John Buchanan


John Buchanan is a producer of film and television projects.


The Way of the Psychonaut
Executive Producer
The Way of the Psychonaut explores the life and work of Stanislav Grof, Czech-born psychiatrist and psychedelic psychotherapy pioneer. Stan’s quest for knowledge and insights into the healing power of non-ordinary states of consciousness, influenced the discipline of psychology and profoundly changed many individual lives. One of those transformed by Stan is filmmaker Susan Hess Logeais. The documentary utilizes Susan’s personal existential crisis as a gateway to Grof’s impact, from the micro to the macro.
O Rabo Do Tigre
After a chance encounter, a Dubliner is stalked by a murderous facsimile of himself.
O Senhor dos Ladrões
Os irmãos órfãos Próspero (Bob Goody) e Bo (Jim Carter) escapam de sua tia maldosa e fogem para Veneza, na Itália, a maravilhosa cidade que a mãe deles sempre falava. Vivendo na rua, eles se unem à um grupo de crianças ladras e ao seu jovem líder carismático, Scipio (Carole Boyd). No esconderijo da gangue, um antigo cinema, os irmãos embarcam em uma série de aventuras pela cidade que esconde segredos e tesouros mágicos.
Treasure Island
Executive Producer
Young Jim Hawkins and peg-legged Long John Silver set sail for adventure in Robert Louis Stevenson's classic tale of dastardly pirates, swashbuckling heroes, buried treasure and a young boy's amazing courage. The narrative diverges from that of the novel in that Captain Smollett convinces Squire Trelawney and Doctor Livesey to cut Jim out of his rightful share of the treasure and so Jim then teams up with Silver.
Out of Control
Executive Producer
A woman decides to steal her mobster boyfriend's car and a whole lot of his money, then tries to hide out in a small town. With a cop and a hit man on her tail, she makes friendly with a reformed criminal who will do whatever it takes to protect her.
A Competição
David fica órfão e precisa passar o verão com seu desconhecido avô, um velho fazendeiro. Eles só têm uma coisa em comum: amam cachorros. O jovem logo começa uma amizade com uma garota local, mas seu avô se opõe.
Meu Amigo, o Unicórnio
Um garoto deficiente de 12 anos cujo pai faleceu recentemente vê sua vida mudar para sempre quando o pônei que ele salva dá à luz um unicórnio.
Executive Producer
A man with an unknown disease travels to an island with his girlfriend where his relatives once lived, hoping to find a cure to his illness. Although his relatives were all thought to be dead, he finds them living underground.
The Call of the Wild: Dog of the Yukon
Executive Producer
Jack London's classic story from 1903 about Buck, a dog kidnapped from his home in California and taken to the Yukon where he is mistreated until a prospector discovers him and relates to his situation. Although the two are bonded, Buck yearns to run free with the wild dogs in the wilderness.