The son of famous detective Sam Spade carries on the family tradition of getting involved with the Maltese Falcon - and with the people who will stop at nothing, including murder, to get it.
Mrs. Hitchcock
Young doctors mix romance with their careers in a big-city hospital.
Mrs. Howard Cassin
Um chinês gentil e idoso (possui 7322 anos), Dr. Lao (Tony Randall) chega em Abalone, Arizona, com seu circo, que tem atrações únicas (o Abominável Homem das Neves, Merlin, Medusa, Pan, Apolônio de Tiana e outros seres fantásticos). Ele constata rapidamente que a cidade é dominada por um rico rancheiro, Clint Stark (Arthur O'Connell), que alega que em seis meses não haverá água na cidade, pois o aqueduto está quase inutilizado e o conserto seria de US$ 237 mil. Assim, Stark propõe comprar toda a cidade e só Ed Cunningham (John Ericson), o dono do jornal local, se opõe à idéia. Mas em poucos dias o Dr. Lao irá alterar a vida dos moradores de Abalone.
Mrs. Swanson
Husband and wife Bill (Van Johnson) and Bertie Austin (Janet Leigh) and their daughter live in a low-rent apartment. He's a struggling writer, at least until agent Lucinda Ford breaks the news that she's sold his book to a publisher, including the rights to turn it into a Broadway play. A new house in Connecticut is the first way to celebrate. But during the long hours Bill is away working on the play, Bertie befriends hard-drinking neighbor Fran Cabrell and her boyfriend Wylie, who plant seeds of suspicion in Bertie's mind that Bill and his beautiful agent might be more than just business partners. Bertie jealously retaliates by flirting with Gar Aldrich, an actor who will be in her husband's play. Bill goes to Connecticut for a heart-to-heart talk, finds Gar there and punches him.
Mary Hatten
A photographer based in Tokyo, who's in love with local beauty Tamiko, begins to court an embassy official so she can help him gain entry into the United States.
Mrs. Ewell
In a small Mississippi town in 1916, an eccentric spinster battles her romantic yearnings for the randy boy next door.
Madame Fleury
Middle-aged businesswoman Paula Tessier resists the advances of Philip Van der Besh, the 24-year-old son of one of her clients. But when her longtime paramour, Roger Demarest, begins yet another casual affair with a younger woman, Paula decides that two can play that game. However, it seems that society looks differently at May-December romances when the woman is the older partner.
Rheba Spelding
Jerry Lewis é o alienígena Kreton, um ET atrapalhado e curioso por descobrir como é a vida na Terra. Sai escondido de seu planeta e aterrisa no quintal de um famoso jornalista de TV que não acredita em extra-terrestres. Kreton deseja fazer um estudo dos humanos e se apaixona pela filha (Joan Blackman) do jornalista, mas sua incapacidade provoca uma série de confusões e coloca a vida do jornalista de cabeça para baixo.
Mrs. Walters
Em Nova York, a decoradora de interiores Jan Morrow (Doris Day) e o compositor mulherengo Brad Allen (Rock Hudson) usam a mesma linha compartilhada, mas Brad mantém ocupada a maior parte do tempo flertando com suas namoradas. Eles não se conhecem, mas Jan odeia Brad porque ela precisa do telefone para o seu negócio e não pode usá-lo. Coincidentemente cliente rico que Jan corteja, Jonathan Forbes, é o melhor amigo de Brad e comenta com ele que tem um amor não correspondido por Jan, que é uma mulher linda. Quando Brad encontra Jan por acaso em um restaurante, ele se apresenta como um turista ingênuo do Texas chamado Rex Stetson e a seduz. Mas Jonathan contrata um detetive particular para descobrir quem é Rex Stetson. (e 10)
Doris Upson
Mame Dennis, a progressive and independent woman of the 1920s, is left to care for her nephew Patrick after his wealthy father dies. Conflict ensues when the executor of the father's estate objects to the aunt's lifestyle and tries to force her to send Patrick to prep school.
Car Owner Mistaken for Madeleine
Em São Francisco, um detetive aposentado (James Stewart) que sofre de um terrível medo de alturas é encarregado de vigiar uma mulher (Kim Novak) com possíveis tendências suicidas, até que algo estranho acontece nesta missão.
A saga da família Donahue, que sempre se dedicou ao mundo dos espetáculos. A filha deseja ser uma grande estrela, um dos filhos decidiu ser padre, mas o outro, um dançarino, se apaixona por uma jovem que sonha ardentemente em ser cantora e não está disposta a perder nenhuma oportunidade que possa ajudar seu grande objetivo.
An account executive tried to find the perfect American family to use in a forthcoming advertising campaign.
Saloon entertainer Vermilion O'Toole and her former partner in crime Newt Cole escape from a train ride to prison and hide out in logging town Timberline. Meanwhile, the three sons of widower Will Hall come to town in search of a wife for their dad. Vermilion needs to lay low to escape the marshal, so she accepts the boys' offer to visit pioneer community Pine Grove. Once there, she annoys local Mrs. Grundys but eventually starts to fit in.
Janet Higgins
A man who spent his formative years in prison for murder is released, and struggles to adjust to the outside world and escape his lurid past. He gets involved with a cheap dancehall girl, and when her protector is accidentally killed, they go on the lam together, getting jobs as farm labourers. But some fellow workers get wise to them.
Claire Simpson
A daffy door-to-door saleswoman blunders into a murder investigation.
Jan Dawson
A newspaper editor takes on the cause of oppressed migrant Mexican fruit pickers..
Elvira Powell
A single mistake puts a 19-year old girl behind bars, where she experiences the terrors and torments of women in prison.
Melissa Price
When the Daltons are killed at Coffeyville, gang member Bill Doolin, arriving late, escapes but kills a man. Now wanted for murder, he becomes the leader of the Doolin gang. He eventually leaves the gang and tries to start a new life under a new name, but the old gang members appear and his true identity becomes known. Once again he becomes an outlaw trying to escape from the law.
The Wife
Director James Whale's last film, it was supposed to be part of an anthology film but was never released. A down on his luck gambler ends up in jail in a small Texan town where he meets and falls in love with Emily. They make plans to go to San Francisco but may not get the opportunity.
Asylum Inmate
Uma crônica detalhada da estadia de uma mulher em uma instituição mental. Virginia Cunningham se encontra em um asilo de loucos... E não consegue se lembrar de como chegou lá. Em flashback, seu marido Robert relata seu namoro, casamento e seus sintomas em desenvolvimento. O pessoal do asilo não é demonizado, mas o medo, a ignorância e os preconceitos mantêm a Virgínia em um estado de miséria, enquanto o Dr. Mark Kik luta para encontrar a raiz de seu problema. Mas uma recaída leva Virgínia de volta para a angustiante 'Cova da Serpente' ...
Ruth Bennett
A killer hides out in a small-town boarding house.
Clarissa Bloomsbury
In order to help neighboring Indians irrigate their farms, the Hotshots plan to put on a fair for tourists. But first they need $2000 for an advertising campaign, and the only way they can get it is to borrow it from a wealthy local woman, who has made it clear that she won't give them the money until Hezzie marries her.
In this chronicle of a vaudeville family, Myrtle McKinley (class of 1900) goes to San Francisco to attend business school, but ends up in a chorus line. Soon, star Frank Burt notices her talent, hires her for a "two-act", then marries her. Incidents of the marriage and the growing pains of eldest daughter Miriam are followed, interspersed with nostalgic musical numbers.
Aided by her eccentric friends, a young woman goes looking for her missing brother.
Mrs. Lathrop
Reformed racketeer "Lucky" Leeds flees from the police when he thinks they are about to arrest him for a murder he didn't commit. He and his wife Patti fly to his privately-owned remote island and have to crash land. Also on the island is a group of shipwrecked people, including a German professor, his daughter, an English journalist, a wealthy widow, a sailor and a Nazi Agent.
A PI investigates a priest's murder.
Maggie Biederhof
Principal suspeita do assassinato de seu marido, Mildred Pierce tem sua vida repassada em flashback. Vemos como era seu relacionamento com as filhas, o quanto dava duro para lhes dar tudo do bom e do melhor, e como uma delas a tratava mal, chegando a ter um relacionamento com seu padrasto. Oscar de Melhor Atriz para Joan Crawford.
Mrs. Foley
A woman screenwriter lives in a shabby bungalow in order to be near her husband, a 39-year-old newspaper editor who has just joined the army.
Gladys Hopkins
A debutante, a serviceman's bride and a girl from a military family join the Women's Army Corps.
Sally Evans
Ole and Chic are comedians employed in a nightclub, but seeking to be released from their contracts to take a better job. But the prissy nightclub owner, B. J. Wagonhorn, refuses to let them go. In reprisal, they start hurling insults at the nightclub patrons… a ploy that soon has them facing multiple lawsuits… to the delight of three struggling attorneys, Charlie Rodman, Bettty Wilson and Arthur Lane.
Cora Elliott
Tom and Cora Elliott love their active social life so much that they neglect their daughter Mary and son Les. Fred Mason, Tom's neighbor and the doctor at the defense plant employing Tom, worries about the effect that Tom and Cora's drinking and socializing have on the children....
Madeleine Parkington Swann
In this family saga, Mrs. Parkington recounts the story of her life, beginning as a hotel maid in frontier Nevada where she is swept off her feet by mine owner and financier Augustus Parkington. He moves them to New York, tries to remake her into a society woman, and establishes their home among the wealthiest of New York's high society. Family and social life is not always peaceful, however, and she guides us, in flashbacks, through the rises and falls of the Parkington family fortunes.
Fay Lawrence
The professional gambler Ross Hadley is the owner of a posh gaming establishment in the heart of New York...
Mrs. Blake
A beautiful woman goes to Las Vegas in a scheme to make her husbnd jealous, but once she gets there she becomes involved with another man.
Agatha Parkinson
A former bootlegger is now the prosperous owner of a popular nightclub. A hustling promoter manages to pass off a young singer as the heir to a fortune and gets her booked at the club.
Miss Pennington
Ugly duckling Janie Farnsworth is a student at Pennington High School, and has a crush on Charles Grant, Jr., who is the writer and producer of the upcoming school play. But Chuck thinks that she is too untalented and unglamorous to have a part in his production....
The two-man Laurel and Hardy Zoot Suit Band find themselves fronting a scam for "gasolene pills" in wartime oil-short America. They are however soon on the side of the angels helping recover $10,000 for an attractive young lady whose family have themselves been swindled.
Polly Franklin
A woman rents a gloomy basement apartment in Greenwich Village thinking it will provide the perfect atmosphere for her mystery writer husband to create his next book. They soon find themselves in the middle of a real-life mystery when a corpse turns up in their apartment.
Rena Leslie
New Yorkers Bill and Connie Fuller have to move from their apartment. Without Bill's knowledge, Connie purchases a delapidated old farmhouse in Pennsylvania, where George Washington was supposed to have actually slept during the American Revolution.
Deb McIntyre
Uma filha é controlada pela mãe, que lhe determina tudo que deve fazer. Um dia um famoso psiquiatra vai na sua casa e a vê prestes a ter um ataque de nervos. O psiquiatra lhe recomenda algumas semanas em uma casa de repouso, que ele administra. Quando ela sai da clínica faz uma viagem de navio até o Rio de Janeiro e, na viagem, sente-se altamente atraída por um homem casado, que tem sentimentos recíprocos. Ao voltar para casa ela é uma mulher muito diferente, que agora age e pensa por conta própria, não aceitando mais as imposições da mãe.
Eve 'Evie' Manning
Brothers feud over a girl they both fall for while covering World War II.
Betty Wilmoth
An unhappy, self-centered woman runs off with her sister's husband, wreaking havoc and ruining the lives of those around her.
Head Nurse Johnson
A doctor tries to rescue a young innocent from Nazi agents.
Effie Perine
Um detetive particular (Humphrey Bogart) é procurado por uma mulher misteriosa (Mary Astor), que alega estar sendo ameaçada. Mas tanto o seu perseguidor quanto o homem encarregado de protegê-la aparecem mortos e tudo gira em torno de uma estátua de falcão de valor incalculável. Foi lançado no Brasil com o título "Relíquia Macabra".
Rose Fairchild
Elinor Bentley Fairchild's previous three grooms-to-be have either died or been maimed. Her aunt hires Lucky Downing to become engaged to her for a month to break the curse. But Lucky becomes a target of what appears to be the ghost of one of the former fiances.
Betty Trent
A newlywed develops amnesia and can't remember his wife.
Josie "Lou" La Rue
A sudden windfall has unexpected consequences on a working class girl during the Great Depression.
Ruth Adams
An apparent suicide by a rich woman leads her nurse and a policeman to an insurance scam.
Blondie White
A high-society gent has a secret life - he writes murder mysteries and hangs out with the police attempting to solve crimes. This causes him no end of problems when his wife wants to know about his little disappearances and exceptionally late nights out.
Mrs. Pettijohn
Noted writer Kenneth Bixby, in love with his witty secretary Anne Rogers, is on a book tour when he meets up with a former college fling with a loopy Danish girl which he barely remembers. She remembers him, very well.
Aunt Tess 'Tessie' Haley
Director Noel Smith's comic 1940 morality tale, about a carpet sweeper manufacturer who sacrifices his family's happiness for his business, stars Grant Mitchell, Nana Bryant, Jan Clayton, George Reeves, Lee Patrick, John Litel, Billy Dawson, Richard Clayton, Frank Ferguson, Vera Lewis, Pierre Watkin, Frank Wilcox, John Ridgely and Frank Orth.
Delia Snedeker
Greedy diamond mine owner Eli Snedeker, resentful that his ex-foreman John Gamble stopped him from taking over kindly, but drunken, mine owner Roger Smythe's mine just as he was about to strike it rich, kills Smythe and blames it on Gamble. Grabbing the diamonds, Gamble flees Africa to England where he changes his name and begins a new life. What he hasn't counted on, though, is meeting and falling in love with Smythe's daughter Katherine, who falls in love with him but can't marry him until she can deal with her hatred of John Gamble, the man she believes killed her father.
The heartbreaking but hopeful tale of Danny Kenny and Peggy Nash, two sweethearts who meet and struggle through their impoverished lives in New York City. When Peggy, hoping for something better in life for both of them, breaks off her engagement to Danny, he sets out to be a championship boxer, while she becomes a dancer paired with a sleazy partner. Will tragedy reunite the former lovers?
Miss Martha Church
An embezzler's wife begs his boss for forgiveness, only to fall in love with him.
Mary Larrabee
A small town farmer, who happens to be very wealthy, meets and falls for an actress, but his friends warn him she's only interested in his money.
Florrie Halevy Sands
An inventor and his bride get testy in the city as they try to make ends meet.
A gangster is unable to go straight after returning home from prison.
Carlo Roma and his foster-son, Toma, and their friend Beppo, are living a happy fisherman's life in San Francisco until Carlo's widowed sister-in-law, Stella, shows up with her brat-son, Rudolph, and takes over. Poor Toma gets his feelings hurt and the idea he "isn't wanted" and runs away
Flora Gibbon
Three daughters of a small down pharmacist undergo trials and tribulations in their problematic marriages between 1904 and 1908.
Dorothy Palmer
A respected citizen with secret ties to the local mob is faced with revealing his criminal connections to save two innocent people from execution
Anna 'Big Annie' Barry
A shoplifter gets sentenced to a women's prison.
Kissing Milk Customer (uncredited)
A millionaire's son works as a milkman for a month to win a bet with his father. While delivering milk he falls in love with a young debutante whom he mistakes for a maid.
Flo Bradley
A young singer, Marge Dexter, becomes involved in trouble when she works in a nightclub in which two of the band-members are in reality undercover-police officers who believe that the club is the headquarters of a dangerous gang of crooks.
Goldie Tibbets
A true-to-life gangster movie stirs up an all out mob assault on Hollywood.
Nancy Donovan
An explosives carrier at an oil field falls in love with a colleague's daughter.
Nora Burns
An Italian immigrant singer, Nino, hoping to succeed in Hollywood, falls in with a gang of crooks who use his talent to distract everyone at a party while they steal the jewels.
The spoiled, hard-partying son of a senator runs away from home after being reprimanded by his father, finds himself down-on-his luck in a tiny western town, and is rehabilitated through the friendship and wisdom of a kind and patient rancher.
Diana Foster
On board a yacht sailing from India to Britain, the owner of the vessel is murdered by one of the passengers. (This film was produced both in full sound and silent versions, the latter for theaters that had not yet been wired for sound.)