T. Colin Campbell


Foods That Cure Disease
Over 4 hours of crucial video. Diagnosed with high cholesterol, Craig McMahon took control of his health and beat his genetic fate by consuming a whole plant-based diet inspired by Doctors Campbell, Esselstyn, Greger and McDougall. Certified by Cornell in plant nutrition, Craig asks experts hard science questions and creates delicious healthy meals in his kitchen based from years of research.
Food ReLOVution
“Food Relovution: What We Eat Can Make A Difference” is an eye-opening and compelling feature documentary that examines the consequences of the meat culture as concerns grow about health, world hunger, animal welfare and the environmental cost of livestock production. It aims to show how these global issues affect everyone and are interrelated, and how making our food choices with a sense of awareness, knowing what we are buying and what we are eating is the first fundamental step towards a better world.
Food Choices
Self - Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry (as Colin Campbell)
This documentary explores the impact that food choices have on people's health, the health of our planet and on the lives of other living species. And also discusses several misconceptions about food and diet.
PlantPure Nation
Three people try to start a pilot program to document the health benefits of a plant-based diet.
Live and let Live
Himself - Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry
Live and Let Live is a feature documentary examining our relationship with animals, the history of veganism and the ethical, environmental and health reasons that move people to go vegan.
Forks Over Knives
A nutricionista Collin Campbell e o cirurgião Caldwell Esselstyn investigam se é possível identificar uma causa comum a todas as doenças degenerativas descobertas nos últimos tempos. Pesquisas extensas e dados vindos dos quatro cantos do mundo, por vários anos mostram que as doenças coronárias, o diabetes, e o câncer podem ser evitadas e mesmo revertidas através de uma alimentação saudável.
Vegucated is a guerrilla-style documentary that follows three meat- and cheese-loving New Yorkers who agree to adopt a vegan diet for six weeks and learn what it's all about. They have no idea that so much more than steak is at stake and that the planet's fate may fall on their plates. Lured by tales of weight lost and health regained, they begin to uncover hidden sides of animal agriculture that make them wonder whether solutions offered in films like Food, Inc. go far enough. Before long, they find themselves risking everything to expose an industry they supported just weeks before. But can their convictions carry them through when times get tough? What about on family vacations fraught with skeptical step-dads, carnivorous cousins, and breakfast buffets? Part sociological experiment and part adventure comedy, Vegucated showcases the rapid and at times comedic evolution of three people who are trying their darnedest to change in a culture that seems dead set against it.
Morrendo por NÃO saber
Himself - Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry, Cornell University
Um documentarista parte em uma viagem de 52 dias para buscar evidências que apontem para a eficácia da terapia de Gerson, uma cura natural do câncer considerada proibida. Suas viagens o levam do Alasca ao México com paradas em San Diego, Nova York, Holanda e Espanha. No final, ele apresenta uma série de testemunhos de pacientes, cientistas, cirurgiões e nutricionistas que atestam a eficácia da terapia na cura do câncer e outras doenças degenerativas. Estão inclusos os testemunhos de uma professor de medicina japonês que curou de câncer de fígado há 15 anos, um paciente de linfoma que foi diagnósticado como estando em fase terminal assim que como notáveis críticos deste renomado método de cura que é tratado com seriedade. A pergunta que fica é: por que essa cura poderosa ainda é proibida se ela há mais de 75 anos provou poder curar doenças degenerativas?