Gabe ,terminou seu relacionamento com um homem casado e encontra consolo na companhia da ex-mulher e da filha. Em outro ponto da cidade, Ernesto passa mais tempo no hospital do que em casa, acompanhando um antigo amor gravemente doente.
O filme captura de forma sutil e otimista,o isolamento emocional,que os dois homens se acostumaram.
Little Love is a ten minute short that explores the complications of friendship and relationships. Set in contemporary Los Angeles.
Taking place in the early sixties, after Fidel Castro has already taken over, a young poet, Emmanuel, is arguing with his wife, Marianella. He is for the Revolution while she opposes it. All Emmanuel wants is a change from the corrupt Batista, Cuba's former leader. Marianella has already seen signs of Fidel's communistic ways.
From Newfilmmakers.