Michael Stadvec


The Chosen One: Legend of the Raven
When a serial killer mysteriously and savagely murders a young native woman in rural Los Angeles County, her sister McKenna must replace her as the keeper of an amulet, the sacred crescent. Reluctantly, McKenna accepts the role of chosen one. With the amulet and after the rigors of the ritual, she takes on the spirit and powers of the raven, the good forces in the battle against evil, the wolf. McKenna's powers include a thirst for milk and great sexual energy, which she unleashes on her former boyfriend, Henry, a cop. The spirit of the wolf inhabits Rose, Henry's jilted lover. Rose wreaks havoc of her own before a final showdown with the chosen one.
A Passagem
Cop 1
College good guy Joe is drawn into a battle to save the world from arch-enemy Ferris. Joe's heirloom pendant just happens to be the key to the staff that opens doors to the Crossworlds. When Laura shows up to check on the key and Ferris' goons begin their assaults, they run to semi-retired adventurer A.T. for help and guidance.
Às Vezes Eles Voltam 2
Phil Thorn
Jon Porter retorna para sua cidade natal com sua filha Michele com a intenção de comparecer ao funeral de sua mãe. Mas há ainda na região um grupo de delinqüentes que, quando Jon era uma criança, matou a irmã dele num ritual satânico. Na época, Jon acidentalmente acabou matando-os. Assim que Jon chega, os jovens voltam à vida e desejam realizar outro ritual, mas desta vez com a filha do rapaz. Baseado num conto de Stephen King.
O Dentista
Depois de descobrir que sua esposa o trai, um dentista perde progressivamente o equilíbrio, passando a torturar seus pacientes e funcionários de sua clínica, com sua excessiva preocupação com limpeza.
Public Enemies
Man in Honky Tonk
Ma Barker and her sons rob banks, shoot people and wind up at the top of the FBI's Most Wanted list in the 1930s.