Åke Lagergren

Nascimento : 1929-11-18, Vingåker, Södermanlands län, Sweden

Morte : 1999-07-07


As Melhores Intenções
Em 1909, o estudante de teologia Henrik Bergman se apaixona por Anna Åkerbloom, jovem de uma família rica que é contra o namoro do casal. Anos mais tarde, eles se casam e se mudam para uma cidade onde terão que enfrentar suas diferenças.
Hassel 08 - Svarta banken
Hugo Börjesson
Three prisoners, all specialists within their area, are freed from prison in a dramatic fashion. But who helped them - and why?
Murre från Skogstibble
Pelle é um gato que nasceu sem cauda adequada. Ele compensa isso estudando muito e, para grande pertubação de seu arquirrival Mans, recebe um diploma extravagante que muito poucos gatos na Suécia obtiveram. Algum tempo depois, ele é visitado por seu parente Pelle Swanson, que o convida para visitar seu novo país, a América. Lá tudo é maior, até os ratos são bem mais gordos. Tudo parece possível na América, até mesmo a perspectiva de finalmente ter um rabo adequado e uma namorada para chamar de seu.
The story of the charlatan Gustaf Raskenstam life and times during World War II, who for financial gain seduced a large number of women.
En flicka på halsen
Murre från Skogstibble
Peter-No-Tail is a cat who's born without a proper tail on a farm by the Swedish countryside. Due to economical difficulties, the farmer is forced to get rid of Peter. The farmer can't bring himself to drown the cat, so he sneaks Peter inside the car of a family who are renting a house close to the farm for their summer vacation. When the family finally reach their home in Uppsala, Sweden, they find Peter and decide to keep him. Without a tail, he becomes the talk of the town among the other cats and, especially Mike, who teases him cruelly. Mean Mike and his two companions, Bill and Bull, are notorious for the nasty tricks they like to play on other cats. Mike is currently trying to court Molly Silk-Nose, but his rough and silly approach does not impress her, since she becomes interested in the kind and gentle Peter. But Mike won't give up that easily and he has a plan for how he'll get his revenge.
The Man Who Went Up in Smoke
The journalist Alf Mattson gets thoroughly drunk at his birthday party, where his wife announces that she intends to divorce him. He is knocked down on the street and is later carried home by a friend. The next day he is to fly to Budapest in order to make a report for the Stockholm television. Mattson disappears in Budapest.
Kurt Svedner
A major routine explosion is to be carried out at a power plant, but it does not work properly.
Near and Far Away
Man with puzzle
Mania is a new employee at a mental hospital, where she meets a young man with mutism. He gets her to realize that it is a fluid boundary between being healthy and being regarded as sick.
A Dream Play
"A dream play" - This made-for-television film constituted Bergman’s first production of Strindberg’s A Dream Play – a play he would revisit three times more. Gunnar Ollén’s Malmö crew was behind this, for its time, prestigious and costly theatre production, involving more than 40 actors and no less than 75 extras.
The Poet
16 -year-old Mari has just been released from a juvenile detention school after one year of treatment. To prevent her from making contact with her old gang, she is sent to Skåne in southern Sweden, where she will work in a dairy shop. She doesn't like being there so she decides to run away and hitchhike her way up to Stockholm. She makes contact with her old gang but realizes that she's not welcome anymore and her boyfriend has even hooked up with a new girl.
A Zero Too Much
A newspaper misprints Pontus Blom's (Carl-Gustaf Lindstedt) yearly income as being much more than it is; this leads to various comical situations of exceeding hilarity.