a German actress best known for her role as Emma in the film Fury.


Alicia von Rittberg
Alicia von Rittberg
Alicia von Rittberg
Alicia von Rittberg
Alicia von Rittberg


Hunter White
A young woman tries to find her origins after having been abandoned as an infant at a cemetery wrapped in a cloth with satanic symbols, but as she gets closer to answers a malevolent spirit is telling her to leave.
Um Dia Para Sempre
Zazie é uma jovem mulher que certo dia recebe um convite de casamento inesperado, ela descobre que o seu grande amigo se casará com a sua inimiga Franziska. Acreditando que pode impedir o matrimônio, ela monta uma missão para salvar o amigo do maior erro de sua vida. Porém, Zazie acaba presa em um loop temporal, revivendo centenas de vezes o mesmo dia.
A história de um grupo de escoteiros judeus que trabalharam com a resistência francesa para salvar as vidas de dez mil órfãos durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Rate Your Date
Teresa und Patricia are best friends. Despite the big differences between date-experienced Teresa and romantically predisposed single-mother Patricia, they have one thing in common: they have enough of bad dates and are sick of stupid dudes, bad surprises and broken hearts. When Teresa meets the neurotic programmer Anton, who is completely inexperienced in the field of romance, they come up with a genius business idea: together with the womanizer and start-up founder Paul, they develop an app with which potential dates can be categorized. In this manner, users can paint a picture of what they're getting themselves into. However, quite quickly they find out that people can't be easily fit into boxes and that matters of the heart shouldn't be left to an algorithm...
Lotte Brendel
Weimar, 1921. The life of 20-year-old Lotte Brendel seems to be predetermined. Her father sees her as a future wife and mother on the side of a man who is to take over the parental carpentry business. But the idiosyncratic Lotte joins a group of young artists against the will of her family, applies at the Bauhaus and is accepted. The Weimar Bauhaus, under the direction of the visionary Walter Gropius, aspires not only to combine arts and crafts, but also to find the place for the "New Man". In the student Paul Seligmann Lotte finds a supporter and her great love.
Ventos da Liberdade
Petra Wetzel
No verão de 1979, na Alemanha Oriental, uma família bola um ousado plano para finalmente conseguir deixar o local: montar um grande balão caseiro que irá flutuar até a fronteira ocidental e repousar naturalmente logo depois. No entanto, na primeira tentativa, o clima instável faz com que eles pratiquem um pouso forçado e as autoridades são avisadas, fazendo com que a família corra contra o tempo.
Godless Youth
German students compete to enter one of the country's elite schools.
Nosso Fiel Traidor
Durante um feriado no Marrocos, Perry e Gail conhecem o extravagante e carismático Dima, que sem o conhecimento deles, faz parte da máfia russa. Quando Dima pede ajuda a eles para levar uma informação para o Serviço Secreto Britânico, Perry e Gail são pegos no perigoso mundo internacional da espionagem e políticas.
Die Hebamme II
Lotte Seiler
Das Romeo-Prinzip
Tom does not have it easy. At the student theater, his friend Jan and his beloved Annelie play the leading roles; the inconspicuous Tom, on the other hand, makes the prop. When he realizes that he must finally take his life, and especially love, into his own hands, he turns to his janitor, Mr Müller. What Tom does not know: Müller was once a psychologist of the Stasi! In the so-called "Romeo" program, he prepared male agents to address women in Germany and make them available as a source.
Tudo aponta para a vitória dos aliados, que culminará no tão ansiado fim da Segunda Grande Guerra. Atrás das linhas do inimigo, em pleno território alemão, o sargento norte-americano Don "Wardaddy" Collier tem a seu cargo um pequeno grupo de homens valentes e um único tanque de guerra. O grande objectivo é matar o maior número de inimigos e sair vivo daquele inferno. E o único consolo é o espírito de camaradagem e a esperança do fim iminente.
Wealthy Corpses: A Crime Story from Starnberg
A crime movie directed by Dominik Graf.
Die Hebamme
Unterwegs mit Elsa
Clara Novak
Lots of debts and a dilapidated villa in Croatia: Elsa has not remained more of the fortune of her deceased husband. To see the estate, the widow makes her daughter and her young granddaughter on their way to the former Yugoslavia. Thanks to bankruptcies, bad luck and mishaps, the planned short trip to the stormy Odyssey.
Alles für meine Tochter
Clara Liebner
Teacher Ines and journalist Boris have been happily married for 14 years. But Ines suffers from her childlessness. Then she is confronted with a chapter of her life that has displaced her for many years: In a new student she recognizes her daughter, who she had released after adoption for adoption. Since Boris knows nothing about it, Ines can only trust her best friend Simone. Against her advice, she also seeks in private the proximity to the unsuspecting student. In doing so, she finds herself in a conflict between her responsibility as a teacher and her growing motherly feelings.
Und alle haben geschwiegen
Luisa jung
Verão de 1980. Barbara é uma pediatra que se viu transferida de Berlim para um hospital de uma cidade remota e isolada da Alemanha Oriental. A nova colocação surgiu depois de se ter candidatado a um visa para emigrar para o lado Ocidental do país. É lá que se encontra o seu namorado que prepara a fuga de Barbara enquanto a médica aguarda pacientemente pelo dia da sua libertação. O novo apartamento, os vizinhos, o Verão e o campo não significam nada para ela. No trabalho, Barbara é atenciosa, mas distante, seguindo as indicações do responsável do Hospital, André. Mas o médico confunde-a: deposita confiança nas suas capacidades profissionais, é carinhoso e o seu sorriso revelam um homem apaixonado. Ou será este médico um espia contratado para seguir os seus passos e revelá-los ao governo?
Die Verführerin Adele Spitzeder
Therese Ederer
Adele Spitzeder, an actress of medium talent, finds the role of her life as a dazzling financial genius, but in truth the operator of a gigantic pyramid scheme. With a brilliant appearance and empty promises, she serves the hopes and greed of her fellow human beings with virtuosity. With the help of a never-ending stream of money, she buys her way out of situations that would have landed others in prison long ago. Her enemies are just waiting for the pyramid to collapse and bury Adele - and countless small investors with her.
Eine ganz heiße Nummer
Tina Brandner
The Secret of the Whales
Charlotte Waldmann
In New Zealand, a scientist, his family and down-on-his-luck investigator are trying to prove that the beaching of the local whale population is caused by activities of a corporation which is searching for natural gas in the area.
Romy, 14 years old
From her on-screen triumphs to her off-screen tribulations, this biopic focuses on the captivating life and career of actress Romy Schneider.
Die Sache mit dem Glück
Miriam Heitmann
Jill Westermann