Pierre Nourry


Violette Nozière
Costume Design
Paris, 1933. The daughter of a respectable lower middle class couple, Violette Nozière, leads a disreputable double life. Far from being the innocent 18-year-old her parents mistake her for, she spends her nights with dissolute young men in the less salubrious areas of the city.
Costume Design
After years of poverty, Carrier, a repairman, inherits a large sum of money upon his brother's death in an accident. Now rich, he decides it is time to make his mark and be known at any cost. Becoming more and more mentally unstable, he begins to threaten police and the government signing his tracts, "Armaguedon". A detective from Interpol heads the investigation and prepares a trap at an international conference of world leaders in Paris.
Operação França II
Wardrobe Supervisor
Jimmy "Popeye" Doyle (Gene Hackman), um detetive de Nova York, vai até Marselha, França, na tentativa de capturar Alain Charnier (Fernando Rey), um traficante de drogas que escapou entre seus dedos quando foi fazer um "negócio" em Nova York. Para complicar a missão, Doyle não fala francês e o detetive Henri Barthelemy (Bernard Fresson) não fica muito feliz com a presença de Jimmy, dizendo que Marselha não é Nova York. Doyle logo sente isto na pele quando a quadrilha de Charnier o captura, lhe deixando confinado no quarto de um decadente hotel. Lá o detetive, segundo Alain, é drogado várias vezes, com o objetivo de deixá-lo viciado. Desta forma nem seria precisa matá-lo, pois um detetive viciado seria expulso da polícia.
O Atentado
Costume Design
Sadiel, rebel leader in a North African state, takes refuge in Switzerland in the aftermath of a coup. Aware of the threat posed by Sadiel, the ruthless Colonel Kassar contacts the French security services to help in capturing the political activist. A police informer, Darien, is forced to lure Sadiel to Paris, allegedly to make a television coverage about the Third World. Arriving in Paris, Sadiel is captured and delivered to his opponents. Disgusted by the way he has been manipulated, Darien tries to turn back the clock, unknowing who’s dealing with.
Paris Está em Chamas?
Costume Design
A verdadeira história da retirada do exército alemão de Paris em 1944. Neste filme longo e cheio de estrelas, vemos as lutas das várias facções da resistência francesa para recuperar o controle de Paris, perto do fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial. O general nazista encarregado de Paris, Dietrich von Choltitz (Fröbe), têm ordens de Hitler para queimar a cidade se ele não puder controlá-lo ou se os Aliados chegarem muito perto. Grande parte do drama gira em torno das deliberações morais do General Dietrich, do embaixador sueco Raoul Nordling (Orson Welles), e dos ansiosos mas desesperadas líderes da resistência francesa.
Candide or The Optimism in the 20th Century
Costume Design
The film is a 20th-century adaptation of Voltaire's 1759 social satire novel Candide, ou l’Optimisme.
Uma Parisiense
Wardrobe Master
Une Parisienne é um filme de comédia francês de 1957 dirigido por Michel Boisrond e estrelado por Brigitte Bardot.
Count of Bragelonne
Costume Designer
Raoul De Bragelonne must uphold his musketeer father's legacy in the face of court intrigues from Cardinal Mazarin.
Count of Bragelonne
Raoul De Bragelonne must uphold his musketeer father's legacy in the face of court intrigues from Cardinal Mazarin.
El sueño de Andalucía
Costume Design
Juanillo is in love with Dolores, the daughter of the owner of an inn. He likes to sing, she likes dancing. After the village festivals, where Juanillo has acted as a bullfighter and Dolores has performed, he has been hired as bullfighter for a tour in America. They exchange vows, but their letters will be intercepted.