Aase Jacobsen


Berlingske Tidende 1749-1949
Det bødes der for
En pige med pep
På et pensionat i den indre by bor Flora - en frisk Københavnerpige med en brændende drøm: Hun vil være journalist. Akkompagneret af høj grammofonmusik klaprer skrivemaskinen til langt ud på natten. Men det er ikke nemt at sælge historier til den travle presse, og Flora har kun Ún sidste idÚ, der kan sikre huslejen: Et interview med skibsreder Olivarius, der har købt en kostbar kinesisk statuette. Men intet bliver, som Flora forventer, og snart er hun på jagt efter en dramatisk røverihistorie og - ikke mindst - forelsket i den formodede tyv!
Samhold må til
Describes the origin and development of the trade union movement.
The King of Pelicania
En hof-assistent
Princess Lola has been exiled from her native Pelicania after one of her relatives usurped the throne. She is now the celebrated prima donna of the Revue Theatre, arousing rapturous applause from audiences night after night. However, the princess has her most devoted admirers behind the scenes. The young theatre doctor Ove Helmer loves her, and our two old friends, Pat and Patachon – one now a prompter at the theatre, the other a make-up artist – regard her with the warmest affection. When the princess finally gets the opportunity to return to her native Pelicania, Pat and Patachon are eager to come along to help her assert her position. As things progress, Patachon's striking resemblance to the country’s king has unexpected consequences. (stumfilm.dk)