Lesley-Anne Down

Lesley-Anne Down

Nascimento : 1954-03-17, Wandsworth, London, England, UK


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Lesley-Anne Down (born 17 March 1954) is an English actress who is best known for her roles as Georgina Worsley in the ITV drama series Upstairs, Downstairs; Olivia Blake in the NBC soap opera Sunset Beach and Madeline Fabray LaMotte Main in North and South. Since March 2003, she has portrayed Jacqueline Payne Marone in the CBS soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful. Description above from the Wikipedia article Lesley-Anne Down, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia


Lesley-Anne Down
Lesley-Anne Down
Lesley-Anne Down
Lesley-Anne Down
Lesley-Anne Down
Lesley-Anne Down
Lesley-Anne Down
Lesley-Anne Down
Lesley-Anne Down
Lesley-Anne Down
Lesley-Anne Down
Lesley-Anne Down
Lesley-Anne Down


Dentro da Escuridão
Sister Clare
Um adolescente assombrado sofre um exorcismo aterrorizante na esperança de desvendar segredos chocantes sobre a igreja e sua família..
Dentro da Escuridão
Um adolescente assombrado sofre um exorcismo aterrorizante na esperança de desvendar segredos chocantes sobre a igreja e sua família..
Alex & the List
Alex, a lovable, unassuming dog trainer is in love with a great woman - Katherine - smart, talented, from a good family. Katherine adores Alex's quirky sense of humor, honesty and capacity to listen. Having decided to pop the question, Alex is blindsided when Katherine produces a detailed list of well-thought-out "improvements" she feels will tweak Alex on their way to becoming the ideal couple. Alex instinctively rejects the suggestion that he needs to change anything. But with the threat of a new competitor, Alex decides to "do the list." Guided by a coterie of friends that include: Dave, Alex's loyal childhood buddy, best female friend Lily, her husband Michael, and their 8 year old son, Nicky, Alex's journey has him reconsider and question his beliefs, values and world.
Um Natal de Cinderela
Victoria Carmichael
Angie vai a um baile natalino de máscaras e conhece Nicholas, o solteiro mais cobiçado da cidade. No entanto, ela vai embora antes de revelar sua identidade e deixa Nicholas à sua procura.
Justiça - Entre a Lei e a Vingança
Um agente federal americano (U.S. Marshal) em busca de justiça para o assassinato de seu irmão, defende uma pequena cidade contra o seu prefeito corrupto e seus homens com intenções de reviver a guerra civil.
I Am Watching You
Writer, Nora Nichols finds inspiration by watching her neighbor Lucas' escapades from her bedroom window. But things take an interesting turn when she realizes he's been watching too.
John, um mercenário (Steven Seagal), é contratado para eliminar um criminoso Afegão. Para a missão ele conta com um ex parceiro (Byron Mann). Resolvida a questão, vão em um clube beber e esperar pelo pagamento. É ai que uma garota fugindo de outro clube perseguida por capangas adentra desesperada e os pede ajuda. Os dois a ajudam e John descobre então que ela e a irmã foram sequestradas em um esquema de tráfico humano e que o chefão de todo sindicato local (Vinnie Jones) é um sádico que possui uma câmara de tortura onde espanca moças até a morte e filma tudo para seu prazer. John e seu parceiro agora estão com a cabeça a prêmio por toda cidade, enquanto investigam o caso e partem para o confronto com o chefão e seu sindicato.
Kill Me, Deadly
Lady Clairmont
It's 1947, and hard-boiled private investigator Charlie Nickels' client is murdered and her priceless diamond stolen. The investigation forces him to do the one thing he vowed never to do again: trust a dame.
Casa Escura
Nick Di Santo é um homem atormentado pelas visões que tem sobre o futuro. Quando Nick vai visitar sua mãe no hospício, ele descobre que seu pai, que julgava morto, está vivo e pode ajudá-lo sobre a origem de sua terrível habilidade. Nick, então, sai em uma viagem que o leva a uma misteriosa mansão abandonada, que pensava existir só em sua imaginação de infância.
My Dog's Christmas Miracle
Aunt Dora
University professor Madeline Walters isn’t doing too well in the dating game. Good men are hard to find, so she’s happy spending time with her Maltese puppy Cinnamon, and her precocious teenage daughter Chloe.
A Vila do Medo
Dr. Cloey Talbot
Sonny Blake é uma psiquiatra que volta à sua cidade natal. Logo que chega, ela é avisada sobre o comportamento violento e estranho do entregador de jornais. A partir daí, Sonny começa a observa-lo e suspeita que ele possa estar envolvido na morte de seu pai. Ela leva sua suspeita até a polícia, mas é ignorada, e agora precisa tomar cuidado para não sofrer em suas mãos.
Hoje Você Morre
Bank Manager
Precisando de dinheiro, Harlan Banks aceita trabalhar como motorista para a empresa de Max Gillardi. Encarregado de transportar 20 milhões de dólares de um cassino em Las Vegas, Harlan cai numa enrascada quando seu supervisor, Bruno, assassina os seguranças do cassino e o obriga a dirigir na sua fuga. Perseguidos pela policia, Harlan consegue se livrar de Bruno, mas, por estar ferido e desorientado, é encontrado pela polícia. Acusado de roubo e sem ter um álibi, Harlan é preso. Passado um tempo, Bruno chega à prisão e revela a Harlan que Max armou pra cima dele. Assim, com a ajuda de um amigo de Bruno, ambos conseguem fugir indo atrás de um único objetivo: encontrar Max e se vingar dele.
13th Child
District Attorney Murphy
People are being killed by someone or something using superhuman strength. A clever DA Assistant is sent to investigate. Is this just a way to commit the perfect murder or will the legend of the Jersey Devil prove to be true?
You Belong to Me
Dr. Susan Chancellor
A radio psychologist who solves the murders of wealthy women finds her latest case is much deeper than she imagined-and it may cost her life!
The Meeksville Ghost
Emily Meeks
A cowboy ghost, one young man, a mother and son separated at his birth by a disapproving father, dream / time travel, a big fiery accident, a small town in need of saving by the power of love.
The Perfect Wife
Helen Coburn
When Leah's brother dies in a car accident, she vows revenge on the doc who failed to save him.
O Guardião do Rei
Quenn Beatrice
Em um reino distante da Idade Média, a rainha Beatrice designa um grupo de soldados de elite, comandado pelo charmoso capitão Reynolds, para proteger sua filha, a princesa Gwendolyn, que viaja por um território perigoso.
Young Hearts Unlimited
Children of broken homes get in over their heads when they set up a dating service for their single parents.
Meet Wally Sparks
Hooker Nurse
Wally Sparks is a tabloid TV show reporter who's trying to boost ratings on his show. He goes to the governor's mansion to uncover a sex scandal.
Um Agente Muito Secreto
O grandalhão Ray Chase (Hulk Hogan) poderia ser qualquer coisa, mas o vendedor de brinquedos realmente não combina nem um pouco com ele. O que ninguém imagina, nem mesmo seu filho, Jeremy, é que por trás da fachada de paspalho, na verdade existe um superagente secreto, classificado pela Central de Inteligência para as missões mais perigosas. Em sua mais nova missão, Ray é feito prisioneiro ao tentar impedir que uma arma bélica revolucionária caia em mãos erradas. Agora, Jeremy, ajudado por sua galera de amigos, fará de tudo para salvar o pau das garras do inimigo.
Beastmaster III: The Eye of Braxus
Before he died, Dar's father gave a mysterious amulet to Tal, Dar's younger brother who is now king. Dar, while wandering with his animal companions, chances to meet and rescue a family who seek the help of King Tal against Lord Agon, a sorcerer who has conquered their land. Dar obtains an audience for them with Tal, who rallies his troops to march against Agon in the morning. Alas, the young king is captured by Agon's crimson warriors during the night. It is the amulet -- the Eye of the imprisoned god Braxus -- that Agon really wants. But Dar now carries half of it, and is nowhere to be found. Will he fall into Lord Agon's clutches when he comes to free his brother?
À Queima Roupa
Anna Novacek
O veterano Paul Fein é inspetor em Milwaukee, Wisconsin, e membro de uma família de policiais. Ele tem que livrar a própria filha da acusação do assassinato de um proeminente homem de negócios casado, de quem ela foi amante.
Munchie Strikes Back
Linda McClelland
The magical Munchie is back, and if he gets in any more trouble it's off to the dullest constellation in the galaxy. Staying out of trouble has never been easy for Munchie, but this time he gives it his best shot. He is sent to earth and finds himself in the company of the McClelland family. As he proves himself, he becomes mixed up in the family's many problems. Munchie does his best to fulfill his duty on Earth, but not without getting involved in a little mischief. Written by Concorde - New Horizons.
Desejo de Matar 5: A Face da Morte
Olivia Regent
Paul Kersey abandonou há anos a sua carreira de vigilante para viver sob nova identidade. Mas resolve voltar às armas quando o gângster Tommy O'Shea desfigura e mata a sua nova namorada, a estilista Olivia Regent. Ciente de que nem a polícia e nem a justiça poderão ajudá-lo, Kersey começa a matar os membros da quadrilha de O'Shea um a um.
In the Heat of Passion II: Unfaithful
Jean Bradshaw
When a wheelchair-bound wife dies from an apparent accident, her husband and his adult stepdaughter turn out to be lovers, who conspired to murder her. However, tensions surface when complications arise regarding her inheritance, and soon the husband and stepdaughter are distrusting and plotting against each other. Who is really behind everything?
Night Trap
Christine Turner
A New Orleans cop tries to track down and stop a vicious and demonic killer whom has sold his soul to the devil for invulnerability and immortality.
Over the Line
Elaine Patterson
Having had a one night stand with an obsessive prison inmate, the college professor teaching his prison literary soon lives the nightmare of her decision.
Night Walk
Geneva Miller
A woman witnesses a murder, reports the crime and become a target for the murderer.
Anne Kingston
A British movie star falls for an American diplomat. Unfortunately, he is still married...or so she believes. It turns out that his claims of marriage are just a way of ensuring his bachelorhood.
Morganna Ross
A female police detective enlists her boyfriend to help her track down a murderer picking off the dancers at an upscale male strip club in Los Angeles.
Scenes From the Goldmine
Lady Lesley-Anne Down
A girl trying to make it in the 1980's New Wave rock and roll scene in L.A.
Delírios Mortais
Uma noite, em um hospital de Los Angeles, o Dr. Flax atende a um homem gravemente ferido que, aparentemente louco, sussurra palavras misteriosas e desconcertantes em francês em seu ouvido.
Arco do Triunfo
Joan Madou
Arch of Triumph is a 1985 British made-for-television film based on the novel Arch of Triumph by Erich Maria Remarque, which was previously adapted in 1948 for a film of the same name with Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyer. Dr. Ravic (Anthony Hopkins) is an Austrian doctor who helps Jews escape from the Nazis. In 1939, he meets Joan Madou (Lesley-Anne Down), a woman he saves from suicide, and their relationship flourishes until he is arrested as a refugee without documentation and realizes he has some unfinished business with the Nazis. After a prolonged separation, without explanation, the two are finally reunited and struggle to put their relationship back on the right course as mayhem breaks out all around them.
A contratiempo
La actriz
The relationship of a adult man and a young girl.
O Corcunda de Notre Dame
O filme é uma adaptação do clássico de Victor Hugo e conta a história do deformado Quasimodo, que se apaixona pela cigana Esmeralda. Infelizmente, o pai rigoroso de Quasimodo, Dom Claude Frollo, também se encanta com Esmeralda, resultando em um conflito. Porém a presença do belo soldado Phoebus, complica a situação.
É Fácil Matar
Bridget Conway
American computer whiz Luke Williams meets elderly Lavinia Fullerton on a London-bound train. She reveals she's discovered the identity of a serial killer in her village and is going to report it to Scotland Yard. When she's murdered after disembarking the train. Williams vows to pursue the case himself
Unity Mitford
Period Drama. The true story of Unity Mitford who in the 1930's went to live in Germany and was friends with Adolf Hitler.
Erica Baron
Egyptologist Erica Baron finds more than she bargained for during her long-planned trip to The Land of the Pharoahs - murder, theft, betrayal, love, and a mummy's curse!
Ladrão por Excelência
Gillian Bromley
A romantic comedy with action and suspense. Two sophisticated jewel thieves join forces to steal $30 million in uncut jewels. Despite a continuous exchange of quips they eventually become romantically involved.
Ao Encontro da Guerra e do Amor
Margaret Sellinger
Margaret é uma enfermeira na Inglaterra durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial e casada com um agente secreto. As coisas ficam complicadas quando ela se apaixona por David, um piloto americano.
O Primeiro Assalto de Trem
Na Inglaterra Vitoriana de 1855, dois homens e uma mulher planejam roubar o ouro de um trem em movimento. Liderados por um ladrão experiente, eles elaboram um plano detalhado para a ação que ficará conhecida como o primeiro roubo a trem de que se tem notícia.
The One and Only Phyllis Dixey
Phyllis Dixey
Aspiring dancer Phyllis Dixey makes her name as a stripper.
The Betsy
Lady Bobby Ayres
Ruthless patriarch Loren hires racecar driver Angelo to build a more efficient vehicle against the wishes of his grandson. But things get even messier when Angelo romances two women in Loren's life -- his great-granddaughter and his mistress.
Um Pouco de Música Noturna
Anne Egerman
Fredrik Egerman is very happy in his marriage to a seventeen-year-old virgin, Anne. Only she's been a virgin for the whole eleven months of the marriage, and being a bit restless, Fredrik goes to see an old flame, the famous actress Desiree Armfeldt. Desiree is getting tired of her life, and is thinkin of settling down, and sets her sights on Fredrik, despite his marriage, and her own married lover Count Carl-Magnus. She gets her mother to invite the Egermans to her country estate for the weekend. But when Carl-Magnus and his wife Charlotte appear, too, things begin to get farcical (Send in the Clowns), and the night must smile for the third time before all the lovers are united.
Heartbreak House
Ellie Dunn
Captain Shotover, a retired seafarer, is reluctantly hosting a weekend house party for his two daughters and their bohemian friends. As they indulge in dangerous flirtations, will anyone notice their drift to destruction?
A Nova Transa da Pantera Cor-de-Rosa
O inspetor-chefe Dreyfus captura um cientista e faz com que ele crie uma arma de destruição em massa. Então, ele impõe uma única condição para não destruir o planeta: Que o inspetor Clouseau seja exterminado.
A Morte Segue Seus Passos
John Wayne é Brannigan, um duro policial de Chicago que tem de viajar até Londres para trazer um gangster em fuga. Quando os oficiais britânicos perdem o rastro ao criminoso, Brannigan assume o controle e mostra à Scotland Yard como é que as coisas são feitas à velha maneira norte-americana. Mas Brannigan é também perseguido por um assassino e tem de abrir caminho através do perigo para enfrentar os seus inimigos, não em um mas em dois mortíferos finais! Desde um salto mortal na Ponte de Londres, até uma rixa num pub vitoriano.
Vozes do Além
Rosemary Seaton
Uma antologia de quatro breves histórias de terror que giram em torno de uma loja de antiguidades britânica e seu misterioso proprietário.
As Aventuras de um Velhaco
A crew of land locked pirates, led by the aptly named Peg, go in search of burried treasure hidden by the treacherous Mudhook and his twin brother. They meet up with good natured landowner, Don Aragon, who goes along for the ride with his sister and a young boy, Jamie. Along the way, Peg and Jamie form a father son relationship that is put to the test due to Peg's naturally dishonest ways.
Joana, A Mulher Que Foi Papa
Based on the medieval legend of Pope Joan, who was made Pope for a brief period around 855 A.D. The movie presents her existence as fact, though it is questionable that Pope Joan really did exist, and portrays her relationships with other notables of the time.
To Lay A Ghost
Diana Carver
Eric and Diana Carver move into a new home in the country, but a series of strange events soon cause Diana to suspect the house is haunted by the ghost of a man. A ghost who seems to be interested in her particularly.
Tessa Hurst
After one schoolgirl is raped while taking a short cut through the local woods, and another is murdered in the same woods a few days later, the local police are baffled. With the help of a reporter from one of the local papers, and against the wishes of a psychologist at the local hospital, a young teacher at the school the girls attended uses herself as bait to lure the perpetrator out. Could it be the creepy husband of the head mistress at the school, the psychologist who seems to be taking an unusual interest in the case, or something altogether more sinister?
Condessa Drácula
Hungria, século XVII. Depois de ficar viúva, a velha Condessa Elizabeth Nádasdy, da linhagem Báthory, descobre fortuitamente uma maneira de se tornar jovem novamente; mas o preço a ser pago por aqueles ao seu redor será alto e sangrento.
All the Right Noises
A married man with two small children begins an affair with a beautiful young actress which quickly blossoms into a full blown romance, until she tells him that she is only 15 years old…
Sin un adiós
Marta Greidy
Mario Leyva, famous singer in full glory harassed every day more for his "fans", takes the life that they allow him, dedicated to his art and directed professionally by his "manager". His popularity makes him be mixed in the advertising of a brand of cigarettes by advertising phrases that repeat themselves in all the languages.
The Smashing Bird I Used to Know
A traumatized and troubled teenager is sent to an all-girls detention home where she strikes up an unlikely friendship with a fellow inmate.